The Security Namespace
本附录提供了安全命名空间中可用元素的参考和信息,以及它们创建的基础 Bean(假定了解了各个类以及它们如何协同工作的知识 - 可以在项目 Javadoc 和本文档中的其他位置找到更多信息)。如果您以前没有使用过命名空间,请阅读命名空间配置上的 introductory chapter,因为其目的是对那里的信息进行补充。建议在基于模式编辑配置时使用优质 XML 编辑器,因为这将提供有关哪些元素和属性可用的上下文信息,以及解释其用途的注释。命名空间采用 RELAX NG Compact 格式编写,并随后转换为 XSD 模式。如果您熟悉这种格式,则可能希望直接检查 schema file。
This appendix provides a reference to the elements available in the security namespace and information on the underlying beans they create (a knowledge of the individual classes and how they work together is assumed - you can find more information in the project Javadoc and elsewhere in this document). If you haven’t used the namespace before, please read the introductory chapter on namespace configuration, as this is intended as a supplement to the information there. Using a good quality XML editor while editing a configuration based on the schema is recommended as this will provide contextual information on which elements and attributes are available as well as comments explaining their purpose. The namespace is written in RELAX NG Compact format and later converted into an XSD schema. If you are familiar with this format, you may wish to examine the schema file directly.