Declaring a Pointcut
切入点确定感兴趣的连接点,从而让我们能够控制何时运行建议。Spring AOP仅为Spring Bean支持方法执行连接点,因此您可以将切入点视为与Spring Bean上的方法执行相匹配。切入点声明有两部分:包含名称和任何参数的签名,以及切入点表达式,该表达式准确确定我们感兴趣的哪个方法执行。在@AspectJ注释风格的AOP中,切入点签名由常规方法定义提供,而切入点表达式通过使用`@Pointcut`注释表示(用作切入点签名的该方法必须具有`void`返回类型)。
Pointcuts determine join points of interest and thus enable us to control
when advice runs. Spring AOP only supports method execution join points for Spring
beans, so you can think of a pointcut as matching the execution of methods on Spring
beans. A pointcut declaration has two parts: a signature comprising a name and any
parameters and a pointcut expression that determines exactly which method
executions we are interested in. In the @AspectJ annotation-style of AOP, a pointcut
signature is provided by a regular method definition, and the pointcut expression is
indicated by using the @Pointcut
annotation (the method serving as the pointcut signature
must have a void
return type).
An example may help make this distinction between a pointcut signature and a pointcut
expression clear. The following example defines a pointcut named anyOldTransfer
matches the execution of any method named transfer
@Pointcut("execution(* transfer(..))") // the pointcut expression
private void anyOldTransfer() {} // the pointcut signature
@Pointcut("execution(* transfer(..))") // the pointcut expression
private fun anyOldTransfer() {} // the pointcut signature
形成 @Pointcut
注解值的切入点表达式是一个常规的 AspectJ 切入点表达式。有关 AspectJ 切入点语言的完整讨论,请参见[AspectJ 编程指南](并且,有关扩展信息,请参见[AspectJ 5 开发人员手册])或有关 AspectJ 的书籍之一(例如 Eclipse AspectJ,Colyer 等著,或 AspectJ in Action,Ramnivas Laddad 著)。
The pointcut expression that forms the value of the @Pointcut
annotation is a regular
AspectJ pointcut expression. For a full discussion of AspectJ’s pointcut language, see
the AspectJ
Programming Guide (and, for extensions, the
AspectJ 5
Developer’s Notebook) or one of the books on AspectJ (such as Eclipse AspectJ, by Colyer
et al., or AspectJ in Action, by Ramnivas Laddad).
Supported Pointcut Designators
Spring AOP支持在切入点表达式中使用的以下AspectJ切入点指示符(PCD):
Spring AOP supports the following AspectJ pointcut designators (PCD) for use in pointcut expressions:
: For matching method execution join points. This is the primary pointcut designator to use when working with Spring AOP. -
: Limits matching to join points within certain types (the execution of a method declared within a matching type when using Spring AOP). -
: Limits matching to join points (the execution of methods when using Spring AOP) where the bean reference (Spring AOP proxy) is an instance of the given type. -
: Limits matching to join points (the execution of methods when using Spring AOP) where the target object (application object being proxied) is an instance of the given type. -
: Limits matching to join points (the execution of methods when using Spring AOP) where the arguments are instances of the given types. -
: Limits matching to join points (the execution of methods when using Spring AOP) where the class of the executing object has an annotation of the given type. -
: Limits matching to join points (the execution of methods when using Spring AOP) where the runtime type of the actual arguments passed have annotations of the given types. -
: Limits matching to join points within types that have the given annotation (the execution of methods declared in types with the given annotation when using Spring AOP). -
: Limits matching to join points where the subject of the join point (the method being run in Spring AOP) has the given annotation.
@withincode`。在Spring AOP解释的切入点表达式中使用这些切入点指示符将导致抛出`IllegalArgumentException`。
The full AspectJ pointcut language supports additional pointcut designators that are not
supported in Spring: call
, get
, set
, preinitialization
, initialization
, handler
, adviceexecution
, withincode
, cflow
, if
, @this
, and @withincode
. Use of these pointcut designators in pointcut
expressions interpreted by Spring AOP results in an IllegalArgumentException
Spring AOP支持的切入点指示符集可能会在未来版本中扩展,以支持更多的AspectJ切入点指示符。
The set of pointcut designators supported by Spring AOP may be extended in future releases to support more of the AspectJ pointcut designators.
