OIDC Logout


Once an end user is able to login to your application, it’s important to consider how they will log out.


Generally speaking, there are three use cases for you to consider:

  1. I want to perform only a local logout

  2. I want to log out both my application and the OIDC Provider, initiated by my application

  3. I want to log out both my application and the OIDC Provider, initiated by the OIDC Provider

Local Logout

为了执行本地注销,无需特殊的 OIDC 配置,Spring Security 会自动建立一个本地注销端点,您可以使用 xref:servlet/authentication/logout.adoc[configure through the logout() DSL。

To perform a local logout, no special OIDC configuration is needed. Spring Security automatically stands up a local logout endpoint, which you can configure through the logout() DSL.

OpenID Connect 1.0 Client-Initiated Logout

OpenID Connect 会话管理 1.0 允许客户端退出提供程序中的最终用户。其中一种可用的策略是 RP-Initiated Logout

OpenID Connect Session Management 1.0 allows the ability to log out the end user at the Provider by using the Client. One of the strategies available is RP-Initiated Logout.

如果 OpenID 提供程序同时支持会话管理和 Discovery ,则客户端可以从 OpenID 提供程序的 Discovery Metadata 中获得 end_session_endpoint URL 。配置 ClientRegistration 及其 issuer-uri 如下所示,便可以执行此操作:

If the OpenID Provider supports both Session Management and Discovery, the client can obtain the end_session_endpoint URL from the OpenID Provider’s Discovery Metadata. You can do so by configuring the ClientRegistration with the issuer-uri, as follows:

            client-id: okta-client-id
            client-secret: okta-client-secret
            issuer-uri: https://dev-1234.oktapreview.com

此外,您应当如下所示,配置实现了 RP 发起注销的 OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler

Also, you should configure OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler, which implements RP-Initiated Logout, as follows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public class OAuth2LoginSecurityConfig {

	private ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository;

	public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
			.authorizeHttpRequests(authorize -> authorize
			.logout(logout -> logout
		return http.build();

	private LogoutSuccessHandler oidcLogoutSuccessHandler() {
		OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler oidcLogoutSuccessHandler =
				new OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler(this.clientRegistrationRepository);

		// Sets the location that the End-User's User Agent will be redirected to
		// after the logout has been performed at the Provider

		return oidcLogoutSuccessHandler;
class OAuth2LoginSecurityConfig {
    private lateinit var clientRegistrationRepository: ClientRegistrationRepository

    open fun filterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
        http {
            authorizeHttpRequests {
                authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
            oauth2Login { }
            logout {
                logoutSuccessHandler = oidcLogoutSuccessHandler()
        return http.build()

    private fun oidcLogoutSuccessHandler(): LogoutSuccessHandler {
        val oidcLogoutSuccessHandler = OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler(clientRegistrationRepository)

        // Sets the location that the End-User's User Agent will be redirected to
        // after the logout has been performed at the Provider
        return oidcLogoutSuccessHandler

OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler 支持 {baseUrl} 占位符,如果使用它,应用程序的基本 URL,如 https://app.example.org 可以在请求时替换它。

OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler supports the {baseUrl} placeholder. If used, the application’s base URL, such as https://app.example.org, replaces it at request time.

OpenID Connect 1.0 Back-Channel Logout

OpenID Connect 会话管理 1.0 允许提供程序向客户端发起 API 调用,从而将最终用户退出客户端。这称为 OIDC Back-Channel Logout

OpenID Connect Session Management 1.0 allows the ability to log out the end user at the Client by having the Provider make an API call to the Client. This is referred to as OIDC Back-Channel Logout.

