Getting Help
如果您在使用 Spring for Apache Pulsar 时遇到问题,我们愿意提供帮助。
If you have trouble with Spring for Apache Pulsar, we would like to help.
Learn the Spring basics. Spring for Apache Pulsar builds on several other Spring projects. Check the web-site for a wealth of reference documentation. If you are starting out with Spring, try one of the guides.
Ask a question. We monitor for questions tagged with
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Report bugs at {github}/issues.
适用于 Apache Pulsar 的全部 Spring 均为开源,包括文档。如果您发现文档有任何问题,或者想要对文档进行改进,请参与其中。 |
All of Spring for Apache Pulsar is open source, including the documentation. If you find problems with the docs or if you want to improve them, please get involved. |