方法参数注解将表单数据、查询参数、URI 路径变量和请求标头绑定到模型对象。例如:
The @ModelAttribute
method parameter annotation binds form data, query parameters,
URI path variables, and request headers onto a model object. For example:
- Java
@PostMapping("/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}/edit") public String processSubmit(@ModelAttribute Pet pet) { } (1)
1 | Bind to an instance of Pet .
2 | Bind to an instance of Pet . |
表单数据和查询参数优先于 URI 变量和标头,仅包括那些未用同名请求参数覆盖它们的变量和标头,连字符会从标头名称中删掉。
Form data and query parameters take precedence over URI variables and headers, which are included only if they don’t override request parameters with the same name. Dashes are stripped from header names.
The Pet
instance may be:
Accessed from the model where it could have been added by a
. -
Accessed from the HTTP session if the model attribute was listed in the class-level
. -
Instantiated through a default constructor.
Instantiated through a “primary constructor” with arguments that match to Servlet request parameters. Argument names are determined through runtime-retained parameter names in the bytecode.
默认情况下,构造函数和属性 data binding 都已应用。但是,模型对象设计需要仔细考虑,出于安全原因,建议要么使用专门为 Web 绑定定制的对象,要么只应用构造函数绑定。如果仍必须使用属性绑定,则应设置 allowedFields 模式以限制可以设置哪些属性。有关这方面和示例配置的更多详细信息,请参见 model design。
By default, both constructor and property data binding are applied. However, model object design requires careful consideration, and for security reasons it is recommended either to use an object tailored specifically for web binding, or to apply constructor binding only. If property binding must still be used, then allowedFields patterns should be set to limit which properties can be set. For further details on this and example configuration, see model design.
在使用构造函数绑定时,你可以通过 @BindParam
When using constructor binding, you can customize request parameter names through an
annotation. For example:
class Account {
private final String firstName;
public Account(@BindParam("first-name") String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
class Account(@BindParam("first-name") val firstName: String)
也可以将 |
The |
Constructor binding supports List
, Map
, and array arguments either converted from
a single string, e.g. comma-separated list, or based on indexed keys such as
or account[KEY].name
与 Spring MVC 不同,WebFlux 支持模型中的响应式类型,例如 Mono<Account>
。您可以声明一个带有或不带有响应式类型包装器的 @ModelAttribute
WebFlux, unlike Spring MVC, supports reactive types in the model, e.g. Mono<Account>
You can declare a @ModelAttribute
argument with or without a reactive type wrapper, and
it will be resolved accordingly to the actual value.
如果数据绑定导致错误,则默认情况下会引发 WebExchangeBindException
,但是您还可以在 @ModelAttribute
紧挨着添加一个 BindingResult
If data binding results in errors, by default a WebExchangeBindException
is raised,
but you can also add a BindingResult
argument immediately next to the @ModelAttribute
in order to handle such errors in the controller method. For example:
- Java
@PostMapping("/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}/edit") public String processSubmit(@ModelAttribute("pet") Pet pet, BindingResult result) { 1 if (result.hasErrors()) { return "petForm"; } // ... }
1 | Adding a BindingResult .
2 | Adding a BindingResult . |
要使用 BindingResult
参数,您必须在没有任何反应型类型包装的情况下声明 @ModelAttribute
To use a BindingResult
argument, you must declare the @ModelAttribute
argument before
it without a reactive type wrapper. If you want to use the reactive, you can handle errors
directly through it. For example:
public Mono<String> processSubmit(@Valid @ModelAttribute("pet") Mono<Pet> petMono) {
return petMono
.flatMap(pet -> {
// ...
.onErrorResume(ex -> {
// ...
fun processSubmit(@Valid @ModelAttribute("pet") petMono: Mono<Pet>): Mono<String> {
return petMono
.flatMap { pet ->
// ...
.onErrorResume{ ex ->
// ...
通过添加 @5 批注或 Spring 的 @6 批注,您可以在数据绑定后自动应用验证(请参阅 @7 和 @8)。例如:
You can automatically apply validation after data binding by adding the
annotation or Spring’s @Validated
annotation (see
Bean Validation and
Spring validation). For example:
- Java
@PostMapping("/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}/edit") public String processSubmit(@Valid @ModelAttribute("pet") Pet pet, BindingResult result) { (1) if (result.hasErrors()) { return "petForm"; } // ... }
1 | Using @Valid on a model attribute argument.
2 | Using @Valid on a model attribute argument. |
如果方法验证适用,因为其他参数带有 @9 批注,那么 @10 将会代之以提出。请参阅控制器方法 @11 的章节。
If method validation applies because other parameters have @Constraint
then HandlerMethodValidationException
would be raised instead. See the section on
controller method Validation.
使用 |
Using |
使用 GraalVM 编译为本机映像时,上面描述的隐式 @ModelAttribute
支持不允许提前正确推断相关的 data binding 反射提示。因此,建议明确使用 @ModelAttribute
为方法参数添加注释,以便在 GraalVM 本机映像中使用。
When compiling to a native image with GraalVM, the implicit @ModelAttribute
support described above does not allow proper ahead-of-time inference of related data
binding reflection hints. As a consequence, it is recommended to explicitly annotate
method parameters with @ModelAttribute
for use in a GraalVM native image.