Object Mapping
Spring Data 的对象映射基础知识,包括不可变域对象的重要性及其在 Java 或 Kotlin 中的建模方式。
以下部分将说明在图形和域之间进行映射的过程。该过程分为三个部分。第一部分说明实际映射以及可用于描述如何将节点、关系和属性映射到对象的可用工具。第二部分展示了为实体使用特定标识符样式的选项和影响。第三部分将介绍 Spring Data 的对象映射基础知识。它提供了有关常规映射的有价值的提示,说明您为什么应该优先考虑不可变的域对象以及如何使用 Java 或 Kotlin 对其进行建模。
The following sections will explain the process of mapping between your graph and your domain. It is split into three parts. The first part explains the actual mapping and the available tools for you to describe how to map nodes, relationships and properties to objects. The second part shows the options and implications of using a specific identifier style for your entities. The third part will have a look at Spring Data’s object mapping fundamentals. It gives valuable tips on general mapping, why you should prefer immutable domain objects and how you can model them with Java or Kotlin.