Configuring the Cache Storage

缓存抽象提供了多种存储集成选项。要使用它们,您需要声明一个适当的 CacheManager(一个控制和管理 Cache 实例且可用于检索它们以进行存储的实体)。

The cache abstraction provides several storage integration options. To use them, you need to declare an appropriate CacheManager (an entity that controls and manages Cache instances and that can be used to retrieve these for storage).

JDK ConcurrentMap-based Cache

基于 JDK 的 Cache 实现位于 org.springframework.cache.concurrent 包中。它使你可以使用 ConcurrentHashMap 作为支持 Cache 存储。以下示例演示如何配置两个缓存:

The JDK-based Cache implementation resides under org.springframework.cache.concurrent package. It lets you use ConcurrentHashMap as a backing Cache store. The following example shows how to configure two caches:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

  • Xml

ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean defaultCache() {
	ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean cache = new ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean();
	return cache;

ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean booksCache() {
	ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean cache = new ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean();
	return cache;

CacheManager cacheManager(ConcurrentMapCache defaultCache, ConcurrentMapCache booksCache) {

	SimpleCacheManager cacheManager = new SimpleCacheManager();
	cacheManager.setCaches(Set.of(defaultCache, booksCache));
	return cacheManager;
fun defaultCache(): ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean {
	return ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean().apply {

fun booksCache(): ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean {
	return ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean().apply {

fun cacheManager(defaultCache: ConcurrentMapCache, booksCache: ConcurrentMapCache): CacheManager {
	return SimpleCacheManager().apply {
		setCaches(setOf(defaultCache, booksCache))
<!-- simple cache manager -->
<bean id="cacheManager" class="">
	<property name="caches">
			<bean class="org.springframework.cache.concurrent.ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean" name="default"/>
			<bean class="org.springframework.cache.concurrent.ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean" name="books"/>


The preceding snippet uses the SimpleCacheManager to create a CacheManager for the two nested ConcurrentMapCache instances named default and books. Note that the names are configured directly for each cache.


As the cache is created by the application, it is bound to its lifecycle, making it suitable for basic use cases, tests, or simple applications. The cache scales well and is very fast, but it does not provide any management, persistence capabilities, or eviction contracts.

Ehcache-based Cache

Ehcache 3.x 完全符合 JSR-107,不需要针对它提供专属支持。有关详细信息,请参见 JSR-107 Cache

Ehcache 3.x is fully JSR-107 compliant and no dedicated support is required for it. See JSR-107 Cache for details.

Caffeine Cache

Caffeine是Guava 缓存的 Java 8 重写版本,其实现位于`org.springframework.cache.caffeine`包中,并且提供对 Caffeine 的若干功能的访问权限。

Caffeine is a Java 8 rewrite of Guava’s cache, and its implementation is located in the org.springframework.cache.caffeine package and provides access to several features of Caffeine.


The following example configures a CacheManager that creates the cache on demand:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

  • Xml

CacheManager cacheManager() {
	return new CaffeineCacheManager();
fun cacheManager(): CacheManager {
	return CaffeineCacheManager()
<bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.caffeine.CaffeineCacheManager"/>


You can also provide the caches to use explicitly. In that case, only those are made available by the manager. The following example shows how to do so:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

  • Xml

CacheManager cacheManager() {
	CaffeineCacheManager cacheManager = new CaffeineCacheManager();
	cacheManager.setCacheNames(List.of("default", "books"));
	return cacheManager;
fun cacheManager(): CacheManager {
	return CaffeineCacheManager().apply {
		cacheNames = listOf("default", "books")
<bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.caffeine.CaffeineCacheManager">
	<property name="cacheNames">

Caffeine CacheManager 还支持自定义 CaffeineCacheLoader。有关它们的详细信息,请参见 Caffeine documentation

The Caffeine CacheManager also supports custom Caffeine and CacheLoader. See the Caffeine documentation for more information about those.

GemFire-based Cache

GemFire 是面向内存、支持磁盘、弹性可缩放、持续可用,主动(带有基于内置模式的订阅通知)的全局复制数据库,并提供功能齐全的边缘缓存。有关如何将 GemFire 用作 `CacheManager`的详细信息(以及更多其他信息),请参见[Spring Data GemFire 参考文档]。

GemFire is a memory-oriented, disk-backed, elastically scalable, continuously available, active (with built-in pattern-based subscription notifications), globally replicated database and provides fully-featured edge caching. For further information on how to use GemFire as a CacheManager (and more), see the Spring Data GemFire reference documentation.

JSR-107 Cache

Spring的缓存抽象还可以使用符合 JSR-107 的缓存。JCache 实现位于`org.springframework.cache.jcache`包中。

Spring’s caching abstraction can also use JSR-107-compliant caches. The JCache implementation is located in the org.springframework.cache.jcache package.


Again, to use it, you need to declare the appropriate CacheManager. The following example shows how to do so:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

  • Xml

javax.cache.CacheManager jCacheManager() {
	CachingProvider cachingProvider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
	return cachingProvider.getCacheManager();

org.springframework.cache.CacheManager cacheManager(javax.cache.CacheManager jCacheManager) {
	return new JCacheCacheManager(jCacheManager);
fun jCacheManager(): javax.cache.CacheManager {
	val cachingProvider = Caching.getCachingProvider()
	return cachingProvider.getCacheManager()

fun cacheManager(jCacheManager: javax.cache.CacheManager): org.springframework.cache.CacheManager {
	return JCacheCacheManager(jCacheManager)
<bean id="cacheManager"

<!-- JSR-107 cache manager setup  -->
<bean id="jCacheManager" .../>

Dealing with Caches without a Backing Store


Sometimes, when switching environments or doing testing, you might have cache declarations without having an actual backing cache configured. As this is an invalid configuration, an exception is thrown at runtime, since the caching infrastructure is unable to find a suitable store. In situations like this, rather than removing the cache declarations (which can prove tedious), you can wire in a simple dummy cache that performs no caching — that is, it forces the cached methods to be invoked every time. The following example shows how to do so:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

  • Xml

CacheManager cacheManager(CacheManager jdkCache, CacheManager gemfireCache) {
	CompositeCacheManager cacheManager = new CompositeCacheManager();
	cacheManager.setCacheManagers(List.of(jdkCache, gemfireCache));
	return cacheManager;
fun cacheManager(jdkCache: CacheManager, gemfireCache: CacheManager): CacheManager {
	return CompositeCacheManager().apply {
		setCacheManagers(listOf(jdkCache, gemfireCache))
<bean id="cacheManager" class="">
	<property name="cacheManagers">
			<ref bean="jdkCache"/>
			<ref bean="gemfireCache"/>
	<property name="fallbackToNoOpCache" value="true"/>


The CompositeCacheManager in the preceding chains multiple CacheManager instances and, through the fallbackToNoOpCache flag, adds a no-op cache for all the definitions not handled by the configured cache managers. That is, every cache definition not found in either jdkCache or gemfireCache (configured earlier in the example) is handled by the no-op cache, which does not store any information, causing the target method to be invoked every time.