本节提供了 Spring LDAP 的快速简介,包括以下内容:
This section offers a relatively quick introduction to Spring LDAP. It includes the following content:
Spring LDAP 旨在简化 Java 中的 LDAP 编程。该库提供的一些功能包括:
Spring LDAP is designed to simplify LDAP programming in Java. Some of the features provided by the library are:
-style template simplifications to LDAP programming. -
JPA- or Hibernate-style annotation-based object and directory mapping.
Spring Data repository support, including support for QueryDSL.
Utilities to simplify building LDAP queries and distinguished names.
Proper LDAP connection pooling.
Client-side LDAP compensating transaction support.
Traditional Java LDAP versus LdapClient
考虑一种方法,该方法应针对存储中的所有人员进行搜索,并在列表中返回其姓名。通过使用 JDBC,我们将创建一个 连接,并使用 语句 运行一个 查询。然后我们将遍历 结果集 并检索所需的 列,将其添加到列表中。
Consider a method that should search some storage for all persons and return their names in a list. By using JDBC, we would create a connection and run a query by using a statement. We would then loop over the result set and retrieve the column we want, adding it to a list.
通过使用 JNDI 针对一个 LDAP 数据库工作,我们将创建一个 上下文,并使用 搜索过滤器 执行一个 搜索。然后我们将遍历由此产生的 命名枚举,检索所需的 属性,并将它添加到列表中。
Working against an LDAP database with JNDI, we would create a context and perform a search by using a search filter. We would then loop over the resulting naming enumeration, retrieve the attribute we want, and add it to a list.
使用 Java LDAP 实现人员姓名搜索方法的传统方法如下例所示。注意用*加粗*标记的代码 - 这是执行与方法业务目的相关任务的实际代码。其余部分是管道。
The traditional way of implementing this person-name search method in Java LDAP looks like the next example. Note the code marked bold - this is the code that actually performs tasks related to the business purpose of the method. The rest is plumbing.
public class TraditionalPersonRepoImpl implements PersonRepo {
public List<String> getAllPersonNames() {
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://localhost:389/dc=example,dc=com");
DirContext ctx;
try {
ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
NamingEnumeration results = null;
try {
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
results = ctx.*search*("", *"(objectclass=person)"*, controls);
while (results.hasMore()) {
SearchResult searchResult = (SearchResult);
Attributes attributes = searchResult.getAttributes();
*Attribute attr = attributes.get("cn");
String cn = attr.get().toString();*
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
// The base context was not found.
// Just clean up and exit.
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
if (results != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Never mind this.
if (ctx != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Never mind this.
*return list;*
通过使用 Spring LDAP AttributesMapper
和 LdapClient
By using the Spring LDAP AttributesMapper
and LdapClient
classes, we get the exact same functionality with the following code:
import static org.springframework.ldap.query.LdapQueryBuilder.query;
public class PersonRepoImpl implements PersonRepo {
private LdapClient ldapClient;
public void setLdapClient(LdapClient ldapClient) {
this.ldapClient = ldapClient;
public List<String> getAllPersonNames() {
).toObject((Attributes attrs) ->
的搜索方法确保创建了一个 DirContext
实例,执行了搜索,使用给定的 AttributesMapper
将属性映射到一个字符串,将字符串收集到一个内部列表中,最后返回列表。它还确保正确关闭了 NamingEnumeration
和 DirContext
The amount of boilerplate code is significantly less than in the traditional example.
The LdapClient
search method makes sure a DirContext
instance is created, performs the search, maps the attributes to a string by using the given AttributesMapper
collects the strings in an internal list, and, finally, returns the list. It also makes sure that the NamingEnumeration
and DirContext
are properly closed and
takes care of any exceptions that might happen.
当然,由于这是一个 Spring 框架子项目,因此我们使用 Spring 来配置我们的应用程序,如下所示:
Naturally, this being a Spring Framework sub-project, we use Spring to configure our application, as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
password="secret" />
<bean id="ldapClient" class="org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapClient" factory-method="create">
<constructor-arg ref="contextSource" />
<bean id="personRepo" class="com.example.repo.PersonRepoImpl">
<property name="ldapClient" ref="ldapClient" />
要使用自定义 XML 名称空间来配置 Spring LDAP 组件,您需要在 XML 声明中包含这些名称空间的引用,如前面的示例所示。 |
To use the custom XML namespace to configure the Spring LDAP components, you need to include references to this namespace in your XML declaration, as in the preceding example. |
What’s new in 2.1
有关 2.1 的完整详细信息,请参阅以下变更日志:@18" 和 @"19"。Spring LDAP 2.1 的亮点如下。
For complete details of 2.1, see the changelog for 2.1.0.RC1 and for 2.1.0 The highlights of Spring LDAP 2.1 are as follows.
