Authentication Services

这将创建一个 Spring Security ProviderManager 类实例,该实例需要配置一个或多个 AuthenticationProvider 实例的列表。可以使用名称空间提供的语法元素创建这些实例,也可以是标准 Bean 定义,使用 authentication-provider 元素标记为添加到列表中。

This creates an instance of Spring Security’s ProviderManager class, which needs to be configured with a list of one or more AuthenticationProvider instances. These can either be created using syntax elements provided by the namespace, or they can be standard bean definitions, marked for addition to the list using the authentication-provider element.


使用名称空间的每个 Spring Security 应用程序都必须在某处包含此元素。它负责注册为应用程序提供身份验证服务的 AuthenticationManager。创建 AuthenticationProvider 实例的所有元素都应该是该元素的子元素。

Every Spring Security application which uses the namespace must have include this element somewhere. It is responsible for registering the AuthenticationManager which provides authentication services to the application. All elements which create AuthenticationProvider instances should be children of this element.

<authentication-manager> Attributes

  • alias This attribute allows you to define an alias name for the internal instance for use in your own configuration.

  • erase-credentials If set to true, the AuthenticationManager will attempt to clear any credentials data in the returned Authentication object, once the user has been authenticated. Literally it maps to the eraseCredentialsAfterAuthentication property of the ProviderManager.

  • observation-registry-ref A reference to the ObservationRegistry used for the FilterChain and related components

  • id This attribute allows you to define an id for the internal instance for use in your own configuration. It is the same as the alias element, but provides a more consistent experience with elements that use the id attribute.

Child Elements of <authentication-manager>


除非与 ref 属性一起使用,否则此元素是配置 DaoAuthenticationProvider 的简写。DaoAuthenticationProviderUserDetailsService 加载用户信息,并将用户名/密码组合与登录时提供的值进行比较。UserDetailsService 实例可以通过使用可用的名称空间元素 (jdbc-user-service 或使用 user-service-ref 属性指向上文环境中其他地方定义的 Bean 来定义。

Unless used with a ref attribute, this element is shorthand for configuring a DaoAuthenticationProvider. DaoAuthenticationProvider loads user information from a UserDetailsService and compares the username/password combination with the values supplied at login. The UserDetailsService instance can be defined either by using an available namespace element (jdbc-user-service or by using the user-service-ref attribute to point to a bean defined elsewhere in the application context).

Parent Elements of <authentication-provider>

<authentication-provider> Attributes

  • ref Defines a reference to a Spring bean that implements AuthenticationProvider.

如果您已经编写了自己的 AuthenticationProvider 实现(或出于某种原因想要将 Spring Security 自己的实现之一配置为传统 Bean,那么您可以使用以下语法将其添加到 ProviderManager 的内部列表中:

If you have written your own AuthenticationProvider implementation (or want to configure one of Spring Security’s own implementations as a traditional bean for some reason, then you can use the following syntax to add it to the internal list of ProviderManager:

  <security:authentication-provider ref="myAuthenticationProvider" />
<bean id="myAuthenticationProvider" class="com.something.MyAuthenticationProvider"/>
  • user-service-ref A reference to a bean that implements UserDetailsService that may be created using the standard bean element or the custom user-service element.


导致基于 JDBC 的 UserDetailsService 创建。

Causes creation of a JDBC-based UserDetailsService.

<jdbc-user-service> Attributes

  • authorities-by-username-query An SQL statement to query for a user’s granted authorities given a username.


The default is

select username, authority from authorities where username = ?
  • cache-ref Defines a reference to a cache for use with a UserDetailsService.

  • data-source-ref The bean ID of the DataSource which provides the required tables.

  • group-authorities-by-username-query An SQL statement to query user’s group authorities given a username. The default is[source]

select, g.group_name, ga.authority
groups g, group_members gm, group_authorities ga
gm.username = ? and = ga.group_id and = gm.group_id
  • id A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the context.

  • role-prefix A non-empty string prefix that will be added to role strings loaded from persistent storage (default is "ROLE_"). Use the value "none" for no prefix in cases where the default is non-empty.

  • users-by-username-query An SQL statement to query a username, password, and enabled status given a username. The default is[source]

select username, password, enabled from users where username = ?


可以根据 Password Storage 中的说明,将身份验证提供程序配置为使用密码编码器。这将导致 Bean 被注入适当的 PasswordEncoder 实例。

Authentication providers can optionally be configured to use a password encoder as described in the Password Storage. This will result in the bean being injected with the appropriate PasswordEncoder instance.

Parent Elements of <password-encoder>

<password-encoder> Attributes

  • hash Defines the hashing algorithm used on user passwords. We recommend strongly against using MD4, as it is a very weak hashing algorithm.

  • ref Defines a reference to a Spring bean that implements PasswordEncoder.


从属性文件或“用户”子元素列表创建内存中的 UserDetailsService。用户名在内部转换为小写以允许不区分大小写的查找,因此如果需要区分大小写,则不应使用此方法。

Creates an in-memory UserDetailsService from a properties file or a list of "user" child elements. Usernames are converted to lower-case internally to allow for case-insensitive lookups, so this should not be used if case-sensitivity is required.

<user-service> Attributes

  • id A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the context.

  • properties The location of a Properties file where each line is in the format of[source]


Child Elements of <user-service>



Represents a user in the application.

Parent Elements of <user>

<user> Attributes

  • authorities One of more authorities granted to the user. Separate authorities with a comma (but no space). For example, "ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR"

  • disabled Can be set to "true" to mark an account as disabled and unusable.

  • locked Can be set to "true" to mark an account as locked and unusable.

  • name The username assigned to the user.

  • password The password assigned to the user. This may be hashed if the corresponding authentication provider supports hashing (remember to set the "hash" attribute of the "user-service" element). This attribute be omitted in the case where the data will not be used for authentication, but only for accessing authorities. If omitted, the namespace will generate a random value, preventing its accidental use for authentication. Cannot be empty.