Security HTTP Response Headers
可以在很多方面使用 HTTP response headers来提高 Web 应用程序的安全性。本部分专门介绍 Spring Security 为其提供明确支持的各种 HTTP 响应标头。如需,您还可将 Spring Security 配置为提供 custom headers。
You can use HTTP response headers in many ways to increase the security of web applications. This section is dedicated to the various HTTP response headers for which Spring Security provides explicit support for. If necessary, you can also configure Spring Security to provide headers-custom.
Default Security Headers
Spring Security 提供了一组与安全性相关的 HTTP 响应头部的默认值以提供安全默认值。
Spring Security provides a default set of security related HTTP response headers to provide secure defaults.
Spring Security 的默认设置包括以下头部:
The default for Spring Security is to include the following headers:
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Strict-Transport-Security 仅添加到 HTTPS 请求 Strict-Transport-Security is added only on HTTPS requests |
If the defaults do not meet your needs, you can easily remove, modify, or add headers from these defaults. For additional details on each of these headers, see the corresponding sections:
Cache Control
Spring Security 的默认值为禁用缓存,以保护用户的内容。
Spring Security’s default is to disable caching to protect the user’s content.
If a user authenticates to view sensitive information and then logs out, we do not want a malicious user to be able to click the back button to view the sensitive information. The cache control headers that are sent by default are:
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
为了从默认设置起就是安全的,Spring Security 默认添加这些标头。然而,如果您的应用程序有自己的缓存控制器,Spring Security 就会退出。这样一来,应用程序就能确保静态资源(例如 CSS 和 JavaScript)能被缓存。
To be secure by default, Spring Security adds these headers by default. However, if your application provides its own cache control headers, Spring Security backs out of the way. This allows for applications to ensure that static resources (such as CSS and JavaScript) can be cached.
Content Type Options
从前,包括 Internet Explorer 在内的浏览器会尝试使用 content sniffing推测请求的内容类型。这允许浏览器通过推测未指定内容类型上的资源的内容类型来改善用户体验。例如,如果浏览器遇到一个未指定内容类型的 JavaScript 文件,它将能够推测内容类型然后运行它。
Historically, browsers, including Internet Explorer, would try to guess the content type of a request by using content sniffing. This allowed browsers to improve the user experience by guessing the content type on resources that had not specified the content type. For example, if a browser encountered a JavaScript file that did not have the content type specified, it would be able to guess the content type and then run it.
在允许上传内容时,应该执行许多其他操作(例如仅在特定域显示文档、确保 Content-Type 标头设置、清除文档和其他操作)。然而,这些措施超出了 Spring Security 所提供的范围。同样重要的是,在禁用内容嗅探时,您必须指定内容类型,以便一切都能正常运作。 There are many additional things one should do (such as only display the document in a distinct domain, ensure Content-Type header is set, sanitize the document, and others) when allowing content to be uploaded. However, these measures are out of the scope of what Spring Security provides. It is also important to point out that, when disabling content sniffing, you must specify the content type in order for things to work properly. |
内容嗅探的问题在于,这允许恶意用户使用多语言(即,一个文件有效作为多个内容类型)来执行 XSS 攻击。例如,一些网站可能允许用户向网站提交有效的后置脚本文档并查看它。恶意用户可能会创建 postscript document that is also a valid JavaScript file并用它执行 XSS 攻击。
The problem with content sniffing is that this allowed malicious users to use polyglots (that is, a file that is valid as multiple content types) to perform XSS attacks. For example, some sites may allow users to submit a valid postscript document to a website and view it. A malicious user might create a postscript document that is also a valid JavaScript file and perform an XSS attack with it.
默认情况下,Spring Security 通过将以下标头添加到 HTTP 响应来禁用内容嗅探:
By default, Spring Security disables content sniffing by adding the following header to HTTP responses:
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
当您输入银行网站时,您输入的是`还是 `\
?如果您省略 `https`协议,您可能会受到 Man-in-the-Middle attacks的攻击。即使网站执行对 `\`的重定向,恶意用户也可能会截获初始 HTTP 请求并操纵响应(例如,重定向到 `\`并窃取其凭据)。
When you type in your bank’s website, do you enter
or do you enter
If you omit the https
protocol, you are potentially vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle attacks.
