RSocket Support

RSocket Spring Integration 模块 (spring-integration-rsocket) 允许执行 RSocket application protocol

The RSocket Spring Integration module (spring-integration-rsocket) allows for executions of RSocket application protocol.


You need to include this dependency into your project:

  • Maven

  • Gradle

compile "org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-rsocket:{project-version}"

此模块从 5.2 版本开始可用,基于 Spring Messaging 基础,并附有其 RSocket 组件实现,如 RSocketRequesterRSocketMessageHandlerRSocketStrategies。请参阅 Spring Framework RSocket Support 以获取有关 RSocket 协议、术语和组件的更多信息。

This module is available starting with version 5.2 and is based on the Spring Messaging foundation with its RSocket component implementations, such as RSocketRequester, RSocketMessageHandler and RSocketStrategies. See Spring Framework RSocket Support for more information about the RSocket protocol, terminology and components.

在通过通道适配器启动集成流处理之前,我们需要在服务器和客户端之间建立 RSocket 连接。为此,Spring Integration RSocket 支持提供了 ServerRSocketConnectorClientRSocketConnector,是 AbstractRSocketConnector 的实现。

Before starting an integration flow processing via channel adapters, we need to establish an RSocket connection between server and client. For this purpose, Spring Integration RSocket support provides the ServerRSocketConnector and ClientRSocketConnector implementations of the AbstractRSocketConnector.

根据提供的 io.rsocket.transport.ServerTransportServerRSocketConnector 在主机和端口上公开一个侦听器,以接受来自客户端的连接。内部 RSocketServer 实例可以通过 setServerConfigurer() 进行自定义,以及可配置的其他选项,例如有效负载数据和标头元数据的 RSocketStrategiesMimeType。当客户端请求者提供了 setupRoute(请参见下面的 ClientRSocketConnector)时,连接的客户端通过 clientRSocketKeyStrategy BiFunction<Map<String, Object>, DataBuffer, Object> 确定的键存储为 RSocketRequester。默认情况下,连接数据用作以 UTF-8 字符集转换为字符串的键。此类 RSocketRequester 注册表可用于应用程序逻辑中来确定特定客户端连接以与其进行交互,或将同一消息发布到所有连接的客户端。当从客户端建立连接时,将从 ServerRSocketConnector 发出 RSocketConnectedEvent。这类似于 Spring Messaging 模块中 @ConnectMapping 注释提供的内容。映射模式 * 表示接受所有客户端路由。RSocketConnectedEvent 可通过 DestinationPatternsMessageCondition.LOOKUP_DESTINATION_HEADER 头区分不同的路由。

The ServerRSocketConnector exposes a listener on the host and port according to provided io.rsocket.transport.ServerTransport for accepting connections from clients. An internal RSocketServer instance can be customized with the setServerConfigurer(), as well as other options that can be configured, e.g. RSocketStrategies and MimeType for payload data and headers metadata. When a setupRoute is provided from the client requester (see ClientRSocketConnector below), a connected client is stored as a RSocketRequester under the key determined by the clientRSocketKeyStrategy BiFunction<Map<String, Object>, DataBuffer, Object>. By default, a connection data is used for the key as a converted value to string with UTF-8 charset. Such an RSocketRequester registry can be used in the application logic to determine a particular client connection for interaction with it, or for publishing the same message to all connected clients. When a connection is established from the client, an RSocketConnectedEvent is emitted from the ServerRSocketConnector. This is similar to what is provided by the @ConnectMapping annotation in Spring Messaging module. The mapping pattern * means accept all the client routes. The RSocketConnectedEvent can be used to distinguish different routes via DestinationPatternsMessageCondition.LOOKUP_DESTINATION_HEADER header.


