FTP Inbound Channel Adapter

FTP 输入信道适配器是一个连接到 FTP 服务器并监听远程目录事件(例如,创建新文件)的特殊侦听器,它会在远程目录事件发生时启动文件传输。以下示例显示如何配置 inbound-channel-adapter

The FTP inbound channel adapter is a special listener that connects to the FTP server and listens for the remote directory events (for example, new file created) at which point it initiates a file transfer. The following example shows how to configure an inbound-channel-adapter:

<int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter id="ftpInbound"
    local-filename-generator-expression="#this.toUpperCase() + '.a'"
    <int:poller fixed-rate="1000"/>

正如前面的配置所示,你可以通过使用 inbound-channel-adapter 元素来配置一个 FTP 入站通道适配器,同时还为各种属性(如 local-directoryfilename-pattern(它基于简单的模式匹配,而非正则表达式)和 session-factory 的引用)提供值。

As the preceding configuration shows, you can configure an FTP inbound channel adapter by using the inbound-channel-adapter element while also providing values for various attributes, such as local-directory, filename-pattern (which is based on simple pattern matching, not regular expressions), and the reference to a session-factory.

默认情况下,传输的文件与原始文件的名称相同。如果你想覆盖此行为,则你可以设置 local-filename-generator-expression 属性,它允许你提供一个 SpEL 表达式,以生成本地文件的名称。与出站网关和适配器(SpEL 评估上下文的根对象是 Message)不同,此入站适配器在评估时尚未获得信息,因为它最终会以传输文件为它的负载生成信息。因此,SpEL 评估上下文的根对象是远程文件的原始名称(String)。

By default, the transferred file carries the same name as the original file. If you want to override this behavior, you can set the local-filename-generator-expression attribute, which lets you provide a SpEL expression to generate the name of the local file. Unlike outbound gateways and adapters, where the root object of the SpEL evaluation context is a Message, this inbound adapter does not yet have the message at the time of evaluation, since that’s what it ultimately generates with the transferred file as its payload. Consequently, the root object of the SpEL evaluation context is the original name of the remote file (a String).

入站通道适配器首先针对本地目录检索 File`对象,然后根据轮询器配置发送每个文件。从 5.0 版本开始,现在可以限制在需要进行新文件检索时从 FTP 服务器获取的文件数量。如果目标文件非常大,或者在具有持久性文件列表过滤器的群集系统中运行,此时会非常有有益,如后面所述。出于此目的,请使用 `max-fetch-size。负值(默认值)表示无限制,并将检索所有匹配的文件。有关详细信息,请参见 Inbound Channel Adapters: Controlling Remote File Fetching。从 5.0 版本开始,还可以通过设置 `scanner`属性向 `inbound-channel-adapter`提供自定义 `DirectoryScanner`实现。

The inbound channel adapter first retrieves the File object for a local directory and then emits each file according to the poller configuration. Starting with version 5.0, you can now limit the number of files fetched from the FTP server when new file retrievals are needed. This can be beneficial when the target files are very large or when you run in a clustered system with a persistent file list filter, discussed later. Use max-fetch-size for this purpose. A negative value (the default) means no limit and all matching files are retrieved. See Inbound Channel Adapters: Controlling Remote File Fetching for more information. Since version 5.0, you can also provide a custom DirectoryScanner implementation to the inbound-channel-adapter by setting the scanner attribute.

从 Spring Integration 3.0 开始,你可以指定 preserve-timestamp 属性(其默认值为 false)。当为 true 时,本地文件的修改时间戳将设置为从服务器检索到的值。否则,它将被设置为当前时间。

Starting with Spring Integration 3.0, you can specify the preserve-timestamp attribute (its default is false). When true, the local file’s modified timestamp is set to the value retrieved from the server. Otherwise, it is set to the current time.

从版本 4.2 开始,你可以指定 remote-directory-expression 而不是 remote-directory,从而让你可以在每次轮询时动态确定目录(例如,remote-directory-expression="@myBean.determineRemoteDir()")。

Starting with version 4.2, you can specify remote-directory-expression instead of remote-directory, letting you dynamically determine the directory on each poll — for example, remote-directory-expression="@myBean.determineRemoteDir()".

从版本 4.3 开始,你可以省略 remote-directoryremote-directory-expression 属性。它们的默认值为 null。在这种情况下,根据 FTP 协议,客户端工作目录被用作默认远程目录。

Starting with version 4.3, you can omit the remote-directory and remote-directory-expression attributes. They default to null. In this case, according to the FTP protocol, the client working directory is used as the default remote directory.

