Binding and Binding names

绑定是一种抽象,它表示粘合剂和用户代码公开的源与目标之间的桥梁。这种抽象具有名称,虽然我们尽力限制运行 Spring Cloud Stream 应用程序所需的配置,但在需要进行额外按绑定配置的情况下,了解此类名称是必要的。

Binding is an abstraction that represents a bridge between sources and targets exposed by the binder and user code, This abstraction has a name and while we try to do our best to limit configuration required to run spring-cloud-stream applications, being aware of such name(s) is necessary for cases where additional per-binding configuration is required.

在整个手册中,你将看到配置属性的示例,例如。此属性名称中的 input 片段就是我们所说的“绑定名称”,它可以通过多种机制派生出来。以下小节将描述 Spring Cloud Stream 用于控制绑定名称的命名约定和配置元素。

Throughout this manual you will see examples of configuration properties such as The input segment in this property name is what we refer to as binding name and it could derive via several mechanisms. The following sub-sections will describe the naming conventions and configuration elements used by spring-cloud-stream to control binding names.

如果绑定名称包含特殊字符(如 . 字符),则需要用方括号 ([]) 将绑定键括起来,然后用引号将其包装起来。例如"[my.output.binding.key]".destination

If your binding name has special characters, such as the . character, you need to surround the binding key with brackets ([]) and then wrap it in qoutes. For example"[my.output.binding.key]".destination.