TCP and UDP Support
Spring Integration 提供了用于通过 Internet 协议接收和发送消息的通道适配器。提供了 UDP(用户数据报协议)和 TCP(传输控制协议)适配器。每个适配器都提供了通过底层协议的单向通信。另外,Spring Integration 提供了简单的入站和出站 TCP 网关。当需要双向通信时,将使用这些网关。
Spring Integration provides channel adapters for receiving and sending messages over internet protocols. Both UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) adapters are provided. Each adapter provides for one-way communication over the underlying protocol. In addition, Spring Integration provides simple inbound and outbound TCP gateways. These are used when two-way communication is needed.
You need to include this dependency into your project:
compile "org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-ip:{project-version}"