Advanced Excel Charts 简明教程

Advanced Excel Charts - Quick Guide

Advanced Excel Charts - Introduction

您知道图表是传达结果的高效数据可视化手段。除了 Excel 中提供的图表类型之外,一些广泛使用的应用程序图表也很流行。在本教程中,您将了解到这些高级图表以及如何在 Excel 中创建它们。

You are aware that charts are the efficient data visualization means to convey the results. In addition to the chart types that are available in Excel, some widely used application charts are popular. In this tutorial, you will learn about these advanced charts and how you can create them in Excel.

Types of Advanced Charts

以下是您将在本教程中学习的高级图表 -

Following are the advanced charts that you will learn in this tutorial −

  1. Waterfall Chart

  2. Band Chart

  3. Gantt Chart

  4. Thermometer Chart

  5. Gauge Chart

  6. Bullet Chart

  7. Funnel Chart

  8. Waffle Chart

  9. Heat Map

  10. Step Chart

  11. Box and Whisker Chart

  12. Histogram

  13. Pareto Chart

  14. Organization Chart

Advanced Charts in Brief


We will see all the advanced charts briefly.

Waterfall Chart


A Waterfall chart is a form of data visualization that helps in understanding the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values.

waterfall chart

Band Chart


A Band chart is a Line chart with added shaded areas to display the upper and lower boundaries of the defined data ranges.

band chart

Gantt Chart


A Gantt chart is a chart in which a series of horizontal lines depicting tasks, task duration and task hierarchy are used planning and tracking projects.

gantt chart

Thermometer Chart

温度计图表跟踪单项任务,例如工作的完成,表示与目标相比的当前状态。它显示已完成的任务的百分比,将目标视为 100%。

A Thermometer chart keeps track of a single task, for e.g. completion of work, representing the current status as compared to a Target. It displays the percentage of the task completed, taking Target as 100%.

thermometer chart

Gauge Chart


Gauge charts, also referred to as Dial charts or Speedometer charts, use a pointer or a needle to show information as a reading on a dial.

gauge chart

Bullet Chart


Bullet charts support the comparison of a measure to one or more related measures with a linear design.

bullet chart

Funnel Chart


Funnel chart is used to visualize the progressive reduction of data as it passes from one phase to another in a process.

funnel chart

Waffle Chart

华夫饼图是一个 10 × 10 的单元格网格,单元格根据条件格式着色以描绘百分比值,例如 % 工作完成。

Waffle chart is a 10 × 10 cell grid with the cells colored as per conditional formatting to portray a percent value such % work complete.

waffle chart

Heat Map


A Heat Map is a visual representation of data in a Table to highlight the data points of significance.

heat map

Step Chart


A Step chart is a Line chart that uses vertical and horizontal lines to connect the data points in a series, forming a step-like progression.

step chart

Box and Whisker Chart

箱须图,也称为箱线图,通常用于统计分析。在箱须图中,数字数据被分成四分位数,并在第一四分位数和第三四分位数之间画一个方框,并在第二四分位数上画一条附加线以标记中位数。第 1 四分位数和第 3 四分位数之外的最小值和最大值用线表示,称为须线。须线表示上限和下限四分位数之外的可变性,须线之外的任何点都视为异常值。

Box and Whisker charts, also referred to as Box Plots are commonly used in statistical analysis. In a Box and Whisker chart, numerical data is divided into quartiles and a box is drawn between the first and third quartiles, with an additional line drawn along the second quartile to mark the median. The minimums and maximums outside the first and third quartiles are depicted with lines, which are called whiskers. Whiskers indicate variability outside the upper and lower quartiles, and any point outside the whiskers is considered as an outlier.

box and whisker chart



A Histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of numerical data and is widely used in Statistical Analysis. A Histogram is represented by rectangles with lengths corresponding to the number of occurrences of a variable in successive numerical intervals.


Pareto Chart

帕累托图广泛用于统计分析中,用于决策制定。它表示帕累托原则,也称为 20/80 法则,该原则指出 80% 的结果是 20% 的原因造成的。

Pareto chart is widely used in Statistical Analysis for decision-making. It represents the Pareto principle, also called 80/20 Rule, which states that 80% of the results are due to 20% of the causes.

pareto chart

Organization Chart


An Organization chart graphically represents the management structure of an organization.

organization chart

虽然其中一些图表包含在 Excel 2016 中,但 Excel 2013 和更早版本不包含此类图表。在本教程中,您将学习如何使用 Excel 中的内置图表类型创建这些图表。

Though some of these charts are included in Excel 2016, Excel 2013 and earlier versions do not have them as built-in charts. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create these charts from the built-in chart types in Excel.

