FTP/FTPS Adapters
Spring Integration 支持使用 FTP 和 FTPS 进行文件传输操作。
Spring Integration provides support for file transfer operations with FTP and FTPS.
文件传输协议 (FTP) 是一种简单的网络协议,可以在 Internet 上的两台计算机之间传输文件。FTPS 表示“FTP over SSL
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a simple network protocol that lets you transfer files between two computers on the Internet. FTPS stands for “FTP over SSL”.
You need to include this dependency into your project:
compile "org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-ftp:{project-version}"
在 FTP 通信中涉及两个参与者:客户端和服务器。要使用 FTP 或 FTPS 传输文件,你需要使用一个客户端来初始化到运行中 FTP 服务器的远程计算机的连接。建立连接后,客户端可以选择发送或接收文件副本。
There are two actors when it comes to FTP communication: client and server. To transfer files with FTP or FTPS, you use a client that initiates a connection to a remote computer that is running an FTP server. After the connection is established, the client can choose to send or receive copies of files.
Spring Integration 通过提供三个客户端端点来支持通过 FTP 或 FTPS 发送和接收文件:入站通道适配器、出站通道适配器和出站网关。它还提供了基于名称空间的便捷配置选项,用于定义这些客户端组件。
Spring Integration supports sending and receiving files over FTP or FTPS by providing three client-side endpoints: inbound channel adapter, outbound channel adapter, and outbound gateway. It also provides convenient namespace-based configuration options for defining these client components.
要使用 FTP 名称空间,请将以下内容添加到 XML 文件的标头:
To use the FTP namespace, add the following to the header of your XML file: