Further Resources
JavaWorld 演示:介绍在 Spring 应用程序中使用和不使用 XA 的七种分布式事务模式。
InfoQ 书籍:提供 Java 中事务的基本知识,以及 Spring 框架和 EJB3 中事务配置和使用的示例。
有关 Spring 框架事务支持的更多信息,请参见:
For more information about the Spring Framework’s transaction support, see:
Distributed transactions in Spring, with and without XA is a JavaWorld presentation in which Spring’s David Syer guides you through seven patterns for distributed transactions in Spring applications, three of them with XA and four without.
Java Transaction Design Strategies is a book available from InfoQ that provides a well-paced introduction to transactions in Java. It also includes side-by-side examples of how to configure and use transactions with both the Spring Framework and EJB3.