有时,基于使用 filename-pattern 属性指定简单模式的文件筛选可能不够用。如果出现这种情况,你可以使用 filename-regex 属性指定正则表达式(例如,filename-regex=".*\.test$")。此外,如果你需要完全控制,你可以使用 filter 属性并提供对 o.s.i.file.filters.FileListFilter(筛选文件列表的策略接口)的任何自定义实现的引用。此筛选器确定要检索哪些远程文件。你还可以通过使用 CompositeFileListFilter 将基于模式的筛选器与其他筛选器(例如 AcceptOnceFileListFilter,以避免同步以前获取过的文件)结合使用。

Sometimes, file filtering based on the simple pattern specified with the filename-pattern attribute might not suffice. If this is the case, you can use the filename-regex attribute to specify a regular expression (such as filename-regex=".*\.test$"). Also, if you need complete control, you can use the filter attribute and provide a reference to any custom implementation of the o.s.i.file.filters.FileListFilter, a strategy interface for filtering a list of files. This filter determines which remote files are retrieved. You can also combine a pattern-based filter with other filters (such as an AcceptOnceFileListFilter to avoid synchronizing files that have previously been fetched) by using a CompositeFileListFilter.

AcceptOnceFileListFilter`在内存中存储其状态。如果您希望在系统重启后状态仍然存在,请考虑改用 `FtpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter。此过滤器将已接受的文件名存储在 `MetadataStore`策略的实例中(请参见 Metadata Store)。此过滤器根据文件名和远程修改时间进行匹配。

The AcceptOnceFileListFilter stores its state in memory. If you wish the state to survive a system restart, consider using the FtpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter instead. This filter stores the accepted file names in an instance of the MetadataStore strategy (see Metadata Store). This filter matches on the filename and the remote modified time.

从版本 4.0 开始,此筛选器需要 ConcurrentMetadataStore。当与共享数据存储(例如带有 RedisMetadataStoreRedis)配合使用时,它可以使多个应用程序或服务器实例共享筛选器键。

Since version 4.0, this filter requires a ConcurrentMetadataStore. When used with a shared data store (such as Redis with the RedisMetadataStore), it lets filter keys be shared across multiple application or server instances.

从版本 5.0 开始,默认情况下将具有内存中 SimpleMetadataStoreFtpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter 应用于 FtpInboundFileSynchronizer。此筛选器还与 XML 配置中的 regexpattern 选项一起应用,以及与 Java DSL 中的 FtpInboundChannelAdapterSpec 一起应用。任何其他用例都可以使用 CompositeFileListFilter(或 ChainFileListFilter)进行管理。

Starting with version 5.0, the FtpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter with in-memory SimpleMetadataStore is applied by default for the FtpInboundFileSynchronizer. This filter is also applied with the regex or pattern option in the XML configuration as well as with FtpInboundChannelAdapterSpec in the Java DSL. Any other use cases can be managed with CompositeFileListFilter (or ChainFileListFilter).

前面的讨论是指检索文件之前的筛选。检索到文件后,将对文件系统上的文件应用额外的筛选。默认情况下,这是一个 AcceptOnceFileListFilter,如前所述,它将在内存中保留状态并且不考虑文件的修改时间。除非你的应用程序在处理后删除文件,否则该适配器将在应用程序重启后默认重新处理磁盘上的文件。

The preceding discussion refers to filtering the files before retrieving them. Once the files have been retrieved, an additional filter is applied to the files on the file system. By default, this is an AcceptOnceFileListFilter which, as discussed earlier, retains state in memory and does not consider the file’s modified time. Unless your application removes files after processing, the adapter will re-process the files on disk by default after an application restart.

此外,如果你配置 filter 以使用 FtpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter 并且远程文件时间戳发生更改(导致重新获取它),则默认的本地筛选器不会让此新文件被处理。

Also, if you configure the filter to use a FtpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter and the remote file timestamp changes (causing it to be re-fetched), the default local filter does not let this new file be processed.

有关此过滤器的详细信息以及如何使用它的信息,请参见 Remote Persistent File List Filters

For more information about this filter, and how it is used, see Remote Persistent File List Filters.