由于Spring AOP只将匹配限制为方法执行连接点,因此前面对切入点指示符的讨论给出了比您在AspectJ编程指南中找到的更窄的定义。此外,AspectJ本身具有基于类型的语义,并且在执行连接点处,this`和`target`都指向同一个对象:执行该方法的对象。Spring AOP是一个基于代理的系统,并且区分代理对象本身(绑定到`this
Because Spring AOP limits matching to only method execution join points, the preceding discussion
of the pointcut designators gives a narrower definition than you can find in the
AspectJ programming guide. In addition, AspectJ itself has type-based semantics and, at
an execution join point, both this
and target
refer to the same object: the
object executing the method. Spring AOP is a proxy-based system and differentiates
between the proxy object itself (which is bound to this
) and the target object behind the
proxy (which is bound to target
由于Spring AOP框架基于代理,因此,目标对象内的调用在定义上不会被拦截。对于JDK代理,只能拦截代理上的公共接口方法调用。使用CGLIB,代理上的公共和受保护的方法调用会被拦截(如果有必要,甚至是包可见的方法)。但是,常见的代理交互应始终通过公共签名设计。 Due to the proxy-based nature of Spring’s AOP framework, calls within the target object are, by definition, not intercepted. For JDK proxies, only public interface method calls on the proxy can be intercepted. With CGLIB, public and protected method calls on the proxy are intercepted (and even package-visible methods, if necessary). However, common interactions through proxies should always be designed through public signatures. 请注意,切入点定义通常与任何被拦截的方法匹配。如果切入点严格上仅为公共的,即使在与CGLIB代理中通过代理进行潜在的非公开交互的情况下,也需要对其进行相应定义。 Note that pointcut definitions are generally matched against any intercepted method. If a pointcut is strictly meant to be public-only, even in a CGLIB proxy scenario with potential non-public interactions through proxies, it needs to be defined accordingly. 如果您的拦截需要包括目标类中的方法调用,甚至其构造函数,请考虑使用 Spring 驱动的 native AspectJ weaving,而不是基于 Spring 代理的 AOP 框架。这构成了一种具有不同特征的不同 AOP 使用模式,因此务必在做出决定之前让自己熟悉编织。 If your interception needs include method calls or even constructors within the target class, consider the use of Spring-driven native AspectJ weaving instead of Spring’s proxy-based AOP framework. This constitutes a different mode of AOP usage with different characteristics, so be sure to make yourself familiar with weaving before making a decision. |
Spring AOP还支持一个名为`bean`的附加PCD。此PCD允许您将连接点的匹配限制为特定的命名Spring Bean或一组命名的Spring Bean(使用通配符时)。bean
Spring AOP also supports an additional PCD named bean
. This PCD lets you limit
the matching of join points to a particular named Spring bean or to a set of named
Spring beans (when using wildcards). The bean
PCD has the following form:
标记可以是任何 Spring bean 的名称。提供了使用 *
字符的有限通配符支持,因此,如果你为你的 Spring bean 建立一些命名约定,你可以编写一个 bean
PCD 表达式来选择它们。与其他切入点设计符一样,bean
PCD 也可以与 &&
(或)和 !
The idOrNameOfBean
token can be the name of any Spring bean. Limited wildcard
support that uses the *
character is provided, so, if you establish some naming
conventions for your Spring beans, you can write a bean
PCD expression
to select them. As is the case with other pointcut designators, the bean
PCD can
be used with the &&
(and), ||
(or), and !
(negation) operators, too.
The |
Combining Pointcut Expressions
你可以使用 &&,
和 !
You can combine pointcut expressions by using &&,
and !
. You can also refer to
pointcut expressions by name. The following example shows three pointcut expressions:
- Java
public class Pointcuts { @Pointcut("execution(public * *(..))") public void publicMethod() {} (1) @Pointcut("within(*)") public void inTrading() {} (2) @Pointcut("publicMethod() && inTrading()") public void tradingOperation() {} (3) }
1 | publicMethod matches if a method execution join point represents the execution
of any public method. |
2 | inTrading matches if a method execution is in the trading module. |
3 | tradingOperation matches if a method execution represents any public method in the
trading module.
4 | publicMethod matches if a method execution join point represents the execution
of any public method. |
5 | inTrading matches if a method execution is in the trading module. |
6 | tradingOperation matches if a method execution represents any public method in the
trading module. |
最好像上面所示那样,用较小的 命名切入点 构建更复杂的切入点表达式。在按名称引用切入点时,会应用正常的 Java 可见性规则(你可以看到同类型中的 private
切入点、层次结构中的 protected
切入点、任何地方的 public
It is a best practice to build more complex pointcut expressions out of smaller named
pointcuts, as shown above. When referring to pointcuts by name, normal Java visibility
rules apply (you can see private
pointcuts in the same type, protected
pointcuts in
the hierarchy, public
pointcuts anywhere, and so on). Visibility does not affect
pointcut matching.
Sharing Named Pointcut Definitions
在使用企业应用程序时,开发人员经常需要从多个方面引用应用程序的模块和特定操作集。我们建议为此目的定义一个专用的类,以捕获常用的 命名字入点 表达式。此类通常类似于以下 CommonPointcuts
When working with enterprise applications, developers often have the need to refer to
modules of the application and particular sets of operations from within several aspects.
