Spring Data REST example projects

此附录包含 Spring Data REST 示例应用程序的列表。无法保证每个示例的精确版本与本参考手册的版本匹配。

This appendix contains a list of Spring Data REST sample applications. The exact version of each example is not guaranteed to match the version of this reference manual.

要获取所有这些,请访问 [role="

To get them all, visit [role="bare"]https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-examples and either clone or download a zipball. Doing so gives you example applications for all supported Spring Data projects. To see them, navigate to spring-data-examples/rest.

Multi-store Example

This example 展示了如何组合多个底层 Spring Data 项目。

This example shows how to mix together several underlying Spring Data projects.


This example 包含您可以用来探索 projections 的更详细的代码。

This example contains more detailed code you can use to explore projections.

Spring Data REST with Spring Security

This example 展示了如何使用 Spring Security 以多种方式保护 Spring Data REST 应用程序。

This example shows how to secure a Spring Data REST application in multiple ways with Spring Security.

Starbucks example

This example 通过 RESTful API 公开了 10,843 家星巴克咖啡店,该 API 允许以基于超媒体的方式访问商店,并公开一个资源来运行咖啡店的地理位置搜索。

This example exposes 10,843 Starbucks coffee shops through a RESTful API that allows access to the stores in a hypermedia-based way and exposes a resource to run a geo-location search for coffee shops.