Even if the website performs a redirect to
, a malicious user could intercept the initial HTTP request and manipulate the response (for example, redirect to
and steal their credentials).
许多用户省略 https`协议,这就是创建 HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)的原因。一旦 ``作为 HSTS host添加,浏览器可以提前知道对 的任何请求都应解释为 `\
Many users omit the https
protocol, and this is why HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) was created.
is added as a HSTS host, a browser can know ahead of time that any request to should be interpreted as
This greatly reduces the possibility of a Man-in-the-Middle attack occurring.
根据 RFC6797, HSTS 标头仅注入到 HTTPS 响应中。要使浏览器确认标头,浏览器必须首先信任用于创建连接的 SSL 证书的 CA(而不仅仅是 SSL 证书)。 In accordance with RFC6797, the HSTS header is injected only into HTTPS responses. For the browser to acknowledge the header, the browser must first trust the CA that signed the SSL certificate used to make the connection (not just the SSL certificate). |
让站点被标记为 HSTS 主机的其中一种方式是将该主机预先加载到浏览器中。另一个方式是将 Strict-Transport-Security
标头添加到响应中。例如,Spring Security 的默认行为是添加以下标头,它指示浏览器将域视为 HSTS 主机一年(对于非闰年,一年有 31536000 秒):
One way for a site to be marked as a HSTS host is to have the host preloaded into the browser.
Another way is to add the Strict-Transport-Security
header to the response.
For example, Spring Security’s default behavior is to add the following header, which instructs the browser to treat the domain as an HSTS host for a year (there are 31536000 seconds in a non-leap year):
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains ; preload
可选的 includeSubDomains
)也应视为 HSTS 域。
The optional includeSubDomains
directive instructs the browser that subdomains (such as
) should also be treated as an HSTS domain.
可选 `preload`指令指示浏览器该域名应预先加载到浏览器中,作为 HSTS 域名。有关 HSTS 预加载的更多详细信息,请参阅 [role="bare"][role="bare"]
The optional preload
directive instructs the browser that the domain should be preloaded in browser as an HSTS domain.
For more details on HSTS preload, see [role="bare"]
HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP)
为了保持被动,Spring Security 仍然提供 support for HPKP in servlet environments。但是,由于前面列出的原因,Spring Security 团队不再推荐 HPKP。 To remain passive, Spring Security still provides support for HPKP in servlet environments. However, for the reasons listed earlier, HPKP is no longer recommended by the Spring Security team. |
HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP)向 Web 客户端指定要用于特定 Web 服务器的公钥,以防止使用伪造证书进行中间人 (MITM) 攻击。正确使用时,HPKP 可以为受损证书增加额外的保护层。但是,由于 HPKP 的复杂性,许多专家不再建议使用它及其 Chrome has even removed support.
HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) specifies to a web client which public key to use with a certain web server to prevent Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks with forged certificates. When used correctly, HPKP could add additional layers of protection against compromised certificates. However, due to the complexity of HPKP, many experts no longer recommend using it and Chrome has even removed support for it.
有关不再建议使用 HPKP 的更多详细信息,请阅读 Is HTTP Public Key Pinning Dead?和 I’m giving up on HPKP.
For additional details around why HPKP is no longer recommended, read Is HTTP Public Key Pinning Dead? and I’m giving up on HPKP.
让你的网站被添加到框架中,这可能成为一个安全问题。例如,通过使用巧妙的 CSS 样式,用户可能会被诱骗点击他们本不想点击的东西。例如,已登录其银行的用户可能会单击授予其他用户访问权限的按钮。这种攻击称为 Clickjacking.
