SAML 2.0 Login

SAML 2.0 登录功能使应用程序能够充当 SAML 2.0 验证方,让用户使用其在 SAML 2.0 断言方(Okta、ADFS 等)的现有帐户 log in应用程序。

The SAML 2.0 Login feature provides an application with the ability to act as a SAML 2.0 relying party, having users log in to the application by using their existing account at a SAML 2.0 Asserting Party (Okta, ADFS, and others).

SAML 2.0 登录是使用 *Web Browser SSO Profile*实现的,如下所述 SAML 2 Profiles

SAML 2.0 Login is implemented by using the Web Browser SSO Profile, as specified in SAML 2 Profiles.

自 2009 年以来,对验证方的支持一直存在 extension project。2019 年,开始将其移植到 Spring Security中。此流程类似于 2017 年为 Spring Security’s OAuth 2.0 support启动的流程。

Since 2009, support for relying parties has existed as an extension project. In 2019, the process began to port that into Spring Security proper. This process is similar to the one started in 2017 for Spring Security’s OAuth 2.0 support.

可以在 Spring Security Samples 存储库 中找到 SAML 2.0 登录 的工作示例。

A working sample for SAML 2.0 Login is available in the Spring Security Samples repository.