A typical server configuration might look like this:

public RSocketStrategies rsocketStrategies() {
    return RSocketStrategies.builder()
        .dataBufferFactory(new DefaultDataBufferFactory(true))

public ServerRSocketConnector serverRSocketConnector() {
    ServerRSocketConnector serverRSocketConnector = new ServerRSocketConnector("localhost", 0);
    serverRSocketConnector.setMetadataMimeType(new MimeType("message", "x.rsocket.routing.v0"));
    serverRSocketConnector.setServerConfigurer((server) -> server.payloadDecoder(PayloadDecoder.ZERO_COPY));
    serverRSocketConnector.setClientRSocketKeyStrategy((headers, data) -> ""
                                    + headers.get(DestinationPatternsMessageCondition.LOOKUP_DESTINATION_HEADER));
    return serverRSocketConnector;

public void onApplicationEvent(RSocketConnectedEvent event) {

包括 RSocketStrategies Bean 和 RSocketConnectedEvent@EventListener 在内的所有选项都是可选的。有关更多信息,请参阅 ServerRSocketConnector JavaDocs。

All the options, including RSocketStrategies bean and @EventListener for RSocketConnectedEvent, are optional. See ServerRSocketConnector JavaDocs for more information.

从版本 5.2.1 开始,ServerRSocketMessageHandler 被提取到一个公共的顶级类中,以便与现有 RSocket 服务器连接。当 ServerRSocketConnectorServerRSocketMessageHandler 的外部实例一起提供时,它不会在内部创建 RSocket 服务器,而仅将所有处理逻辑委派给提供的实例。此外,ServerRSocketMessageHandler 可以通过 messageMappingCompatible 标志进行配置,以处理 RSocket 控制器的 @MessageMapping,从而完全取代标准 RSocketMessageHandler 提供的功能。当经典 @MessageMapping 方法与 RSocket 通道适配器同时存在于同一应用程序中,且应用程序中存在外部配置的 RSocket 服务器时,这在混合配置中很有用。

Starting with version 5.2.1, the ServerRSocketMessageHandler is extracted to a public, top-level class for possible connection with an existing RSocket server. When a ServerRSocketConnector is supplied with an external instance of ServerRSocketMessageHandler, it doesn’t create an RSocket server internally and just delegates all the handling logic to the provided instance. In addition, the ServerRSocketMessageHandler can be configured with a messageMappingCompatible flag to handle also @MessageMapping for an RSocket controller, fully replacing the functionality provided by the standard RSocketMessageHandler. This can be useful in mixed configurations, when classic @MessageMapping methods are present in the same application along with RSocket channel adapters and an externally configured RSocket server is present in the application.

ClientRSocketConnector 根据通过提供的 ClientTransport 连接的 RSocket,用作 RSocketRequester 的容器。RSocketConnector 可以通过提供的 RSocketConnectorConfigurer 进行自定义。还可以在此组件上配置带有可选模板变量的 setupRoute 以及带元数据的 setupData

The ClientRSocketConnector serves as a holder for RSocketRequester based on the RSocket connected via the provided ClientTransport. The RSocketConnector can be customized with the provided RSocketConnectorConfigurer. The setupRoute (with optional templates variables) and setupData with metadata can be also configured on this component.


A typical client configuration might look like this:

public RSocketStrategies rsocketStrategies() {
    return RSocketStrategies.builder()
        .dataBufferFactory(new DefaultDataBufferFactory(true))

public ClientRSocketConnector clientRSocketConnector() {
    ClientRSocketConnector clientRSocketConnector =
            new ClientRSocketConnector("localhost", serverRSocketConnector().getBoundPort().block());
    return clientRSocketConnector;

这些选项中的大多数(包括 RSocketStrategies Bean)都是可选的。请注意,我们如何连接到任意端口上的本地启动的 RSocket 服务器。请参见 ServerRSocketConnector.clientRSocketKeyStrategy 获取 setupData 用例。另请参阅 ClientRSocketConnector 及其 AbstractRSocketConnector 超类 JavaDocs,了解更多信息。

Most of these options (including RSocketStrategies bean) are optional. Note how we connect to the locally started RSocket server on the arbitrary port. See ServerRSocketConnector.clientRSocketKeyStrategy for setupData use cases. Also see ClientRSocketConnector and its AbstractRSocketConnector superclass JavaDocs for more information.

