Getting Started
Spring Vault 支持要求 Vault 0.6 或更高版本和 Java SE 6 或更高版本。在 STS 中创建一个基于 Spring 的项目是引导设置工作环境的简便方法。
Spring Vault support requires Vault 0.6 or higher and Java SE 6 or higher. An easy way to bootstrap setting up a working environment is to create a Spring based project in STS.
首先,您需要设置一个正在运行的 Vault 服务器。有关如何启动 Vault 实例的说明,请参阅 Vault 。
First you need to set up a running Vault server. Refer to the Vault for an explanation on how to startup a Vault instance.
要在 STS 中创建 Spring 项目,请转至“文件”→“新建”→“Spring 模板项目”→“简单 Spring 实用工具项目”→在出现提示时按“是”。然后,输入一个项目和一个包名称,如 org.spring.vault.example
To create a Spring project in STS go to File → New →
Spring Template Project → Simple Spring Utility Project →
press Yes when prompted.
Then enter a project and a package name such as org.spring.vault.example
然后将以下内容添加到 pom.xml
Then add the following to pom.xml
dependencies section.
<!-- other dependency elements omitted -->
如果您使用的是里程碑或候选版本,则还需要将 Spring 里程碑存储库的位置添加到您的 maven pom.xml
,该位置与 <dependencies/>
If you are using a milestone or release candidate, you will also need to add the location of the Spring Milestone repository to your maven pom.xml
which is at the same level of your <dependencies/>
<name>Spring Maven MILESTONE Repository</name>
存储库也是 browseable here 。
The repository is also browseable here.
如果您使用的是 SNAPSHOT,则还需要将 Spring 快照存储库的位置添加到您的 maven pom.xml
,该位置与 <dependencies/>
If you are using a SNAPSHOT, you will also need to add the location of the Spring Snapshot repository to your maven pom.xml
which is at the same level of your <dependencies/>
<name>Spring Maven SNAPSHOT Repository</name>
存储库也是 browseable here 。
The repository is also browseable here.
创建一个简单的 Secrets
Create a simple Secrets
class to persist:
package org.spring.vault.example;
public class Secrets {
String username;
String password;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
And a main application to run
package org.springframework.vault.example;
import org.springframework.vault.authentication.TokenAuthentication;
import org.springframework.vault.client.VaultEndpoint;
import org.springframework.vault.core.VaultTemplate;
public class VaultApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
VaultTemplate vaultTemplate = new VaultTemplate(new VaultEndpoint(),
new TokenAuthentication("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"));
Secrets secrets = new Secrets();
secrets.username = "hello";
secrets.password = "world";
vaultTemplate.write("secret/myapp", secrets);
VaultResponseSupport<Secrets> response ="secret/myapp", Secrets.class);
Even in this simple example, there are few things to take notice of
You can instantiate the central class of Spring Vault, <<`VaultTemplate`,vault.core.template>>, using the
object and theClientAuthentication
. You are not required to spin up a Spring Context to use Spring Vault. -
Vault is expected to be configured with a root token of
to run this application. -
The mapper works against standard POJO objects without the need for any additional metadata (though you can optionally provide that information).
Mapping conventions can use field access. Notice the
class has only getters. -
If the constructor argument names match the field names of the stored document, they will be used to instantiate the object.