Multipart Resolver
包中的 MultipartResolver
是一种策略,用于解析包括文件上传在内的多部分请求。有一个基于容器的 StandardServletMultipartResolver
实现,用于 Servlet 多部分请求解析。请注意,已经过时的 CommonsMultipartResolver
(基于 Apache Commons FileUpload)不再可用了,自 Spring Framework 6.0 及其新的 Servlet 5.0+ 基线以来。
from the org.springframework.web.multipart
package is a strategy
for parsing multipart requests including file uploads. There is a container-based
implementation for Servlet multipart request parsing.
Note that the outdated CommonsMultipartResolver
based on Apache Commons FileUpload is
not available anymore, as of Spring Framework 6.0 with its new Servlet 5.0+ baseline.
要启用多部分处理,你需要在 DispatcherServlet
Spring 配置中声明一个 MultipartResolver
Bean,其名称为 multipartResolver
会检测它并将其应用于传入的请求。当接收到内容类型为 multipart/form-data
的 POST 请求时,解析器解析内容,将当前的 HttpServletRequest
包装为 MultipartHttpServletRequest
To enable multipart handling, you need to declare a MultipartResolver
bean in your
Spring configuration with a name of multipartResolver
The DispatcherServlet
detects it and applies it to the incoming request. When a POST
with a content type of multipart/form-data
is received, the resolver parses the
content wraps the current HttpServletRequest
as a MultipartHttpServletRequest
provide access to resolved files in addition to exposing parts as request parameters.
Servlet Multipart Parsing
需要通过 Servlet 容器配置来启用 Servlet 多部分解析。具体做法为:
Servlet multipart parsing needs to be enabled through Servlet container configuration. To do so:
In Java, set a
on the Servlet registration. -
, add a"<multipart-config>"
section to the servlet declaration.
下面的示例展示了如何在 Servlet 注册中设置一个 MultipartConfigElement
The following example shows how to set a MultipartConfigElement
on the Servlet registration:
public class AppInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer {
// ...
protected void customizeRegistration(ServletRegistration.Dynamic registration) {
// Optionally also set maxFileSize, maxRequestSize, fileSizeThreshold
registration.setMultipartConfig(new MultipartConfigElement("/tmp"));
class AppInitializer : AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer() {
// ...
override fun customizeRegistration(registration: ServletRegistration.Dynamic) {
// Optionally also set maxFileSize, maxRequestSize, fileSizeThreshold
一旦 Servlet 多部分配置就绪,你就可以添加一个名为 multipartResolver
且类型为 StandardServletMultipartResolver
的 Bean。
Once the Servlet multipart configuration is in place, you can add a bean of type
with a name of multipartResolver
该解析器变体会按原样使用您的 Servlet 容器的多部件解析器,可能导致应用程序受到容器实现差异的影响。默认情况下,它将尝试使用任何 HTTP 方法解析任何 This resolver variant uses your Servlet container’s multipart parser as-is,
potentially exposing the application to container implementation differences.
By default, it will try to parse any |