所有的基于 HTTP 的通信都应受到 using TLS 的保护。

All HTTP-based communication should be protected with using TLS.

本节提供使用有助于使用 HTTPS 的 WebFlux 特定功能的详细信息。

This section covers details about using WebFlux-specific features that assist with HTTPS usage.

Redirect to HTTPS

如果客户端使用 HTTP 而非 HTTPS 发出请求,你可以配置 Spring Security 重定向到 HTTPS。

If a client makes a request using HTTP rather than HTTPS, you can configure Spring Security to redirect to HTTPS.

以下 Java 配置会将任何 HTTP 请求重定向到 HTTPS:

The following Java configuration redirects any HTTP requests to HTTPS:

Redirect to HTTPS
  • Java

  • Kotlin

SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
		// ...
fun springSecurityFilterChain(http: ServerHttpSecurity): SecurityWebFilterChain {
    return http {
        // ...
        redirectToHttps { }

您可以将该配置包装到一个 if 语句中,以便仅在生产中启用。或者,您可以通过寻找仅在生产中发生的有关请求的属性来启用它。例如,如果生产环境添加了一个名为 X-Forwarded-Proto 的标头,您应该使用以下 Java 配置:

You can wrap the configuration can be wrapped around an if statement to be turned on only in production. Alternatively, you can enable it by looking for a property about the request that happens only in production. For example, if the production environment adds a header named X-Forwarded-Proto, you should use the following Java Configuration:

Redirect to HTTPS when X-Forwarded
  • Java

  • Kotlin

SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
		// ...
		.redirectToHttps(redirect -> redirect
			.httpsRedirectWhen(e -> e.getRequest().getHeaders().containsKey("X-Forwarded-Proto"))
fun springSecurityFilterChain(http: ServerHttpSecurity): SecurityWebFilterChain {
    return http {
        // ...
        redirectToHttps {
            httpsRedirectWhen {

Strict Transport Security

Spring Security 提供 Strict Transport Security 的支持并默认启用它。

Spring Security provides support for Strict Transport Security and enables it by default.

Proxy Server Configuration

Spring Security integrates with proxy servers