您可以使用 local-filter`属性配置本地文件系统过滤器的行为。从 4.3.8 版本开始,默认情况下已配置 `FileSystemPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter。此过滤器将已接受的文件名和修改时间戳存储在 MetadataStore`策略的实例中(请参见 Metadata Store),并检测对本地文件修改时间的更改。默认的 `MetadataStore`是 `SimpleMetadataStore,它在内存中存储状态。

You can use the local-filter attribute to configure the behavior of the local file system filter. Starting with version 4.3.8, a FileSystemPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter is configured by default. This filter stores the accepted file names and modified timestamp in an instance of the MetadataStore strategy (see Metadata Store) and detects changes to the local file modified time. The default MetadataStore is a SimpleMetadataStore, which stores state in memory.

从版本 4.1.5 开始,这些筛选器有一个新属性(flushOnUpdate),它会导致它们在每次更新时刷新元数据存储(如果存储实现 Flushable)。

Since version 4.1.5, these filters have a new property (flushOnUpdate) that causes them to flush the metadata store on every update (if the store implements Flushable).

此外,如果您使用分布式 MetadataStore(如 Redis),您可以拥有相同适配器或应用程序的多个实例,并确保每个文件只被处理一次。

Further, if you use a distributed MetadataStore (such as Redis), you can have multiple instances of the same adapter or application and be sure that each file is processed only once.

实际的本地筛选器是一个 CompositeFileListFilter,其中包含提供的筛选器和阻止处理正在下载的文件(基于 temporary-file-suffix)的模式筛选器。文件使用此后缀下载(默认为 .writing),并且在传输完成后,文件将重命名为其最终名称,使其对筛选器“可见”。

The actual local filter is a CompositeFileListFilter that contains the supplied filter and a pattern filter that prevents processing files that are in the process of being downloaded (based on the temporary-file-suffix). Files are downloaded with this suffix (the default is .writing), and the file is renamed to its final name when the transfer is complete, making it 'visible' to the filter.

remote-file-separator 属性允许你配置一个文件分隔符字符,以便在默认斜杠“/”不适用于你的特定环境时使用。

The remote-file-separator attribute lets you configure a file separator character to use if the default '/' is not applicable for your particular environment.

有关这些属性的更多详细信息,请参阅 @{50}。

See the schema for more details on these attributes.

你同样应该了解,FTP 入站通道适配器是一个轮询消费者。因此,你必须配置一个轮询器(通过使用全局默认值或本地子元素)。一旦文件被传输,带有 java.io.File 有效载荷的消息就会生成并发送到由 channel 属性标识的通道。

You should also understand that the FTP inbound channel adapter is a polling consumer. Therefore, you must configure a poller (by using either a global default or a local sub-element). Once a file has been transferred, a message with a java.io.File as its payload is generated and sent to the channel identified by the channel attribute.

从版本 6.2 开始,你可以使用 FtpLastModifiedFileListFilter 根据上次修改策略过滤 FTP 文件。此过滤器可以使用 age 属性进行配置,以便此值较旧的文件才会被过滤器通过。默认情况下,age 为 60 秒,但你应该选择一个足够大的值,以避免过早地处理文件(例如,由于网络问题)。请查看其 JavaDoc 以获取更多信息。

Starting with version 6.2, you can filter FTP files based on last-modified strategy using FtpLastModifiedFileListFilter. This filter can be configured with an age property so that only files older than this value are passed by the filter. The age defaults to 60 seconds, but you should choose an age that is large enough to avoid picking up a file early (due to, say, network glitches). Look into its Javadoc for more information.

More on File Filtering and Incomplete Files

有时,在受监控的(远程)目录中刚刚出现的文件是不完整的。通常,这样的文件是用一个临时扩展名(例如 somefile.txt.writing)写入的,然后在写入过程完成后重命名。在大多数情况下,你只对完整的文件感兴趣,并且希望仅过滤完整的文件。要处理这些情况,可以使用 filename-patternfilename-regexfilter 属性提供的过滤支持。以下示例使用自定义过滤器实现:

Sometimes the file that just appeared in the monitored (remote) directory is not complete. Typically, such a file is written with a temporary extension (such as somefile.txt.writing) and is then renamed once the writing process finishes. In most cases, you are only interested in files that are complete and would like to filter for only files that are complete. To handle these scenarios, you can use the filtering support provided by the filename-pattern, filename-regex, and filter attributes. The following example uses a custom filter implementation:

    <int:poller fixed-rate="1000"/>

<bean id="customFilter" class="org.example.CustomFilter"/>

Poller Configuration Notes for the Inbound FTP Adapter

入站 FTP 适配器的工作包含两项任务:

The job of the inbound FTP adapter consists of two tasks:

  1. Communicate with a remote server in order to transfer files from a remote directory to a local directory.

  2. For each transferred file, generate a message with that file as a payload and send it to the channel identified by the 'channel' attribute. That is why they are called "'channel adapters'" rather than just "'adapters'". The main job of such an adapter is to generate a message to send to a message channel. Essentially, the second task takes precedence in such a way that, if your local directory already has one or more files, it first generates messages from those. Only when all local files have been processed does it initiate the remote communication to retrieve more files.

