MockMvc and WebDriver

在以前的部分中,我们已经了解了如何将 MockMvc 与原始 HtmlUnit API 结合使用。在本部分中,我们在 Selenium WebDriver中使用其他抽象以使事情变得更加容易。

In the previous sections, we have seen how to use MockMvc in conjunction with the raw HtmlUnit APIs. In this section, we use additional abstractions within the Selenium WebDriver to make things even easier.

Why WebDriver and MockMvc?

我们已经可以使用 HtmlUnit 和 MockMvc,那么我们为什么要使用 WebDriver?Selenium WebDriver 提供了一个非常优雅的 API,使我们可以轻松组织代码。为了更好地展示其工作原理,我们在本节中探讨了一个示例。

We can already use HtmlUnit and MockMvc, so why would we want to use WebDriver? The Selenium WebDriver provides a very elegant API that lets us easily organize our code. To better show how it works, we explore an example in this section.

尽管是 Selenium 的一部分,但 WebDriver 不需要 Selenium Server 来运行你的测试。

Despite being a part of Selenium, WebDriver does not require a Selenium Server to run your tests.

假设我们需要确保正确创建消息。测试涉及查找 HTML 表单输入元素、填写它们并进行各种断言。

Suppose we need to ensure that a message is created properly. The tests involve finding the HTML form input elements, filling them out, and making various assertions.


This approach results in numerous separate tests because we want to test error conditions as well. For example, we want to ensure that we get an error if we fill out only part of the form. If we fill out the entire form, the newly created message should be displayed afterwards.

如果其中一个字段的名称为 "`summary`”,我们可能会在测试中的多个地方看到类似以下内容的重复:

If one of the fields were named “summary”, we might have something that resembles the following repeated in multiple places within our tests:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

HtmlTextInput summaryInput = currentPage.getHtmlElementById("summary");
val summaryInput = currentPage.getHtmlElementById("summary")

那么,如果我们将 id 更改为 smmry 会发生什么?这样做会迫使我们更新所有测试以纳入此更改。这违反了 DRY 原则,因此我们理想情况下应将此代码提取到其自己的方法中,如下所示:

So what happens if we change the id to smmry? Doing so would force us to update all of our tests to incorporate this change. This violates the DRY principle, so we should ideally extract this code into its own method, as follows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public HtmlPage createMessage(HtmlPage currentPage, String summary, String text) {
	setSummary(currentPage, summary);
	// ...

public void setSummary(HtmlPage currentPage, String summary) {
	HtmlTextInput summaryInput = currentPage.getHtmlElementById("summary");
fun createMessage(currentPage: HtmlPage, summary:String, text:String) :HtmlPage{
	setSummary(currentPage, summary);
	// ...

fun setSummary(currentPage:HtmlPage , summary: String) {
	val summaryInput = currentPage.getHtmlElementById("summary")


Doing so ensures that we do not have to update all of our tests if we change the UI.


We might even take this a step further and place this logic within an Object that represents the HtmlPage we are currently on, as the following example shows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public class CreateMessagePage {

	final HtmlPage currentPage;

	final HtmlTextInput summaryInput;

	final HtmlSubmitInput submit;

	public CreateMessagePage(HtmlPage currentPage) {
		this.currentPage = currentPage;
		this.summaryInput = currentPage.getHtmlElementById("summary");
		this.submit = currentPage.getHtmlElementById("submit");

	public <T> T createMessage(String summary, String text) throws Exception {

		HtmlPage result =;
		boolean error =;

		return (T) (error ? new CreateMessagePage(result) : new ViewMessagePage(result));

	public void setSummary(String summary) throws Exception {

	public static boolean at(HtmlPage page) {
		return "Create Message".equals(page.getTitleText());
	class CreateMessagePage(private val currentPage: HtmlPage) {

		val summaryInput: HtmlTextInput = currentPage.getHtmlElementById("summary")

		val submit: HtmlSubmitInput = currentPage.getHtmlElementById("submit")

		fun <T> createMessage(summary: String, text: String): T {

			val result =
			val error = at(result)

			return (if (error) CreateMessagePage(result) else ViewMessagePage(result)) as T

		fun setSummary(summary: String) {

		fun at(page: HtmlPage): Boolean {
			return "Create Message" == page.getTitleText()

以前,此模式被称为 Page Object Pattern。虽然我们当然可以通过 HtmlUnit 执行此操作,但 WebDriver 提供了一些我们将在以下部分中探索的工具,以使此模式更容易实现。

Formerly, this pattern was known as the Page Object Pattern. While we can certainly do this with HtmlUnit, WebDriver provides some tools that we explore in the following sections to make this pattern much easier to implement.

