Spring Cloud Kubernetes允许您轻松地将Spring Boot应用程序部署到Kubernetes环境中。它提供了一个抽象层,简化了容器映像的创建、部署、配置和监控。该项目包括用于自动服务发现、负载均衡、配置管理和弹性伸缩的组件。通过利用Kubernetes的编排功能,Spring Cloud Kubernetes使您能够在云原生环境中快速、高效地部署和管理微服务应用程序。

Spring Cloud Kubernetes

本参考指南介绍如何使用 Spring Cloud Kubernetes。

This reference guide covers how to use Spring Cloud Kubernetes.

Why do you need Spring Cloud Kubernetes?

Spring Cloud Kubernetes 提供了众所周知的 Spring Cloud 接口的实现,允许开发人员在 Kubernetes 上构建和运行 Spring Cloud 应用。尽管在构建云原生应用时此项目可能对您有用,但是它也不是在 Kubernetes 上部署 Spring Boot 应用的要求。如果您只是开始在 Kubernetes 上运行 Spring Boot 应用的旅程,那么您使用一个基本的 Spring Boot 应用和 Kubernetes 本身就能实现很多功能。要了解更多信息,您可以阅读 Spring Boot reference documentation for deploying to Kubernetes 开始着手,也可以学习研讨会资料 Spring and Kubernetes

Spring Cloud Kubernetes provides implementations of well known Spring Cloud interfaces allowing developers to build and run Spring Cloud applications on Kubernetes. While this project may be useful to you when building a cloud native application, it is also not a requirement in order to deploy a Spring Boot app on Kubernetes. If you are just getting started in your journey to running your Spring Boot app on Kubernetes you can accomplish a lot with nothing more than a basic Spring Boot app and Kubernetes itself. To learn more, you can get started by reading the Spring Boot reference documentation for deploying to Kubernetes and also working through the workshop material Spring and Kubernetes.

Configuration properties

要查看所有与 Kubernetes 相关的配置属性列表,请检查 the Appendix page

To see the list of all Kubernetes related configuration properties please check the Appendix page.


点击 here 以获取基本构建说明。

Click here for basic building instructions.


点击 here 以获取有关如何对该项目做出贡献的说明。

Click here for instructions on contributing to this project.

AOT and native image support

目前,Spring Cloud Kubernetes 还不支持 Spring Boot AOT 转换或原生映像。后续版本可能会添加部分支持。

At this point, Spring Cloud Kubernetes does not support Spring Boot AOT transformations or native images. Partial support might be added in future releases.