此外,在轮询器上配置触发器时,你应密切注意 max-messages-per-poll 属性。对于所有 SourcePollingChannelAdapter 实例(包括 FTP),其默认值为 1。这意味着,一旦处理了一个文件,它就会按照触发器配置所确定的下一个执行时间等待。如果你恰好有一个或多个文件位于 local-directory 中,它会处理这些文件,然后再与远程 FTP 服务器通信。此外,如果 max-messages-per-poll 设置为 1(默认值),它每次只处理一个文件,间隔由触发器定义,实际上充当“一个轮询 === 一个文件”。

Also, when configuring a trigger on the poller, you should pay close attention to the max-messages-per-poll attribute. Its default value is 1 for all SourcePollingChannelAdapter instances (including FTP). This means that, as soon as one file is processed, it waits for the next execution time as determined by your trigger configuration. If you happened to have one or more files sitting in the local-directory, it would process those files before it would initiate communication with the remote FTP server. Also, if the max-messages-per-poll is set to 1 (the default), it processes only one file at a time with intervals as defined by your trigger, essentially working as “one-poll === one-file”.

对于典型文件传输用例,你很可能希望得到相反的行为:为每个轮询处理所有可能的文件,然后才等待下一个轮询。如果是这种情况,请将 max-messages-per-poll 设置为 -1。然后,在每个轮询中,适配器会尽可能多地尝试生成消息。换句话说,它处理本地目录中的所有内容,然后连接到远程目录,将所有可用于在本地处理的内容传输过去。只有在这种情况下,轮询操作才被认为已完成,并且轮询器才会等待下一个执行时间。

For typical file-transfer use cases, you most likely want the opposite behavior: to process all the files you can for each poll and only then wait for the next poll. If that is the case, set max-messages-per-poll to -1. Then, on each poll, the adapter tries to generate as many messages as it possibly can. In other words, it processes everything in the local directory, and then it connects to the remote directory to transfer everything that is available there to be processed locally. Only then is the poll operation considered complete, and the poller waits for the next execution time.

你还可以将 max-messages-per-poll 值设置为一个正值,表示每次轮询从文件中创建的消息的上限。例如,值为 10 意味着每次轮询它尝试处理不超过十个文件。

You can alternatively set the 'max-messages-per-poll' value to a positive value that indicates the upward limit of messages to be created from files with each poll. For example, a value of 10 means that, on each poll, it tries to process no more than ten files.

Recovering from Failures

了解适配器的架构非常重要。有一个用于获取文件的 File Synchronizer 和一个用于为每个同步文件发出消息的 FileReadingMessageSource。如前所述,有两个过滤器参与其中。filter 属性(和模式)指远程(FTP)文件列表,以避免获取已经获取的文件。FileReadingMessageSource 使用 local-filter 来确定哪些文件要作为消息发送。

It is important to understand the architecture of the adapter. There is a file synchronizer that fetches the files and a FileReadingMessageSource that emits a message for each synchronized file. As discussed earlier, two filters are involved. The filter attribute (and patterns) refers to the remote (FTP) file list, to avoid fetching files that have already been fetched. The local-filter is used by the FileReadingMessageSource to determine which files are to be sent as messages.

同步器列出远程文件并查询其过滤器。然后传输这些文件。如果在文件传输期间发生 IO 错误,则将已经添加到过滤器中的任何文件删除,以便它们有资格在下次轮询时重新获取。仅当过滤器实现 ReversibleFileListFilter(例如 AcceptOnceFileListFilter)时,这一点才适用。

The synchronizer lists the remote files and consults its filter. The files are then transferred. If an IO error occurs during file transfer, any files that have already been added to the filter are removed so that they are eligible to be re-fetched on the next poll. This only applies if the filter implements ReversibleFileListFilter (such as the AcceptOnceFileListFilter).


If, after synchronizing the files, an error occurs on the downstream flow processing a file, no automatic rollback of the filter occurs, so the failed file is not reprocessed by default.