MockMvc and WebDriver Setup

要将 Selenium WebDriver 与 MockMvc 配合使用,请确保项目包含对 org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-htmlunit3-driver 的测试依赖项。

To use Selenium WebDriver with MockMvc, make sure that your project includes a test dependency on org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-htmlunit3-driver.

我们可以通过使用 MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder 轻松创建与 MockMvc 集成的 Selenium WebDriver,如下例所示:

We can easily create a Selenium WebDriver that integrates with MockMvc by using the MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder as the following example shows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

WebDriver driver;

void setup(WebApplicationContext context) {
	driver = MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder
lateinit var driver: WebDriver

fun setup(context: WebApplicationContext) {
	driver = MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder

这是一个使用 MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder 的简单示例。有关更高级的用法,请参阅 xref:testing/mockmvc/htmlunit/webdriver.adoc#spring-mvc-test-server-htmlunit-webdriver-advanced-builder[Advanced MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder

This is a simple example of using MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder. For more advanced usage, see Advanced MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder.

上一个示例确保任何将“localhost”引用为服务器的 URL 都定向到我们的 MockMvc 实例,而无需实际的 HTTP 连接。根据正常情况,使用网络连接请求任何其他 URL。这让我们可以轻松测试 CDN 的使用方式。

The preceding example ensures that any URL that references localhost as the server is directed to our MockMvc instance without the need for a real HTTP connection. Any other URL is requested by using a network connection, as normal. This lets us easily test the use of CDNs.

MockMvc and WebDriver Usage

现在我们可以照常使用 WebDriver,而无需将我们的应用程序部署到 Servlet 容器。例如,我们可以请求视图来通过以下内容创建消息:

Now we can use WebDriver as we normally would but without the need to deploy our application to a Servlet container. For example, we can request the view to create a message with the following:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

CreateMessagePage page =;
val page =


We can then fill out the form and submit it to create a message, as follows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

ViewMessagePage viewMessagePage =
		page.createMessage(ViewMessagePage.class, expectedSummary, expectedText);
val viewMessagePage =
	page.createMessage(ViewMessagePage::class, expectedSummary, expectedText)

这通过利用页面对象模式改进了 HtmlUnit test 的设计。正如我们在 Why WebDriver and MockMvc? 中提到的,我们可以在 HtmlUnit 中使用页面对象模式,但这在 WebDriver 中更简单。请考虑以下 CreateMessagePage 实现:

This improves on the design of our HtmlUnit test by leveraging the Page Object Pattern. As we mentioned in Why WebDriver and MockMvc?, we can use the Page Object Pattern with HtmlUnit, but it is much easier with WebDriver. Consider the following CreateMessagePage implementation:

public class CreateMessagePage extends AbstractPage { (1)

	private WebElement summary;
	private WebElement text;

	@FindBy(css = "input[type=submit]") (3)
	private WebElement submit;

	public CreateMessagePage(WebDriver driver) {

	public <T> T createMessage(Class<T> resultPage, String summary, String details) {
		return PageFactory.initElements(driver, resultPage);

	public static CreateMessagePage to(WebDriver driver) {
		return PageFactory.initElements(driver, CreateMessagePage.class);
1 CreateMessagePage extends the AbstractPage. We do not go over the details of AbstractPage, but, in summary, it contains common functionality for all of our pages. For example, if our application has a navigational bar, global error messages, and other features, we can place this logic in a shared location.
2 We have a member variable for each of the parts of the HTML page in which we are interested. These are of type WebElement. WebDriver’s PageFactory lets us remove a lot of code from the HtmlUnit version of CreateMessagePage by automatically resolving each WebElement. The PageFactory#initElements(WebDriver,Class<T>) method automatically resolves each WebElement by using the field name and looking it up by the id or name of the element within the HTML page.
3 We can use the @FindBy annotation to override the default lookup behavior. Our example shows how to use the @FindBy annotation to look up our submit button with a css selector (input[type=submit]).
class CreateMessagePage(private val driver: WebDriver) : AbstractPage(driver) { (1)

