Further Resources
可以在 AspectJ 网站上找到有关 AspectJ 的更多信息。
More information on AspectJ can be found on the AspectJ website.
Adrian Colyer 等人编写的《Eclipse AspectJ》(艾迪生韦斯利,2005 年)全面介绍了 AspectJ 语言并提供了参考。
Eclipse AspectJ by Adrian Colyer et. al. (Addison-Wesley, 2005) provides a comprehensive introduction and reference for the AspectJ language.
强烈推荐 Ramnivas Laddad 编写的《AspectJ 实践》第二版(Manning,2009 年)。这本书的重点是 AspectJ,但探讨了许多通用的 AOP 主题(相当深入)。
AspectJ in Action, Second Edition by Ramnivas Laddad (Manning, 2009) comes highly recommended. The focus of the book is on AspectJ, but a lot of general AOP themes are explored (in some depth).