Configuration Configuration with Context Customizers

ContextCustomizer 负责在 Bean 定义已加载到上下文中,但在上下文已刷新之前,自定义提供的 ConfigurableApplicationContext

A ContextCustomizer is responsible for customizing the supplied ConfigurableApplicationContext after bean definitions have been loaded into the context but before the context has been refreshed.

ContextCustomizerFactory 负责创建 ContextCustomizer ,它基于一些自定义逻辑来确定 ContextCustomizer 是否对于给定的测试类是必要的——例如,基于某个注释的存在。在 ContextLoaders 处理了测试类的上下文配置属性后,但在创建 MergedContextConfiguration 之前,便会调用工厂。

A ContextCustomizerFactory is responsible for creating a ContextCustomizer, based on some custom logic which determines if the ContextCustomizer is necessary for a given test class — for example, based on the presence of a certain annotation. Factories are invoked after ContextLoaders have processed context configuration attributes for a test class but before the MergedContextConfiguration is created.

例如,Spring Framework 提供以下 ContextCustomizerFactory,默认情况下已注册该实现:

For example, Spring Framework provides the following ContextCustomizerFactory implementation which is registered by default: MockServerContainerContextCustomizerFactory:: Creates a MockServerContainerContextCustomizer if WebSocket support is present in the classpath and the test class or one of its enclosing classes is annotated or meta-annotated with @WebAppConfiguration. MockServerContainerContextCustomizer instantiates a new MockServerContainer and stores it in the ServletContext under the attribute named jakarta.websocket.server.ServerContainer.

Registering ContextCustomizerFactory Implementations

你可以显式地为测试类及其子类和嵌套类注册 ContextCustomizerFactory 实现,方法是使用 @ContextCustomizerFactories 注释。请参见 annotation support@ContextCustomizerFactories 的 javadoc 以获取详细信息和示例。

You can register ContextCustomizerFactory implementations explicitly for a test class, its subclasses, and its nested classes by using the @ContextCustomizerFactories annotation. See annotation support and the javadoc for @ContextCustomizerFactories for details and examples.

Automatic Discovery of Default ContextCustomizerFactory Implementations

使用 @ContextCustomizerFactories 注册 ContextCustomizerFactory 实现适用于在有限的测试场景中使用的自定义工厂。但是,如果在整个测试套件中需要使用自定义工厂,则可能会变得繁琐。可以通过 SpringFactoriesLoader 机制支持自动发现默认 ContextCustomizerFactory 实现来解决此问题。

Registering ContextCustomizerFactory implementations by using @ContextCustomizerFactories is suitable for custom factories that are used in limited testing scenarios. However, it can become cumbersome if a custom factory needs to be used across an entire test suite. This issue is addressed through support for automatic discovery of default ContextCustomizerFactory implementations through the SpringFactoriesLoader mechanism.

例如,组成 Spring Framework 和 Spring Boot 中的测试支持的模块在其 META-INF/spring.factories 属性文件中的 org.springframework.test.context.ContextCustomizerFactory 键下声明了所有核心的默认 ContextCustomizerFactory 实现。spring-test 模块的 spring.factories 文件可以查看 此处。第三方框架和开发人员可以通过自己的 spring.factories 文件以相同的方式向默认工厂列表中添加自己的 ContextCustomizerFactory 实现。

For example, the modules that make up the testing support in Spring Framework and Spring Boot declare all core default ContextCustomizerFactory implementations under the org.springframework.test.context.ContextCustomizerFactory key in their META-INF/spring.factories properties files. The spring.factories file for the spring-test module can be viewed here. Third-party frameworks and developers can contribute their own ContextCustomizerFactory implementations to the list of default factories in the same manner through their own spring.factories files.

Merging ContextCustomizerFactory Implementations

如果通过 @ContextCustomizerFactories 注册了自定义`ContextCustomizerFactory` ,则它将通过使用上述automatic discovery mechanism 注册的默认工厂进行_merged_ 。

If a custom ContextCustomizerFactory is registered via @ContextCustomizerFactories, it will be merged with the default factories that have been registered using the aforementioned automatic discovery mechanism.


The merging algorithm ensures that duplicates are removed from the list and that locally declared factories are appended to the list of default factories when merged.

要替换测试类、其子类和嵌套类的默认工厂,可以将 @ContextCustomizerFactoriesmergeMode 属性设置为 MergeMode.REPLACE_DEFAULTS

To replace the default factories for a test class, its subclasses, and its nested classes, you can set the mergeMode attribute of @ContextCustomizerFactories to MergeMode.REPLACE_DEFAULTS.