ClientRSocketConnectorServerRSocketConnector 负责将入站通道适配器映射到其 path 配置,以便路由传入的 RSocket 请求。参见下一部分了解更多信息。

Both ClientRSocketConnector and ServerRSocketConnector are responsible for mapping inbound channel adapters to their path configuration for routing incoming RSocket requests. See the next section for more information.

RSocket Inbound Gateway

RSocketInboundGateway 负责接收 RSocket 请求和生成响应(如果有)。它需要一个 path 映射数组,该数组可以是类似于 MVC 请求映射或 @MessageMapping 语义的模式。此外(自版本 5.2.2 起),可以在 RSocketInboundGateway 上配置一组交互模型(参见 RSocketInteractionModel),以便通过特定帧类型将 RSocket 请求限制到这个端点。默认情况下,支持所有交互模型。这样的 Bean 根据其 IntegrationRSocketEndpoint 实现(ReactiveMessageHandler 的扩展),由 ServerRSocketConnectorClientRSocketConnector 自动检测,用于对传入请求执行内部 IntegrationRSocketMessageHandler 中的路由逻辑。可以为 RSocketInboundGateway 提供一个 AbstractRSocketConnector,以便进行显式端点注册。这样,将在该 AbstractRSocketConnector 上禁用自动检测选项。还可以将 RSocketStrategies 注入到 RSocketInboundGateway,或者从提供的 AbstractRSocketConnector 中获取它们,从而覆盖任何显式注入。根据提供的 requestElementType,使用这些 RSocketStrategies 中的解码器解码请求有效负载。如果传入的 Message 中未提供 RSocketPayloadReturnValueHandler.RESPONSE_HEADER 头,RSocketInboundGateway 会将请求作为 fireAndForget RSocket 交互模型处理。在这种情况下,RSocketInboundGateway 会对 outputChannel 执行纯 send 操作。否则,将使用 RSocketPayloadReturnValueHandler.RESPONSE_HEADER 头中的 MonoProcessor 值向 RSocket 发送答复。为此,RSocketInboundGatewayoutputChannel 执行 sendAndReceiveMessageReactive 操作。要向下游发送的消息的 payload 始终是 MessagingRSocket 逻辑中的 Flux。当处于 fireAndForget RSocket 交互模型中时,消息将进行纯转换的 payload。答复 payload 可以是普通对象或 Publisher - RSocketInboundGateway 会根据 RSocketStrategies 中提供的编码器将它们正确地转换为 RSocket 响应。

The RSocketInboundGateway is responsible for receiving RSocket requests and producing responses (if any). It requires an array of path mapping which could be as patterns similar to MVC request mapping or @MessageMapping semantics. In addition, (since version 5.2.2), a set of interaction models (see RSocketInteractionModel) can be configured on the RSocketInboundGateway to restrict RSocket requests to this endpoint by the particular frame type. By default, all the interaction models are supported. Such a bean, according its IntegrationRSocketEndpoint implementation (extension of a ReactiveMessageHandler), is auto detected either by the ServerRSocketConnector or ClientRSocketConnector for a routing logic in the internal IntegrationRSocketMessageHandler for incoming requests. An AbstractRSocketConnector can be provided to the RSocketInboundGateway for explicit endpoint registration. This way, the auto-detection option is disabled on that AbstractRSocketConnector. The RSocketStrategies can also be injected into the RSocketInboundGateway or they are obtained from the provided AbstractRSocketConnector overriding any explicit injection. Decoders are used from those RSocketStrategies to decode a request payload according to the provided requestElementType. If an RSocketPayloadReturnValueHandler.RESPONSE_HEADER header is not provided in incoming the Message, the RSocketInboundGateway treats a request as a fireAndForget RSocket interaction model. In this case, an RSocketInboundGateway performs a plain send operation into the outputChannel. Otherwise, a MonoProcessor value from the RSocketPayloadReturnValueHandler.RESPONSE_HEADER header is used for sending a reply to the RSocket. For this purpose, an RSocketInboundGateway performs a sendAndReceiveMessageReactive operation on the outputChannel. The payload of the message to send downstream is always a Flux according to MessagingRSocket logic. When in a fireAndForget RSocket interaction model, the message has a plain converted payload. The reply payload could be a plain object or a Publisher - the RSocketInboundGateway converts both of them properly into an RSocket response according to the encoders provided in the RSocketStrategies.