Letting your website be added to a frame can be a security issue. For example, by using clever CSS styling, users could be tricked into clicking on something that they were not intending. For example, a user that is logged into their bank might click a button that grants access to other users. This sort of attack is known as Clickjacking.
处理点击劫持的另一种现代方法是使用 Content Security Policy (CSP)。 Another modern approach to dealing with clickjacking is to use Content Security Policy (CSP). |
有许多方法可以缓解点击劫持攻击。例如,要保护旧浏览器免受点击劫持攻击,可以使用 frame breaking code.虽然不完美,但是框架破坏代码是针对旧浏览器能做的最好的方法。
There are a number ways to mitigate clickjacking attacks. For example, to protect legacy browsers from clickjacking attacks, you can use frame breaking code. While not perfect, the frame breaking code is the best you can do for the legacy browsers.
解决点击劫持的更现代方法是使用 X-Frame-Options标头。默认情况下,Spring Security 通过使用以下标头禁止在 iframe 中渲染页面:
A more modern approach to address clickjacking is to use X-Frame-Options header. By default, Spring Security disables rendering pages within an iframe by using with the following header:
X-Frame-Options: DENY
某些浏览器具有内置支持功能,可以过滤掉 reflected XSS attacks.该过滤器已在主要浏览器中弃用,并且 current OWASP recommendation用于明确将标头设置为 0。
Some browsers have built-in support for filtering out reflected XSS attacks. The filter has been deprecated in major browsers, and current OWASP recommendation is to explicitly set the header to 0.
默认情况下,Spring Security 会使用以下头阻止内容:
By default, Spring Security blocks the content by using the following header:
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Content Security Policy (CSP)
Content Security Policy (CSP)是 Web 应用程序可以用来缓解内容注入漏洞的机制,例如跨站点脚本 (XSS)。CSP 是一种声明性策略,为 Web 应用程序作者提供了一种声明和最终告知客户端(用户代理)有关 Web 应用程序预期从何处加载资源的信息的方法。
Content Security Policy (CSP) is a mechanism that web applications can use to mitigate content injection vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS). CSP is a declarative policy that provides a facility for web application authors to declare and ultimately inform the client (user-agent) about the sources from which the web application expects to load resources.
内容安全策略并非旨在解决所有内容注入漏洞。相反,您可以使用 CSP 来帮助减少内容注入攻击造成的危害。作为第一道防线,网络应用程序作者应验证其输入并对其输出进行编码。 Content Security Policy is not intended to solve all content injection vulnerabilities. Instead, you can use CSP to help reduce the harm caused by content injection attacks. As a first line of defense, web application authors should validate their input and encode their output. |
网络应用程序可以通过在响应中包含以下 HTTP 头之一来使用 CSP:
A web application can use CSP by including one of the following HTTP headers in the response:
Each of these headers are used as a mechanism to deliver a security policy to the client. A security policy contains a set of security policy directives, each responsible for declaring the restrictions for a particular resource representation.
For example, a web application can declare that it expects to load scripts from specific, trusted sources by including the following header in the response:
Content-Security-Policy: script-src
用户代理阻止尝试从 `script-src`指令中声明的任何其他来源加载脚本。此外,如果安全策略中声明了 report-uri指令,用户代理将向声明的 URL 报告违规行为。
An attempt to load a script from another source other than what is declared in the script-src
directive is blocked by the user-agent.
Additionally, if the report-uri directive is declared in the security policy, the violation will be reported by the user-agent to the declared URL.
例如,如果网络应用程序违反了声明的安全策略,则以下响应头会指示用户代理将违规报告发送到策略 report-uri
指令中指定的 URL。
For example, if a web application violates the declared security policy, the following response header instructs the user-agent to send violation reports to the URL specified in the policy’s report-uri
Content-Security-Policy: script-src; report-uri /csp-report-endpoint/
Violation reports是标准 JSON 结构,可以由 Web 应用程序自己的 API 或公开托管的 CSP 违规报告服务(如 [role="bare"][role="bare"]捕获。
Violation reports are standard JSON structures that can be captured either by the web application’s own API or by a publicly hosted CSP violation reporting service, such as [role="bare"]
头为网络应用程序作者和管理员提供了监控安全策略而不是强制执行这些策略的功能。当尝试或开发网站的安全策略时,通常会使用此头。当策略被视为有效时,可以通过使用 Content-Security-Policy
The Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
header provides the capability for web application authors and administrators to monitor security policies rather than enforce them.
