Changes between 5.4 and 5.5

New Components

File Aggregator

引入了基于 FileSplitter.FileMakerCorrelationStrategyReleaseStrategyMessageGroupProcessor 的实现,作为 FileAggregator 组件。有关详细信息,请参阅 File Aggregator

A FileSplitter.FileMaker-based implementation of CorrelationStrategy, ReleaseStrategy and MessageGroupProcessor as a FileAggregator component was introduced. See File Aggregator for more information.

MQTT v5 Support

Mqttv5PahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter`和`Mqttv5PahoMessageHandler(包括各自的`MqttHeaderMapper`)引入旨在支持MQTT v5协议通信,更多信息,请参见MQTT v5 Support

The Mqttv5PahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter and Mqttv5PahoMessageHandler (including respective MqttHeaderMapper) were introduced to support MQTT v5 protocol communication. See MQTT v5 Support for more information.

General Changes

所有持久 MessageGroupStore 实现在基于目标数据库流式 API 的情况下提供了 streamMessagesForGroup(Object groupId) 合约。有关详细信息,请参阅 Message Store

All the persistent MessageGroupStore implementation provide a streamMessagesForGroup(Object groupId) contract based on the target database streaming API. See Message Store for more information.

integrationGlobalProperties bean (如果已声明)现在必须是 org.springframework.integration.context.IntegrationProperties 的实例,而不是 java.util.Properties,该支持已弃用,以保持向后兼容性。已添加 spring.integration.channels.error.requireSubscribers=true 全局属性以指示必须使用 requireSubscribers 选项(或不使用)配置全局默认 errorChannel。已添加 spring.integration.channels.error.ignoreFailures=true 全局属性以指示全局默认 errorChannel 必须忽略(或不忽略)调度错误并传递消息到下一个处理程序。有关详细信息,请参阅 Global Properties

The integrationGlobalProperties bean (if declared) must be now an instance of org.springframework.integration.context.IntegrationProperties instead of java.util.Properties, which support is deprecated for backward compatibility. The spring.integration.channels.error.requireSubscribers=true global property is added to indicate that the global default errorChannel must be configured with the requireSubscribers option (or not). The spring.integration.channels.error.ignoreFailures=true global property is added to indicate that the global default errorChannel must ignore (or not) dispatching errors and pass the message to the next handler. See Global Properties for more information.

AbstractPollingEndpoint(源数据轮询信道适配器和轮训使用者)将`maxMessagesPerPoll == 0`视为跳过呼叫源数据。稍后可以将其更改为不同值,例如,通过控制总线。更多信息,请参见Polling Consumer

An AbstractPollingEndpoint (source polling channel adapter and polling consumer) treats maxMessagesPerPoll == 0 as to skip calling the source. It can be changed to different value later on, e.g. via a Control Bus. See Polling Consumer for more information.

ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean 现在接受 reactiveCustomizer Function 作为响应流源的任何输入通道,并在其下面使用 ReactiveStreamsConsumer。这作为 Java DSL 中的 ConsumerEndpointSpec.reactive() 选项以及消息传递注释的 @Reactive 嵌套注释得到涵盖。有关详细信息,请参阅 Reactive Streams Support

The ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean now accept a reactiveCustomizer Function to any input channel as reactive stream source and use a ReactiveStreamsConsumer underneath. This is covered as a ConsumerEndpointSpec.reactive() option in Java DSL and as a @Reactive nested annotation for the messaging annotations. See Reactive Streams Support for more information.

现在可以将相关消息处理程序(Aggregator`和`Resequencer)的`groupTimeoutExpression`评估为`java.util.Date`,以用于一些细粒度的调度用例。另外,在`AbstractCorrelatingMessageHandler`中添加了`BiFunction groupConditionSupplier`选项,以针对需要添加到组中的消息提供`MessageGroup`条件。更多信息,请参见Aggregator

The groupTimeoutExpression for a correlation message handler (an Aggregator and Resequencer) can now be evaluated to a java.util.Date for some fine-grained scheduling use-cases. Also the BiFunction groupConditionSupplier option is added to the AbstractCorrelatingMessageHandler to supply a MessageGroup condition against a message to be added to the group. See Aggregator for more information.

可以向`MessageGroup`抽象提供一个`condition`,以稍后进行评估并为该组做出决策。更多信息,请参见Message Group Condition

The MessageGroup abstraction can be supplied with a condition to evaluate later on to make a decision for the group. See Message Group Condition for more information.

Integration Flows Composition

已添加新的 IntegrationFlows.from(IntegrationFlow) 工厂方法,以允许从现有流程的输出启动当前 IntegrationFlow。此外,IntegrationFlowDefinition 已添加 to(IntegrationFlow) 终端运算符,以在其他流程的输入通道上继续当前流程。有关详细信息,请参阅 Integration Flows Composition

The new IntegrationFlows.from(IntegrationFlow) factory method has been added to allow starting the current IntegrationFlow from the output of an existing flow. In addition, the IntegrationFlowDefinition has added a to(IntegrationFlow) terminal operator to continue the current flow at the input channel of some other flow. See Integration Flows Composition for more information.

