我们为学习如何使用 Kotlin 和 Spring Framework 构建应用程序的人员推荐以下资源:
We recommend the following resources for people learning how to build applications with Kotlin and the Spring Framework:
Kotlin Slack (with a dedicated #spring channel)
以下 Github 项目提供了你可以从中学习甚至可以扩展的示例:
The following Github projects offer examples that you can learn from and possibly even extend:
tut-spring-boot-kotlin: Sources of the official Spring + Kotlin tutorial
spring-boot-kotlin-demo: Regular Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA project
mixit: Spring Boot, WebFlux, and Reactive Spring Data MongoDB
spring-kotlin-functional: Standalone WebFlux and functional bean definition DSL
spring-kotlin-fullstack: WebFlux Kotlin fullstack example with Kotlin2js for frontend instead of JavaScript or TypeScript
spring-petclinic-kotlin: Kotlin version of the Spring PetClinic Sample Application