#390: Added Spring Data Hopper support
#351: Added support for commons-pool2
#370: Added support property placeholders in the XML Namespace
#392: Added document Testing Support
#401: Added a switch to assertj
Migrated from JIRA to GitHub Issues
Added Gitter Chat
What’s new in 2.0
尽管 Spring LDAP API 在 2.0 版本中进行了相当重要的现代化改造,但已非常小心地确保了向后兼容性,尽可能做到。使用 Spring LDAP 1.3.x 的代码应该在无任何修改的情况下与 2.0 库一起编译并运行,只有少数例外。
While quite significant modernizations have been made to the Spring LDAP API in version 2.0, great care has been taken to ensure backward compatibility as far as possible. Code that works with Spring LDAP 1.3.x should, with few exceptions, compile and run when you use the 2.0 libraries without any modifications.
例外是一些类,它们已移动到新包以便让几个重要的重构成为可能。移动的类通常不是预期公共 API 的一部分,而迁移过程应该很平稳。每当在升级后找不到某个 Spring LDAP 类时,都应该组织 IDE 中的导入。
The exception is a small number of classes that have been moved to new packages in order to make a couple of important refactorings possible. The moved classes are typically not part of the intended public API, and the migration procedure should be smooth. Whenever a Spring LDAP class cannot be found after upgrade, you should organize the imports in your IDE.
不过,您应该会遇到一些弃用警告,还有许多其他 API 改进。有关充分利用 2.0 的建议是:放弃使用已弃用的类和方法,并迁移到新的改进版 API 实用程序。
You should expect to encounter some deprecation warnings, though, and there are also a lot of other API improvements. The recommendation for getting as much as possible out of the 2.0 version is to move away from the deprecated classes and methods and migrate to the new, improved API utilities.
以下列表简要描述了 Spring LDAP 2.0 中最重要的变更:
The following list briefly describes the most important changes in Spring LDAP 2.0:
Java 6 is now required by Spring LDAP. Spring versions starting at 2.0 and up are still supported.
The central API has been updated with Java 5+ features such as generics and varargs. As a consequence, the entire
module has been deprecated, and we encourage you to migrate to using the core Spring LDAP classes. The parameterization of the core interfaces causes lots of compilation warnings on existing code, and we encourage you to take appropriate action to get rid of these warnings. -
The ODM (Object-Directory Mapping) functionality has been moved to core, and there are new methods in
that use this automatic translation to and from ODM-annotated classes. See Object-Directory Mapping (ODM) for more information. -
A custom XML namespace is now (finally) provided to simplify configuration of Spring LDAP. See [configuration] for more information.
Spring LDAP now provides support for Spring Data Repository and QueryDSL. See Spring LDAP Repositories for more information.
instances as attribute values are now handled properly with regards to distinguished name equality inDirContextAdapter
and ODM. SeeDirContextAdapter
and Distinguished Names as Attribute Values and ODM and Distinguished Names as Attribute Values for more information. -
and associated classes have been deprecated in favor of the standard JavaLdapName
. See Dynamically Building Distinguished Names for information on how the library helps when working withLdapName
objects. -
Fluent LDAP query building support has been added. This makes for a more pleasant programming experience when working with LDAP searches in Spring LDAP. See Building LDAP Queries and Advanced LDAP Queries for more information about the LDAP query builder support.
The old
methods inLdapTemplate
have been deprecated in favor of a couple of newauthenticate
methods that work withLdapQuery
objects and throw exceptions on authentication failure, making it easier for the user to find out what caused an authentication attempt to fail. -
The samples have been polished and updated to make use of the features in 2.0. Quite a bit of effort has been put into providing a useful example of an LDAP user management application.
Packaging Overview
最少情况下,要使用 Spring LDAP,您需要以下内容:
At a minimum, to use Spring LDAP you need the following:
: The Spring LDAP library -
: Miscellaneous utility classes used internally by the framework -
: Interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans -
: A simple logging facade, used internally
In addition to the required dependencies, the following optional dependencies are required for certain functionality:
: Base infrastructure for repository support and so on -
: Needed if your application is wired up by using the Spring Application Context.spring-context
adds the ability for application objects to obtain resources by using a consistent API. It is definitely needed if you plan to use theBaseLdapPathBeanPostProcessor
. -
: Needed if you plan to use the client-side compensating transaction support. -
: Needed if you plan to use the client-side compensating transaction support. -
: Needed if you plan to use the pooling functionality. -
: Needed if you plan to use the LDIF parsing functionality together with Spring Batch.
Getting Started
@"20" 提供了一些有用的示例,说明如何将 Spring LDAP 用于常见用例。
The samples provide some useful examples of how to use Spring LDAP for common use cases.
如有问题,请在 @"22" 上提问。项目网页为 [role="bare"]@"23"。
If you have questions, ask them on Stack Overflow with the spring-ldap
The project web page is [role="bare"]
启动 Spring LDAP 项目时的初期工作由 @"24" 赞助。项目的当前维护由 @"25" 资助,该公司已被 @"26" 收购。
The initial effort when starting the Spring LDAP project was sponsored by Jayway. Current maintenance of the project is funded by Pivotal, which has since been acquired by VMware.
感谢 @"27" 提供开源许可证,它在维护项目结构方面发挥了重要作用。
Thanks to Structure101 for providing an open source license that has come in handy for keeping the project structure in check.