GraalVM Native Image Support
Spring Boot 3.0 提供了 support for generating native images with GraalVM 。Spring Security 与该支持集成,并提供了适用于本机映像的功能。
Spring Boot 3.0 provides support for generating native images with GraalVM. Spring Security integrates with that support and provides its features ready for native images.
但是,正如 Spring Boot documentation 中提到的,在某些情况下,我们需要提供 GraalVM 要使用的提示。
However, as mentioned in the Spring Boot documentation, there are some cases where we need to provide hints to be used by GraalVM.
本节旨在就一些可能需要应用程序提供附加提示信息的 Spring Security 功能提供指导。
This section aims to provide guidance in some Spring Security features that likely need to have additional hints provided by the application.