We recommend defining a dedicated class that captures commonly used named pointcut
expressions for this purpose. Such a class typically resembles the following
example (though what you name the class is up to you):
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
public class CommonPointcuts {
* A join point is in the web layer if the method is defined
* in a type in the package or any sub-package
* under that.
public void inWebLayer() {}
* A join point is in the service layer if the method is defined
* in a type in the package or any sub-package
* under that.
public void inServiceLayer() {}
* A join point is in the data access layer if the method is defined
* in a type in the package or any sub-package
* under that.
public void inDataAccessLayer() {}
* A business service is the execution of any method defined on a service
* interface. This definition assumes that interfaces are placed in the
* "service" package, and that implementation types are in sub-packages.
* If you group service interfaces by functional area (for example,
* in packages and then
* the pointcut expression "execution(**.*(..))"
* could be used instead.
* Alternatively, you can write the expression using the 'bean'
* PCD, like so "bean(*Service)". (This assumes that you have
* named your Spring service beans in a consistent fashion.)
public void businessService() {}
* A data access operation is the execution of any method defined on a
* DAO interface. This definition assumes that interfaces are placed in the
* "dao" package, and that implementation types are in sub-packages.
public void dataAccessOperation() {}
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut
class CommonPointcuts {
* A join point is in the web layer if the method is defined
* in a type in the package or any sub-package
* under that.
fun inWebLayer() {}
* A join point is in the service layer if the method is defined
* in a type in the package or any sub-package
* under that.
fun inServiceLayer() {}
* A join point is in the data access layer if the method is defined
* in a type in the package or any sub-package
* under that.
fun inDataAccessLayer() {}
* A business service is the execution of any method defined on a service
* interface. This definition assumes that interfaces are placed in the
* "service" package, and that implementation types are in sub-packages.
* If you group service interfaces by functional area (for example,
* in packages and then
* the pointcut expression "execution(**.*(..))"
* could be used instead.
* Alternatively, you can write the expression using the 'bean'
* PCD, like so "bean(*Service)". (This assumes that you have
* named your Spring service beans in a consistent fashion.)
fun businessService() {}
* A data access operation is the execution of any method defined on a
* DAO interface. This definition assumes that interfaces are placed in the
* "dao" package, and that implementation types are in sub-packages.
fun dataAccessOperation() {}
你可以在任何需要切入点表达式的任何地方引用此类中定义的切入点,方法是引用类与 @Pointcut
方法的名称结合的全限定名称。例如,为了使服务层具有事务性,你可以编写以下代码引用`` 命名字入点:
You can refer to the pointcuts defined in such a class anywhere you need a pointcut
expression by referencing the fully-qualified name of the class combined with the
method’s name. For example, to make the service layer transactional, you
could write the following which references the
named pointcut:
<tx:advice id="tx-advice">
<tx:method name="*" propagation="REQUIRED"/>
和 <aop:advisor>
元素在 Schema-based AOP Support 中进行讨论。事务元素在 Transaction Management 中进行讨论。
The <aop:config>
and <aop:advisor>
elements are discussed in Schema-based AOP Support. The
transaction elements are discussed in Transaction Management.
Spring AOP 用户最有可能最常使用 execution
Spring AOP users are likely to use the execution
pointcut designator the most often.
The format of an execution expression follows:
execution(modifiers-pattern? ret-type-pattern declaring-type-pattern?name-pattern(param-pattern) throws-pattern?)
除了返回类型模式(前面代码段中的 ret-type-pattern
)、名称模式和参数模式之外,所有部分都是可选的。返回类型模式确定连接点必须具有的方法返回类型才能匹配。 is most frequently used as the returning type pattern. It matches any return
type. A fully-qualified type name matches only when the method returns the given
type. The name pattern matches the method name. You can use the
匹配不包含任何参数的方法,而 (..)
pattern matches a method that takes one parameter of any type.
匹配接受两个参数的方法。第一个参数可以是任何类型,而第二个参数必须是 String
。有关详细信息,请参阅 AspectJ 编程指南的[语言语义]部分。
All parts except the returning type pattern (ret-type-pattern
in the preceding snippet),
the name pattern, and the parameters pattern are optional. The returning type pattern determines
what the return type of the method must be in order for a join point to be matched.
is most frequently used as the returning type pattern. It matches any return
type. A fully-qualified type name matches only when the method returns the given
type. The name pattern matches the method name. You can use the
wildcard as all or
part of a name pattern. If you specify a declaring type pattern,
include a trailing
to join it to the name pattern component.
The parameters pattern is slightly more complex: ()
matches a
method that takes no parameters, whereas (..)
matches any number (zero or more) of parameters.