从版本 5.3 开始,将 decodeFluxAsUnit 选项(默认 false)添加到 RSocketInboundGateway。默认情况下,传入 Flux 会以每件事件单独解码的方式进行转换。这是目前 @MessageMapping 语义中存在的确切行为。要还原先前的行为或根据应用程序要求将整个 Flux 解码为单个单元,则必须将 decodeFluxAsUnit 设置为 true。但是,目标解码逻辑取决于所选的 Decoder,例如 StringDecoder 要求流中存在换行符(默认情况下),以指示一个字节缓冲区的结束。

Starting with version 5.3, a decodeFluxAsUnit option (default false) is added to the RSocketInboundGateway. By default, incoming Flux is transformed the way that each its event is decoded separately. This is an exact behavior present currently with @MessageMapping semantics. To restore a previous behavior or decode the whole Flux as single unit according application requirements, the decodeFluxAsUnit has to be set to true. However, the target decoding logic depends on the Decoder selected, e.g. a StringDecoder requires a new line separator (by default) to be present in the stream to indicate a byte buffer end.

请参阅 Configuring RSocket Endpoints with Java 以了解如何配置 RSocketInboundGateway 端点以及如何处理下游有效负载的示例。

See Configuring RSocket Endpoints with Java for samples how to configure an RSocketInboundGateway endpoint and deal with payloads downstream.

RSocket Outbound Gateway

RSocketOutboundGateway 是一个 AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler,用于向 RSocket 执行请求并根据 RSocket 答复(如果有)生成答复。低级 RSocket 协议交互委托给从提供的 ClientRSocketConnector 解析的 RSocketRequester,或者委托给服务器端请求消息中的 RSocketRequesterMethodArgumentResolver.RSOCKET_REQUESTER_HEADER 头。可以通过 RSocketConnectedEvent 或使用 ServerRSocketConnector.getClientRSocketRequester() API 解析服务器端的目标 RSocketRequester,方法是根据通过 ServerRSocketConnector.setClientRSocketKeyStrategy() 选择的用于连接请求映射的业务密钥。参见 ServerRSocketConnector JavaDocs 了解更多信息。

The RSocketOutboundGateway is an AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler to perform requests into RSocket and produce replies based on the RSocket replies (if any). A low level RSocket protocol interaction is delegated into an RSocketRequester resolved from the provided ClientRSocketConnector or from the RSocketRequesterMethodArgumentResolver.RSOCKET_REQUESTER_HEADER header in the request message on the server side. A target RSocketRequester on the server side can be resolved from an RSocketConnectedEvent or using ServerRSocketConnector.getClientRSocketRequester() API according some business key selected for connect request mappings via ServerRSocketConnector.setClientRSocketKeyStrategy(). See ServerRSocketConnector JavaDocs for more information.

必须显式地配置要发送请求的 route(以及路径变量),或者通过一个针对请求消息求值的 SpEL 表达式。

The route to send request has to be configured explicitly (together with path variables) or via a SpEL expression which is evaluated against request message.

可以通过 RSocketInteractionModel 选项或相应的表达式设置来提供 RSocket 交互模型。默认情况下,requestResponse 用于普通网关用例。

The RSocket interaction model can be provided via RSocketInteractionModel option or respective expression setting. By default, a requestResponse is used for common gateway use-cases.

