Provider Contract Testing with Stubs in Git

在此流程中,我们执行提供者契约测试(提供者不知道消费者如何使用其 API)。存根上传到一个单独的存储库(不会上传到 Artifactory 或 Nexus)。


在 git 中使用存根测试提供程序合同之前,您必须提供包含每个生产者的所有存根的 git 存储库。有关此类项目的示例,请参阅 {samples_code}/contract_git[此示例 ]或 {samples_code}/contract_git[此示例]。将存根推送到此处会使存储库具有以下结构:

$ tree .
       └── folder-with-artifact-id
           └── folder-with-version
               ├── contractA.groovy
               ├── contractB.yml
               └── contractC.groovy

您还必须提供设置了 Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner 的消费者代码。有关此类项目的示例,请参阅 {samples_code}/consumer[此示例]并搜索 `BeerControllerGitTest`测试。您还必须提供具有 Spring Cloud Contract 设置(以及插件)的生产者代码。有关此类项目的示例,请参阅 {samples_code}/producer_with_empty_git[此示例]。

The Flow

流程看起来完全像 Developing Your First Spring Cloud Contract based application中显示的那样,但 `Stub Storage`实现是 git 存储库。

您可以在文档的 How To page中阅读更多有关设置 git 存储库以及设置消费者端和生产者端的信息。

Consumer setup

要从 Git 存储库而不是 Nexus 或 Artifactory 中获取存根,你需要在 Stub Runner 中的 repositoryRoot 属性的 URL 中使用 git 协议。以下示例显示了如何进行设置:

stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE,
		repositoryRoot = "git://",
		ids = "com.example:artifact-id:0.0.1")
JUnit 4 Rule
	public StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule()
			.downloadStub("com.example","artifact-id", "0.0.1")
JUnit 5 Extension
	public StubRunnerExtension stubRunnerExtension = new StubRunnerExtension()
			.downloadStub("com.example","artifact-id", "0.0.1")


Setting up the Producer

要将存根推送到 Git 存储库,而不是 Nexus 或 Artifactory,则需要在插件设置的 URL 中使用 git 协议。此外,你还需要明确告知插件在构建过程的末尾推送存根。以下示例显示如何在 Maven 和 Gradle 中执行此操作:

        <!-- Base class mappings etc. -->

        <!-- We want to pick contracts from a Git repository -->

        <!-- We reuse the contract dependency section to set up the path
        to the folder that contains the contract definitions. In our case the
        path will be /groupId/artifactId/version/contracts -->

        <!-- The contracts mode can't be classpath -->
                <!-- By default we will not push the stubs back to SCM,
                you have to explicitly add it as a goal -->
contracts {
	// We want to pick contracts from a Git repository
	contractDependency {
		stringNotation = "${}:${}:${project.version}"
	We reuse the contract dependency section to set up the path
	to the folder that contains the contract definitions. In our case the
	path will be /groupId/artifactId/version/contracts
	contractRepository {
		repositoryUrl = "git://git://"
	// The mode can't be classpath
	contractsMode = "REMOTE"
	// Base class mappings etc.

In this scenario we want to publish stubs to SCM whenever
the `publish` task is run


您可以在文档的 How To section中阅读更多有关设置 git 存储库的信息。