为了启用它,您可以这样在 DSL 中建立后端注销端点:

To enable this, you can stand up the Back-Channel Logout endpoint in the DSL like so:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        .authorizeHttpRequests((authorize) -> authorize
        .oidcLogout((logout) -> logout
    return http.build();
open fun filterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
    http {
        authorizeRequests {
            authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
        oauth2Login { }
        oidcLogout {
            backChannel { }
    return http.build()

然后,您需要想办法监听 Spring Security 发布的事件,来移除旧的 OidcSessionInformation 条目,如下所示:

Then, you need a way listen to events published by Spring Security to remove old OidcSessionInformation entries, like so:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public HttpSessionEventListener sessionEventListener() {
    return new HttpSessionEventListener();
open fun sessionEventListener(): HttpSessionEventListener {
    return HttpSessionEventListener()

这将使如 HttpSession#invalidate 被调用,会话也会从内存中移除。

This will make so that if HttpSession#invalidate is called, then the session is also removed from memory.


And that’s it!

这将建立端点 /logout/connect/back-channel/{registrationId},OIDC 提供商能请求该端点来使应用程序中最终用户给定会话失效。

This will stand up the endpoint /logout/connect/back-channel/{registrationId} which the OIDC Provider can request to invalidate a given session of an end user in your application.

oidcLogout 需要 oauth2Login 也进行配置。

oidcLogout requires that oauth2Login also be configured.

oidcLogout 需要将会话 cookie 称为 JSESSIONID,才能通过后通道正确注销每个会话。

oidcLogout requires that the session cookie be called JSESSIONID in order to correctly log out each session through a backchannel.

Back-Channel Logout Architecture

考虑标识符为 registrationIdClientRegistration

Consider a ClientRegistration whose identifier is registrationId.


The overall flow for a Back-Channel logout is like this:

  1. At login time, Spring Security correlates the ID Token, CSRF Token, and Provider Session ID (if any) to your application’s session id in its OidcSessionStrategy implementation.

  2. Then at logout time, your OIDC Provider makes an API call to /logout/connect/back-channel/registrationId including a Logout Token that indicates either the sub (the End User) or the sid (the Provider Session ID) to logout.

  3. Spring Security validates the token’s signature and claims.

  4. If the token contains a sid claim, then only the Client’s session that correlates to that provider session is terminated.

  5. Otherwise, if the token contains a sub claim, then all that Client’s sessions for that End User are terminated.

请记住,Spring Security 的 OIDC 支持是多租户的。这意味着它只会终止其客户端与注销令牌中的 aud 声明匹配的会话。

Remember that Spring Security’s OIDC support is multi-tenant. This means that it will only terminate sessions whose Client matches the aud claim in the Logout Token.

Customizing the OIDC Provider Session Strategy

默认情况下,Spring Security 在内存中存储 OIDC Provider 会话和客户端会话之间的所有链接。

By default, Spring Security stores in-memory all links between the OIDC Provider session and the Client session.


There are a number of circumstances, like a clustered application, where it would be nice to store this instead in a separate location, like a database.

你可以通过配置一个自定义 OidcSessionStrategy 来实现此目的:

You can achieve this by configuring a custom OidcSessionStrategy, like so:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public final class MySpringDataOidcSessionStrategy implements OidcSessionStrategy {
    private final OidcProviderSessionRepository sessions;

    // ...

    public void saveSessionInformation(OidcSessionInformation info) {

    public OidcSessionInformation(String clientSessionId) {
       return this.sessions.removeByClientSessionId(clientSessionId);

    public Iterable<OidcSessionInformation> removeSessionInformation(OidcLogoutToken token) {
        return token.getSessionId() != null ?
            this.sessions.removeBySessionIdAndIssuerAndAudience(...) :
class MySpringDataOidcSessionStrategy: OidcSessionStrategy {
    val sessions: OidcProviderSessionRepository

    // ...

    fun saveSessionInformation(info: OidcSessionInformation) {

    fun removeSessionInformation(clientSessionId: String): OidcSessionInformation {
       return this.sessions.removeByClientSessionId(clientSessionId);

    fun removeSessionInformation(token: OidcLogoutToken): Iterable<OidcSessionInformation> {
        return token.getSessionId() != null ?
            this.sessions.removeBySessionIdAndIssuerAndAudience(...) :