If you wish to reprocess such files after a failure, you can use configuration similar to the following to facilitate the removal of the failed file from the filter:

<int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter id="ftpAdapter"
    <int:poller fixed-rate="1000">
        <int:transactional synchronization-factory="syncFactory" />

<bean id="acceptOnceFilter"
    class="org.springframework.integration.file.filters.AcceptOnceFileListFilter" />

<int:transaction-synchronization-factory id="syncFactory">
    <int:after-rollback expression="payload.delete()" />

<bean id="transactionManager"
    class="org.springframework.integration.transaction.PseudoTransactionManager" />

前面的配置适用于任何 ResettableFileListFilter

The preceding configuration works for any ResettableFileListFilter.

从 5.0 版本开始,入站通道适配器可以在本地构建与生成的本地文件名对应的子目录。它也可以是远程子路径。为了能够根据层次结构支持递归读取本地目录以进行修改,您现在可以供应一个带有基于 Files.walk()`算法的新 `RecursiveDirectoryScanner`的内部 `FileReadingMessageSource。有关更多信息,请参阅 AbstractInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource.setScanner()。此外,您现在可以通过使用 setUseWatchService()`选项,将 `AbstractInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource`切换到基于 `WatchService`的 `DirectoryScanner。它还配置了所有 WatchEventType`实例,以响应本地目录中的任何修改。前面显示的重新处理示例基于 `FileReadingMessageSource.WatchServiceDirectoryScanner`的内置功能,以便在从本地目录删除文件 (`StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE) 时执行 ResettableFileListFilter.remove()。有关更多信息,请参阅 WatchServiceDirectoryScanner

Starting with version 5.0, the inbound channel adapter can build sub-directories locally that correspond to the generated local file name. That can be a remote sub-path as well. To be able to read a local directory recursively for modification according to the hierarchy support, you can now supply an internal FileReadingMessageSource with a new RecursiveDirectoryScanner based on the Files.walk() algorithm. See AbstractInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource.setScanner() for more information. Also, you can now switch the AbstractInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource to the WatchService-based DirectoryScanner by using setUseWatchService() option. It is also configured for all the WatchEventType instances to react to any modifications in local directory. The reprocessing sample shown earlier is based on the built-in functionality of the FileReadingMessageSource.WatchServiceDirectoryScanner to perform ResettableFileListFilter.remove() when the file is deleted (StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE) from the local directory. See WatchServiceDirectoryScanner for more information.

Configuring with Java Configuration

以下 Spring Boot 应用程序展示了如何使用 Java 配置配置入站适配器的示例:

The following Spring Boot application show an example of how to configure the inbound adapter with Java configuration:

public class FtpJavaApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplicationBuilder(FtpJavaApplication.class)

    public SessionFactory<FTPFile> ftpSessionFactory() {
        DefaultFtpSessionFactory sf = new DefaultFtpSessionFactory();
        return new CachingSessionFactory<FTPFile>(sf);

    public FtpInboundFileSynchronizer ftpInboundFileSynchronizer() {
        FtpInboundFileSynchronizer fileSynchronizer = new FtpInboundFileSynchronizer(ftpSessionFactory());
        fileSynchronizer.setFilter(new FtpSimplePatternFileListFilter("*.xml"));
        return fileSynchronizer;

    @InboundChannelAdapter(channel = "ftpChannel", poller = @Poller(fixedDelay = "5000"))
    public MessageSource<File> ftpMessageSource() {
        FtpInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource source =
                new FtpInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource(ftpInboundFileSynchronizer());
        source.setLocalDirectory(new File("ftp-inbound"));
        source.setLocalFilter(new AcceptOnceFileListFilter<File>());
        return source;

    @ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "ftpChannel")
    public MessageHandler handler() {
        return new MessageHandler() {

            public void handleMessage(Message<?> message) throws MessagingException {



Configuring with the Java DSL

以下 Spring Boot 应用程序展示了如何使用 Java DSL 配置入站适配器的示例:

The following Spring Boot application shows an example of how to configure the inbound adapter with the Java DSL:

public class FtpJavaApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplicationBuilder(FtpJavaApplication.class)

    public IntegrationFlow ftpInboundFlow() {
        return IntegrationFlow
                    .localFilename(f -> f.toUpperCase() + ".a")
                    .localDirectory(new File("d:\\ftp_files")),
                e -> e.id("ftpInboundAdapter")
            .handle(m -> System.out.println(m.getPayload()))

Dealing With Incomplete Data

请参阅 @{66}。

提供 @{67} 来过滤远程系统中没有相应标记文件的远程文件。请参阅 @{68}(并浏览到父类)以获取配置信息。

The FtpSystemMarkerFilePresentFileListFilter is provided to filter remote files that do not have a corresponding marker file on the remote system. See the Javadoc (and browse to the parent classes) for configuration information.