Consumer-Driven Contracts: Stubs Per Consumer
There are cases in which two consumers of the same endpoint want to have two different responses.
此方法还使你可以立即知道哪个使用者使用了api的哪一部分。你可以删除api产生的部分响应,并查看你的自动生成测试中的哪一个失败。如果没有任何失败,则可以安全删除该部分响应,因为没有人使用它。 |
This approach also lets you immediately know which consumer uses which part of your API. You can remove part of a response that your API produces and see which of your autogenerated tests fails. If none fails, you can safely delete that part of the response, because nobody uses it. |
请考虑以下针对名为 producer
和 bar-consumer
Consider the following example of a contract defined for the producer called producer
which has two consumers (foo-consumer
and bar-consumer
request {
url '/foo'
method GET()
response {
status OK()
foo: "foo"
request {
url '/bar'
method GET()
response {
status OK()
bar: "bar"
您无法为同一个请求生成两个不同的响应。这就是您可以正确打包契约然后从 stubsPerConsumer
You cannot produce two different responses for the same request. That is why you can properly package the
contracts and then profit from the stubsPerConsumer
在生产者端,消费者可以有一个仅包含与它们相关的契约的文件夹。通过将 stubrunner.stubs-per-consumer
标志设置为 true
On the producer side, the consumers can have a folder that contains contracts related only to them.
By setting the stubrunner.stubs-per-consumer
flag to true
, we no longer register all stubs but only those that
correspond to the consumer application’s name. In other words, we scan the path of every stub and,
if it contains a subfolder with name of the consumer in the path, only then is it registered.
在 foo
On the foo
producer side the contracts would look like this
└── contracts
├── bar-consumer
│ ├── bookReturnedForBar.groovy
│ └── shouldCallBar.groovy
└── foo-consumer
├── bookReturnedForFoo.groovy
└── shouldCallFoo.groovy
或 stubrunner.consumer-name
设置为 bar-consumer
The bar-consumer
consumer can either set the
or the stubrunner.consumer-name
to bar-consumer
Alternatively, you can set the test as follows:
Unresolved directive in stub-runner-stubs-per-consumer.adoc - include::{stubrunner_core_path}/src/test/groovy/org/springframework/cloud/contract/stubrunner/spring/cloud/StubRunnerStubsPerConsumerSpec.groovy[]
然后,仅允许引用在名称中包含 bar-consumer
的路径下注册的存根(即来自 src/test/resources/contracts/bar-consumer/some/contracts/…
Then only the stubs registered under a path that contains bar-consumer
in its name (that is, those from the
folder) are allowed to be referenced.
You can also set the consumer name explicitly, as follows:
Unresolved directive in stub-runner-stubs-per-consumer.adoc - include::{stubrunner_core_path}/src/test/groovy/org/springframework/cloud/contract/stubrunner/spring/cloud/StubRunnerStubsPerConsumerWithConsumerNameSpec.groovy[]
然后,仅允许引用名称中包含 foo-consumer
的路径下注册的 stub(即那些位于 src/test/resources/contracts/foo-consumer/some/contracts/…
文件夹中的 stub)。
Then only the stubs registered under a path that contains the foo-consumer
in its name (that is, those from the
folder) are allowed to be referenced.
欲了解此更改背后的原因的更多信息,请参阅 issue 224。
For more information about the reasons behind this change, see issue 224.