Introducing Spring Data

Spring Data 使用 Spring 框架的 {spring-framework-docs}/core.html[core] 功能,例如 {spring-framework-docs}/core.html#beans[IoC] 容器、{spring-framework-docs}/core.html#core-convert[类型转换系统]、{spring-framework-docs}/core.html#expressions[表达式语言]、{spring-framework-docs}/integration.html#jmx[JMX 集成] 和可移植的 {spring-framework-docs}/data-access.html#dao-exceptions[DAO 异常层次结构]。虽然不必了解所有 Spring API,但了解它们背后的概念是很有必要的。至少,应该熟悉 IoC 背后的想法。

Spring Data uses Spring Framework’s {spring-framework-docs}/core.html[core] functionality, such as the {spring-framework-docs}/core.html#beans[IoC] container, {spring-framework-docs}/core.html#core-convert[type conversion system], {spring-framework-docs}/core.html#expressions[expression language], {spring-framework-docs}/integration.html#jmx[JMX integration], and portable {spring-framework-docs}/data-access.html#dao-exceptions[DAO exception hierarchy]. While it is not necessary to know all the Spring APIs, understanding the concepts behind them is. At a minimum, the idea behind IoC should be familiar.

要了解有关 Spring 的更多信息,你可以参阅详细解释 Spring 框架的综合文档。关于这个主题有很多文章、博客条目和书籍——请参阅 Spring 框架 home page 了解更多信息。

To learn more about Spring, you can refer to the comprehensive documentation that explains in detail the Spring Framework. There are a lot of articles, blog entries and books on the matter - take a look at the Spring Framework home page for more information.

Spring Data 的优点在于,它将相同的编程模型应用于各种不同的存储,例如 JPA、JDBCMongo 等。因此,本文档中包含了 Spring Data 通用文档的某些部分,特别是有关 working with Spring Data repositories 的通用章节。如果你过去没有使用过 Spring Data 模块,请务必先看看它。

The beauty of Spring Data is that it applies the same programming model to a variety of different stores, such as JPA, JDBC Mongo and others. For that reason, parts of the general Spring Data documentations are included in this document, especially the general chapter about working with Spring Data repositories. Make sure to have a look at that if you haven’t worked with a Spring Data module in the past.