JDBC Support

Spring Integration 提供信道适配器,用于通过使用数据库查询接收和发送消息。借助这些适配器,Spring Integration 不仅支持简单的 JDBC SQL 查询,还支持存储过程和存储函数调用。

Spring Integration provides channel adapters for receiving and sending messages by using database queries. Through those adapters, Spring Integration supports not only plain JDBC SQL queries but also stored procedure and stored function calls.


You need to include this dependency into your project:

  • Maven

  • Gradle

compile "org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-jdbc:{project-version}"

默认情况下,可以使用以下 JDBC 组件:

By default, the following JDBC components are available:

Spring 集成 JDBC 模块还提供 JDBC Message Store

The Spring Integration JDBC Module also provides a JDBC Message Store.