	private lateinit var summary: WebElement
	private lateinit var text: WebElement

	@FindBy(css = "input[type=submit]") (3)
	private lateinit var submit: WebElement

	fun <T> createMessage(resultPage: Class<T>, summary: String, details: String): T {
		return PageFactory.initElements(driver, resultPage)
	companion object {
		fun to(driver: WebDriver): CreateMessagePage {
			return PageFactory.initElements(driver,
4 CreateMessagePage extends the AbstractPage. We do not go over the details of AbstractPage, but, in summary, it contains common functionality for all of our pages. For example, if our application has a navigational bar, global error messages, and other features, we can place this logic in a shared location.
5 We have a member variable for each of the parts of the HTML page in which we are interested. These are of type WebElement. WebDriver’s PageFactory lets us remove a lot of code from the HtmlUnit version of CreateMessagePage by automatically resolving each WebElement. The PageFactory#initElements(WebDriver,Class<T>) method automatically resolves each WebElement by using the field name and looking it up by the id or name of the element within the HTML page.
6 We can use the @FindBy annotation to override the default lookup behavior. Our example shows how to use the @FindBy annotation to look up our submit button with a css selector (input[type=submit]).


Finally, we can verify that a new message was created successfully. The following assertions use the AssertJ assertion library:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

assertThat(viewMessagePage.getSuccess()).isEqualTo("Successfully created a new message");
assertThat(viewMessagePage.success).isEqualTo("Successfully created a new message")

我们可以看到我们的 ViewMessagePage 让我们能够与我们的自定义域模型进行交互。例如,它公开了一个返回 Message 对象的方法:

We can see that our ViewMessagePage lets us interact with our custom domain model. For example, it exposes a method that returns a Message object:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public Message getMessage() throws ParseException {
	Message message = new Message();
	return message;
fun getMessage() = Message(getId(), getCreated(), getSummary(), getText())


We can then use the rich domain objects in our assertions.

最后,我们一定不要忘记在测试完成后关闭 WebDriver 实例,如下所示:

Lastly, we must not forget to close the WebDriver instance when the test is complete, as follows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

void destroy() {
	if (driver != null) {
fun destroy() {
	if (driver != null) {

有关使用 WebDriver 的更多信息,请参阅 Selenium WebDriver documentation

For additional information on using WebDriver, see the Selenium WebDriver documentation.

Advanced MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder

到目前为止,我们在示例中已以最简单的方式使用 MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder,方法是基于 Spring TestContext 框架为我们加载的 WebApplicationContext 构建 WebDriver。此方法在此重复,如下所示:

In the examples so far, we have used MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder in the simplest way possible, by building a WebDriver based on the WebApplicationContext loaded for us by the Spring TestContext Framework. This approach is repeated here, as follows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

WebDriver driver;

void setup(WebApplicationContext context) {
	driver = MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder
lateinit var driver: WebDriver

fun setup(context: WebApplicationContext) {
	driver = MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder


We can also specify additional configuration options, as follows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

WebDriver driver;

void setup() {
	driver = MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder
			// demonstrates applying a MockMvcConfigurer (Spring Security)
			.webAppContextSetup(context, springSecurity())
			// for illustration only - defaults to ""
			// By default MockMvc is used for localhost only;
			// the following will use MockMvc for and as well
lateinit var driver: WebDriver

fun setup() {
	driver = MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder
			// demonstrates applying a MockMvcConfigurer (Spring Security)
			.webAppContextSetup(context, springSecurity())
			// for illustration only - defaults to ""
			// By default MockMvc is used for localhost only;
			// the following will use MockMvc for and as well

作为替代方法,我们可以通过单独配置 MockMvc 实例并将其提供给 MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder 来执行完全相同的设置,如下所示:

As an alternative, we can perform the exact same setup by configuring the MockMvc instance separately and supplying it to the MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder, as follows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

MockMvc mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders

driver = MockMvcHtmlUnitDriverBuilder
		// for illustration only - defaults to ""
		// By default MockMvc is used for localhost only;
		// the following will use MockMvc for and as well
// Not possible in Kotlin until {kotlin-issues}/KT-22208 is fixed

这更加冗长,但是,通过使用 MockMvc 实例构建 WebDriver,我们可以随时使用 MockMvc 的所有功能。

This is more verbose, but, by building the WebDriver with a MockMvc instance, we have the full power of MockMvc at our fingertips.

有关创建 MockMvc 实例的其他信息,请参见 Configuring MockMvc

For additional information on creating a MockMvc instance, see Configuring MockMvc.