This header is typically used when experimenting or developing security policies for a site.
When a policy is deemed effective, it can be enforced by using the Content-Security-Policy
header field instead.
Given the following response header, the policy declares that scripts can be loaded from one of two possible sources.
Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: script-src 'self'; report-uri /csp-report-endpoint/
加载脚本),用户代理会将违规报告发送到 report-uri
指令指定的声明的 URL,但仍允许违规资源加载。
If the site violates this policy, by attempting to load a script from
, the user-agent sends a violation report to the declared URL specified by the report-uri
directive but still lets the violating resource load.
Applying Content Security Policy to a web application is often a non-trivial undertaking. The following resources may provide further assistance in developing effective security policies for your site:
Referrer Policy
Referrer Policy是一种让 Web 应用程序可以管理引用者字段的机制,该字段包含用户访问的上一页。
Referrer Policy is a mechanism that web applications can use to manage the referrer field, which contains the last page the user was on.
Spring Security 的方法是使用 Referrer Policy标头,它提供不同的 policies:
Spring Security’s approach is to use the Referrer Policy header, which provides different policies:
Referrer-Policy: same-origin
Referrer-Policy 响应头指示浏览器让目标服务器知道用户之前所在的位置。
The Referrer-Policy response header instructs the browser to let the destination knows the source where the user was previously.
Feature Policy
Feature Policy是一种允许 Web 开发人员有选择地启用、禁用和修改浏览器中某些 API 和 Web 功能的行为的机制。
Feature Policy is a mechanism that lets web developers to selectively enable, disable, and modify the behavior of certain APIs and web features in the browser.
Feature-Policy: geolocation 'self'
通过功能策略,开发人员可以选择一组 “policies” 供浏览器针对您网站使用的特定功能强制执行。这些策略限制网站可以访问的 API,或修改浏览器针对某些功能的默认行为。
With Feature Policy, developers can opt-in to a set of “policies” for the browser to enforce on specific features used throughout your site. These policies restrict what APIs the site can access or modify the browser’s default behavior for certain features.
Permissions Policy
Permissions Policy是一种允许 Web 开发人员有选择地启用、禁用和修改浏览器中某些 API 和 Web 功能的行为的机制。
Permissions Policy is a mechanism that lets web developers selectively enable, disable, and modify the behavior of certain APIs and web features in the browser.
Permissions-Policy: geolocation=(self)
通过权限策略,开发人员可以选择一组“策略”,供浏览器针对您网站使用的特定功能强制执行。这些策略限制网站可以访问的 API,或修改浏览器针对某些功能的默认行为。
With Permissions Policy, developers can opt-in to a set of "policies" for the browser to enforce on specific features used throughout your site. These policies restrict what APIs the site can access or modify the browser’s default behavior for certain features.
Clear Site Data
Clear Site Data是一种机制,当 HTTP 响应包含此标头时,可以通过该机制删除所有浏览器端数据(例如,cookie、本地存储)。
Clear Site Data is a mechanism by which any browser-side data (cookies, local storage, and the like) can be removed when an HTTP response contains this header:
Clear-Site-Data: "cache", "cookies", "storage", "executionContexts"
This is a nice clean-up action to perform on logout.
Custom Headers
参阅相关章节,了解如何配置基于 servlet 的应用程序。 See the relevant section to see how to configure servlet based applications. |
Spring Security 具有机制,便于将更常见的安全头添加到应用程序中。但是,它还提供钩子以启用添加自定义头。
Spring Security has mechanisms to make it convenient to add the more common security headers to your application. However, it also provides hooks to enable adding custom headers.