Transaction Management

全面的事务支持是使用Spring Framework的最令人信服的原因之一。Spring Framework提供了用于事务管理的一致抽象,可提供以下好处:

Comprehensive transaction support is among the most compelling reasons to use the Spring Framework. The Spring Framework provides a consistent abstraction for transaction management that delivers the following benefits:

  • A consistent programming model across different transaction APIs, such as Java Transaction API (JTA), JDBC, Hibernate, and the Java Persistence API (JPA).

  • Support for declarative transaction management.

  • A simpler API for programmatic transaction management than complex transaction APIs, such as JTA.

  • Excellent integration with Spring’s data access abstractions.

以下各节描述了Spring Framework的事务特性和技术:

The following sections describe the Spring Framework’s transaction features and technologies:

该章节还包括最佳实践、application server integrationsolutions to common problems 的讨论。

The chapter also includes discussions of best practices, application server integration, and solutions to common problems.