The ()
pattern matches a method that takes one parameter of any type.
matches a method that takes two parameters. The first can be of any type, while the
second must be a String
. Consult the
Semantics section of the AspectJ Programming Guide for more information.
The following examples show some common pointcut expressions:
The execution of any public method:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] execution(public * *(..))
The execution of any method with a name that begins with
:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] execution(* set*(..)) -
The execution of any method defined by the
interface:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] execution(**(..)) -
The execution of any method defined in the
package:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] execution(* -
The execution of any method defined in the service package or one of its sub-packages:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] execution(*
Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) within the service package:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] within(*)
Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) within the service package or one of its sub-packages:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] within(*)
Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) where the proxy implements the
interface:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] this(
Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) where the target object implements the
interface:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] target(
Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) that takes a single parameter and where the argument passed at runtime is
:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] args(
请注意,本示例中给出的切入点与 execution(**(
不同。如果在运行时传递的参数是 Serializable
,则 args 版本匹配,如果方法签名声明了一个类型为 Serializable
的单个参数,则 execution 版本匹配。
Note that the pointcut given in this example is different from execution(*
. The args version matches if the argument passed at runtime is
, and the execution version matches if the method signature declares a single
parameter of type Serializable
* Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) where the target object has a
您还可以在绑定形式中使用 |
You can also use |
Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) where the declared type of the target object has an
annotation:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] @within(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)
您还可以在绑定形式中使用 |
You can also use |
Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) where the executing method has an
annotation:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] @annotation(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)
您还可以在绑定形式中使用 |
You can also use |
Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) which takes a single parameter, and where the runtime type of the argument passed has the
annotation:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] @args(
您还可以在绑定形式中使用 |
You can also use |
Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) on a Spring bean named
:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] bean(tradeService) -
Any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) on Spring beans having names that match the wildcard expression
:[indent="0",subs="verbatim"] bean(*Service)
Writing Good Pointcuts
在编译期间,AspectJ 处理切入点以优化匹配性能。检查代码并确定每个连接点是否(静态地或动态地)匹配给定切入点是一个昂贵的过程。(动态匹配意味着无法从静态分析中完全确定匹配,并且在代码运行时将测试放入代码中以确定是否有实际匹配)。首次遇到切入点声明时,AspectJ 会将其重写为匹配过程的最佳形式。这意味着什么?基本上,切入点被重写为 DNF(析取范式),并且切入点的组件被排序,以便首先检查成本较低的组件。这意味着你不必担心了解各种切入点设计符的性能,并且可以在切入点声明中以任何顺序提供它们。
During compilation, AspectJ processes pointcuts in order to optimize matching performance. Examining code and determining if each join point matches (statically or dynamically) a given pointcut is a costly process. (A dynamic match means the match cannot be fully determined from static analysis and that a test is placed in the code to determine if there is an actual match when the code is running). On first encountering a pointcut declaration, AspectJ rewrites it into an optimal form for the matching process. What does this mean? Basically, pointcuts are rewritten in DNF (Disjunctive Normal Form) and the components of the pointcut are sorted such that those components that are cheaper to evaluate are checked first. This means you do not have to worry about understanding the performance of various pointcut designators and may supply them in any order in a pointcut declaration.
但是,AspectJ 只能够处理它被告知的内容。为了获得最佳匹配性能,你应该考虑要实现的目标,并在定义中尽可能缩小匹配的搜索空间。现有的设计符自然分为三种类型之一:种类、范围和上下文:
However, AspectJ can work only with what it is told. For optimal performance of matching, you should think about what you are trying to achieve and narrow the search space for matches as much as possible in the definition. The existing designators naturally fall into one of three groups: kinded, scoping, and contextual:
Kinded designators select a particular kind of join point:
, andhandler
. -
Scoping designators select a group of join points of interest (probably of many kinds):
Contextual designators match (and optionally bind) based on context:
, and@annotation
一个写得好的切入点应至少包括前两种类型(种类和范围)。你可以包括上下文设计符来根据连接点上下文进行匹配或绑定该上下文以在建议中使用。仅提供一个种类设计符或仅提供一个上下文设计符可以工作,但由于需要额外的处理和分析,可能会影响编织性能(时间和内存的使用)。范围设计符的匹配速度非常快,使用它们意味着 AspectJ 可以非常快速地忽略不应该进一步处理的连接点组。如果可能,一个好的切入点应该始终包括一个。
A well written pointcut should include at least the first two types (kinded and scoping). You can include the contextual designators to match based on join point context or bind that context for use in the advice. Supplying only a kinded designator or only a contextual designator works but could affect weaving performance (time and memory used), due to extra processing and analysis. Scoping designators are very fast to match, and using them means AspectJ can very quickly dismiss groups of join points that should not be further processed. A good pointcut should always include one if possible.