
适用于 GraphQL 的 Spring 为 federation-jvm 库提供了一个小型集成层,该库又建立在 GraphQL Java 之上,并有助于为联邦图中的子图的 GraphQL Java 应用程序初始化 graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema。有关详细信息,请参见 Apollo FederationSubgraph spec

Spring for GraphQL provides a small integration layer for the federation-jvm library that in turn builds on GraphQL Java, and helps to initialize the graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema for a GraphQL Java application that is a sub-graph within a federated graph. For more details, see Apollo Federation and the Subgraph spec.

要使用这项支持,您可以在配置中声明一个 FederationSchemaFactory Bean,并将其插入 GraphQlSource.Builder。在 Spring Boot 应用程序中,您可以通过 GraphQlSourceBuilderCustomizer 按照如下方式进行操作:

To use the support you can declare a FederationSchemaFactory bean in your config, and plug it into GraphQlSource.Builder. In a Spring Boot application you can do this through a GraphQlSourceBuilderCustomizer as follows:

public class FederationConfig {

	public FederationSchemaFactory schemaFactory() {
		return new FederationSchemaFactory();

	public GraphQlSourceBuilderCustomizer customizer(FederationSchemaFactory factory) {
		return builder -> builder.schemaFactory(factory::createGraphQLSchema);



Now your sub-graph schema can extend federated types:

type Book @key(fields: "id") @extends {
    id: ID! @external
    author: Author

type Author {
    id: ID
    firstName: String
    lastName: String

要帮助解决作为 _entities 查询一部分的联邦类型,您可以将 @EntityMapping 方法与 @SchemaMapping 方法并排用于子图应用程序拥有的数据。例如:

To assist with resolving federated types as part of an _entities query, you can use @EntityMapping methods side by side with @SchemaMapping methods for the data that the subgraph application owns. For example:

private static class BookController {

	public Book book(@Argument int id) {
		// ...

	public Author author(Book book) {
		// ...


@Argument 方法参数从实体的 “representation” 输入映射中解析。您还可以注入完整 Map<String, Object>。下面显示了所有受支持的参数:

The @Argument method parameters is resolved from the "representation"input map for the entity. You can also inject the full Map<String, Object>. The below shows all supported arguments:

Method Argument Description


For access to a named value from the "representation" input map, also converted to typed Object.

Map<String, Object>

The full "representation" input map for the entity.


For access to an attribute from the main GraphQLContext in DataFetchingEnvironment.


For access to an attribute from the local GraphQLContext in DataFetchingEnvironment.


For access to the context from the DataFetchingEnvironment.


Obtained from the Spring Security context, if available.


For access to Authentication#getPrincipal() from the Spring Security context.


For access to the selection set for the query through the DataFetchingEnvironment.

Locale, Optional<Locale>

For access to the Locale from the DataFetchingEnvironment.


For direct access to the underlying DataFetchingEnvironment.

@EntityMapping 方法可以返回 MonoCompletableFutureCallable 或实际实体。

@EntityMapping methods can return Mono, CompletableFuture, Callable, or the actual entity.

你可以使用 @GraphQlExceptionHandler 方法来将 @EntityMapping 方法中的异常映射到 GraphQLError’s 。这些错误将包含在“_entities”查询的响应中。异常处理程序方法可以位于同一控制器中,或位于 `@ControllerAdvice 类中。

You can use @GraphQlExceptionHandler methods to map exceptions from @EntityMapping methods to GraphQLError’s. The errors will be included in the response of the "_entities" query. Exception handler methods can be in the same controller or in an `@ControllerAdvice class.