当请求消息有效负载是一个 Publisher 时,可以提供一个 publisherElementType 选项,以根据目标 RSocketRequester 中提供的 RSocketStrategies 对其元素进行编码。此选项的表达式可以求值为 ParameterizedTypeReference。参见 JavaDocs,了解更多有关数据及其类型的信息。

When request message payload is a Publisher, a publisherElementType option can be provided to encode its elements according an RSocketStrategies supplied in the target RSocketRequester. An expression for this option can evaluate to a ParameterizedTypeReference. See the JavaDocs for more information about data and its type.

还可以在 RSocket 请求中添加 metadata。为此,可以在 RSocketOutboundGateway 上针对请求消息配置一个 metadataExpression。此类表达式必须求值为 Map<Object, MimeType>

An RSocket request can also be enhanced with a metadata. For this purpose a metadataExpression against request message can be configured on the RSocketOutboundGateway. Such an expression must evaluate to a Map<Object, MimeType>.

interactionModel 不是 fireAndForget 时,必须提供 expectedResponseType。默认情况下,它是一个 String.class。此选项的表达式可以求值为 ParameterizedTypeReference。参见 RSocketRequester.RetrieveSpec.retrieveMono()RSocketRequester.RetrieveSpec.retrieveFlux() JavaDocs,了解更多有关答复数据及其类型的信息。

When interactionModel is not fireAndForget, an expectedResponseType must be supplied. It is a String.class by default. An expression for this option can evaluate to a ParameterizedTypeReference. See the RSocketRequester.RetrieveSpec.retrieveMono() and RSocketRequester.RetrieveSpec.retrieveFlux() JavaDocs for more information about reply data and its type.

RSocketOutboundGateway 的答复 payload 始终是一个 Mono(即使对于 fireAndForget 交互模型它也是 Mono<Void>),这使得此组件始终为 async。此 Mono 会在普通通道中订阅进 outputChannel,或按需由 FluxMessageChannel 处理。requestStreamrequestChannel 交互模型的 Flux 响应也会被包装到答复 Mono 中。它可以通过具有直通服务激活器的 FluxMessageChannel 展平下游:

A reply payload from the RSocketOutboundGateway is a Mono (even for a fireAndForget interaction model it is Mono<Void>) always making this component as async. Such a Mono is subscribed before producing into the outputChannel for regular channels or processed on demand by the FluxMessageChannel. A Flux response for the requestStream or requestChannel interaction model is also wrapped into a reply Mono. It can be flattened downstream by the FluxMessageChannel with a passthrough service activator:

@ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "rsocketReplyChannel", outputChannel ="fluxMessageChannel")
public Flux<?> flattenRSocketResponse(Flux<?> payload) {
    return payload;


Or subscribed explicitly in the target application logic.

还可以配置(或通过表达式求值)预期响应类型为 void,将此网关视为出站通道适配器。但是,仍然必须配置 outputChannel(即使它只是一个 NullChannel),才能启动对返回的 Mono 的订阅。

The expected response type can also be configured (or evaluated via expression) to void treating this gateway as an outbound channel adapter. However, the outputChannel still has to be configured (even if it just a NullChannel) to initiate a subscription to the returned Mono.

请参阅 Configuring RSocket Endpoints with Java 以了解如何配置 RSocketOutboundGateway 端点以及如何处理下游有效负载的示例。

See Configuring RSocket Endpoints with Java for samples how to configure an RSocketOutboundGateway endpoint a deal with payloads downstream.

RSocket Namespace Support

Spring Integration 提供了一个 rsocket 命名空间和相应的模式定义。要将其包含在配置中,请在应用程序上下文配置文件中添加以下命名空间声明:

Spring Integration provides an rsocket namespace and the corresponding schema definition. To include it in your configuration, add the following namespace declaration in your application context configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""


要通过 XML 配置 Spring Integration RSocket 入站通道适配器,你需要使用 int-rsocket 命名空间中的一个合适的 inbound-gateway 组件。以下示例演示了如何配置它:

To configure Spring Integration RSocket inbound channel adapters with XML, you need to use an appropriate inbound-gateway components from the int-rsocket namespace. The following example shows how to configure it:

<int-rsocket:inbound-gateway id="inboundGateway"

ClientRSocketConnectorServerRSocketConnector 应配置为通用的 <bean> 定义。

A ClientRSocketConnector and ServerRSocketConnector should be configured as generic <bean> definitions.


