Spring Shell
并非所有应用程序都需要一个花哨的 Web 用户界面。有时,通过交互式终端与应用程序进行交互是完成任务最合适的方式。
Not all applications need a fancy web user interface. Sometimes, interacting with an application through an interactive terminal is the most appropriate way to get things done.
Spring Shell 允许您创建这样一个可运行的应用程序,其中用户输入文本命令,这些命令在程序终止时运行。Spring Shell 项目提供了创建此类 REPL(读取、评估、打印循环)应用程序的基础架构,允许您专注于使用熟悉的 Spring 编程模型实现命令。
Spring Shell lets you create such a runnable application, where the user enters textual commands that are run until the program terminates. The Spring Shell project provides the infrastructure to create such a REPL (Read, Eval, Print Loop) application, letting you concentrate on implementing commands by using the familiar Spring programming model.
Spring Shell 包含高级特性(例如解析、制表符补全、输出着色、精美的 ASCII 艺术表格显示、输入转换和验证),让您可以专注于核心命令逻辑。
Spring Shell includes advanced features (such as parsing, tab completion, colorization of output, fancy ASCII-art table display, input conversion, and validation), freeing you to focus on core command logic.