AMQP Changes

AmqpInboundChannelAdapterAmqpInboundGateway(以及相应的 Java DSL 构建器)现在支持 org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retry.MessageRecoverer 作为通用 RecoveryCallback 的 AMQP 特定替代方案。有关详细信息,请参阅 AMQP Support

The AmqpInboundChannelAdapter and AmqpInboundGateway (and the respective Java DSL builders) now support an org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retry.MessageRecoverer as an AMQP-specific alternative to the general purpose RecoveryCallback. See AMQP Support for more information.

Redis Changes

ReactiveRedisStreamMessageProducer 现在为所有 StreamReceiver.StreamReceiverOptionsBuilder 选项设置了设置器,包括 onErrorResume 函数。有关详细信息,请参阅 Redis Support

The ReactiveRedisStreamMessageProducer has now setters for all the StreamReceiver.StreamReceiverOptionsBuilder options, including an onErrorResume function. See Redis Support for more information.

HTTP Changes

HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler 不再返回 application/x-java-serialized-object 内容类型,并让 RestTemplate 基于所提供的 HttpMessageConverter 为请求正文转换做出最终决策。现在它还具有 extractResponseBody 标志(默认情况下为 true),以仅返回响应正文,或将整个 ResponseEntity 作为回复消息有效负载返回,而与所提供的 expectedResponseType 无关。WebFluxRequestExecutingMessageHandler 也提供了相同的选项。有关详细信息,请参阅 HTTP Support

The HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler doesn’t fallback to the application/x-java-serialized-object content type any more and lets the RestTemplate make the final decision for the request body conversion based on the HttpMessageConverter provided. It also has now an extractResponseBody flag (which is true by default) to return just the response body, or to return the whole ResponseEntity as the reply message payload, independently of the provided expectedResponseType. Same option is presented for the WebFluxRequestExecutingMessageHandler, too. See HTTP Support for more information.

File/FTP/SFTP Changes

持久的过滤文件列表现在有一个布尔属性 forRecursion。将此属性设置为 true,还将设置 alwaysAcceptDirectories,这意味着出站网关(lsmget)上的递归操作现在将始终在每次遍历完整目录树。这是为了解决目录树中深处更改未被检测到的问题。此外,forRecursion=true 会导致使用文件的完整路径作为元数据存储键;这解决了在不同目录中多次出现具有相同名称的文件时过滤器无法正常工作的问题。重要提示:这意味着无法在顶级目录下的文件找到持久元数据存储中的现有键。因此,该属性默认为 false;这可能会在未来版本中更改。

The persistent file list filters now have a boolean property forRecursion. Setting this property to true, also sets alwaysAcceptDirectories, which means that the recursive operation on the outbound gateways (ls and mget) will now always traverse the full directory tree each time. This is to solve a problem where changes deep in the directory tree were not detected. In addition, forRecursion=true causes the full path to files to be used as the metadata store keys; this solves a problem where the filter did not work properly if a file with the same name appears multiple times in different directories. IMPORTANT: This means that existing keys in a persistent metadata store will not be found for files beneath the top level directory. For this reason, the property is false by default; this may change in a future release.

FileInboundChannelAdapterSpec 现在有一个便捷的 recursive(boolean) 选项,而不是要求明确引用 RecursiveDirectoryScanner

The FileInboundChannelAdapterSpec has now a convenient recursive(boolean) option instead of requiring an explicit reference to the RecursiveDirectoryScanner.

现在可以在 mv 命令中使用 remoteDirectoryExpression 以便于使用。

The remoteDirectoryExpression can now be used in the mv command for convenience.

MongoDb Changes

MongoDbMessageSourceSpec 已添加到 MongoDd Java DSL,现在 MongoDbMessageSourceReactiveMongoDbMessageSource 实现中公开了 update 选项。

The MongoDbMessageSourceSpec was added into MongoDd Java DSL. An update option is now exposed on both the MongoDbMessageSource and ReactiveMongoDbMessageSource implementations.

有关详细信息,请参阅 MongoDb Support

See MongoDb Support for more information.

WebSockets Changes

现在可以在运行时注册和移除基于 ServerWebSocketContainer 的 WebSocket 通道适配器。

The WebSocket channel adapters based on ServerWebSocketContainer can now be registered and removed at runtime.

有关详细信息,请参阅 WebSockets Support

See WebSockets Support for more information.

JPA Changes

JpaOutboundGateway 现在支持 PersistMode.DELETEIterable 消息有效负载。

The JpaOutboundGateway now supports an Iterable message payload for a PersistMode.DELETE.

有关详细信息,请参阅 Outbound Channel Adapter

See Outbound Channel Adapter for more information.

Gateway Changes

以前,在使用XML配置时,对无参数的方法忽略`@Gateway.payloadExpression`。一种可能的重大更改是,如果方法注释了`@Payload`以及`@Gateway`(具有不同的表达式),那么以前将使用`@Payload`,现在使用`@Gateway.payloadExpression`。更多信息,请参见Gateway Configuration with Annotations and XMLInvoking No-Argument Methods

Previously, when using XML configuration, @Gateway.payloadExpression was ignored for no-argument methods. There is one possible breaking change - if the method is annotated with @Payload as well as @Gateway (with a different expression) previously, the @Payload would be applied, now the @Gateway.payloadExpression is applied. See Gateway Configuration with Annotations and XML and Invoking No-Argument Methods for more information.