<int-rsocket:outbound-gateway id="outboundGateway"
                              metadata-expression="{'metadata': new org.springframework.util.MimeType('*')}"/>

有关所有这些 XML 属性的描述,请参见 spring-integration-rsocket.xsd

See spring-integration-rsocket.xsd for description for all those XML attributes.

Configuring RSocket Endpoints with Java

以下示例展示了如何使用 Java 配置 RSocket 入站端点:

The following example shows how to configure an RSocket inbound endpoint with Java:

public RSocketInboundGateway rsocketInboundGatewayRequestReply() {
    RSocketInboundGateway rsocketInboundGateway = new RSocketInboundGateway("echo");
    return rsocketInboundGateway;

@Transformer(inputChannel = "requestReplyChannel")
public Mono<String> echoTransformation(Flux<String> payload) {

此配置中假设了一个 ClientRSocketConnectorServerRSocketConnector,它用于自动检测 “echo” 路径上的此类端点。注意 @Transformer 签名及其对 RSocket 请求的完全响应式处理和产生响应式答复。

A ClientRSocketConnector or ServerRSocketConnector is assumed in this configuration with meaning for auto-detection of such an endpoint on the “echo” path. Pay attention to the @Transformer signature with its fully reactive processing of the RSocket requests and producing reactive replies.

以下示例展示了如何使用 Java DSL 配置 RSocket 入站网关:

The following example shows how to configure a RSocket inbound gateway with the Java DSL:

public IntegrationFlow rsocketUpperCaseFlow() {
    return IntegrationFlow
        .<Flux<String>, Mono<String>>transform((flux) ->

此配置中假设了一个 ClientRSocketConnectorServerRSocketConnector,它用于自动检测 “/uppercase” 路径上的此类端点和作为 “request channel” 的预期交互模型。

A ClientRSocketConnector or ServerRSocketConnector is assumed in this configuration with meaning for auto-detection of such an endpoint on the “/uppercase” path and expected interaction model as “request channel”.

以下示例展示了如何使用 Java 配置 RSocket 出站网关:

The following example shows how to configure a RSocket outbound gateway with Java:

@ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "requestChannel", outputChannel = "replyChannel")
public RSocketOutboundGateway rsocketOutboundGateway() {
    RSocketOutboundGateway rsocketOutboundGateway =
            new RSocketOutboundGateway(
                    new FunctionExpression<Message<?>>((m) ->
            new FunctionExpression<Message<?>>((m) -> m.getHeaders().get("rsocket_interaction_model")));
    return rsocketOutboundGateway;

setClientRSocketConnector() 仅在客户端需要。在服务器端,必须在请求消息中提供带有 RSocketRequester 值的 RSocketRequesterMethodArgumentResolver.RSOCKET_REQUESTER_HEADER 标头。

The setClientRSocketConnector() is required only for the client side. On the server side, the RSocketRequesterMethodArgumentResolver.RSOCKET_REQUESTER_HEADER header with an RSocketRequester value must be supplied in the request message.

以下示例展示了如何使用 Java DSL 配置 RSocket 出站网关:

The following example shows how to configure a RSocket outbound gateway with the Java DSL:

public IntegrationFlow rsocketUpperCaseRequestFlow(ClientRSocketConnector clientRSocketConnector) {
    return IntegrationFlow

有关如何在上述流程开始时使用提及的 Function 接口的更多信息,请参阅 IntegrationFlow as a Gateway

See IntegrationFlow as a Gateway for more information how to use a mentioned Function interface in the beginning of the flow above.