Methodology for Creating Advanced Excel Charts

对于上面提到的每种高级图表,您都将学习如何使用以下步骤在 Excel 中创建它们 -

For each of the advanced charts mentioned above, you will learn how to create them in Excel with the following steps −

  1. Prepare data for the chart − Your input data might have to be put in a format that can be used to create the chart at hand. Hence, for each of the charts you will learn how to prepare the data.

  2. Create the chart − You will learn step by step how you can arrive at the chart, with illustrations.

Advanced Excel - Waterfall Chart


Waterfall chart is one of the most popular visualization tools used in small and large businesses, especially in Finance. Waterfall charts are ideal for showing how you have arrived at a net value such as net income, by breaking down the cumulative effect of positive and negative contributions.

What is a Waterfall Chart?


A Waterfall chart is a form of data visualization that helps in understanding the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. A typical Waterfall chart is used to show how an initial value is increased and decreased by a series of intermediate values, leading to a final value.


In a Waterfall chart, the columns are color coded so that you can quickly tell positive from negative numbers. The initial and the final value columns start on the horizontal axis, while the intermediate values are floating columns.

waterfall chart


Because of this look, Waterfall charts are also called Bridge charts, Flying Bricks charts or Cascade charts.

Advantages of Waterfall Charts

瀑布图具有以下优点 -

A Waterfall chart has the following advantages −

  1. Analytical purposes − Used especially for understanding or explaining, the gradual transition in the quantitative value of an entity, which is subjected to increment or decrement.

  2. Quantitative analysis − Used in quantitative analysis ranging from inventory analysis to performance analysis.

  3. Tracking contracts − Starting with the number of contracts at hand at the beginning of the year, taking into account − The new contracts that are added The contracts that got cancelled The contracts that are finished, and Finally ending with the number of contracts at hand at the end of the year.

  4. Tracking performance of company over a given number of years.


In general, if you have an initial value, and changes (positive and negative) occur to that value over a period of time, then Waterfall chart can be used to depict the initial value, positive and negative changes in their order of occurrence and the final value.

Preparation of Data


You need to prepare the data from the given input data, so that it can be portrayed as a Waterfall chart.

考虑以下数据 -

Consider the following data −

preparation of data

按照以下步骤准备瀑布图数据 -

Prepare the data for the Waterfall chart as follows −

  1. Ensure the column Net Cash Flow is to the left of the Months Column (This is because you will not include Net Cash Flow column while creating the chart).

  2. Add two columns − Increase and Decrease for positive and negative cash flows respectively.

  3. Add a column Start − the first column in the chart with the start value in the Net Cash Flow.

  4. Add a column End − the last column in the chart with the end value in the Net Cash Flow.

  5. Add a column Float − that supports the intermediate columns.

  6. Insert formulas to compute the values in these columns as given in the table below.

insert formulas

在浮动列中,在开头和末尾插入一行。放一个任意的值 50000。这只是为了在图表左侧和右侧留一些空间。

In the Float column, insert a row in the beginning and at the end. Place an arbitrary value 50000. This is just to have some space to the left and right sides of the chart.

数据将显示在下表中给出 -

The data will look as given in the following table −

data table


The data is ready to create a Waterfall chart.

Creating a Waterfall Chart

您可以通过自定义堆积柱形图来创建一个瀑布图,如下所示 -

You can create a Waterfall chart customizing Stacked Column chart as follows −

Step 1 − 选择单元格 C2:H18(即不包括现金净流量列)。

Step 1 − Select the cells C2:H18 (i.e. excluding the Net Cash Flow column).

Step 2 − 插入堆积柱形图。

Step 2 − Insert Stacked Column chart.

insert stacked column chart

Step 3 − 右键单击浮动序列。

Step 3 − Right click on the Float series.

Step 4 − 在下拉列表中单击格式化数据系列。

Step 4 − Click Format Data Series in the dropdown list.

Step 5 − 在格式化数据系列窗格中的序列选项中选择无填充为填充。

Step 5 − Select No fill for FILL in the SERIES OPTIONS in the Format Data Series pane.

series options

Step 6 − 右键单击负序列。

Step 6 − Right click on the Negative series.

Step 7 − 选择填充颜色为红色。

Step 7 − Select Fill color as red.

fill red color

Step 8 − 右键单击正序列。

Step 8 − Right click on the Positive series.

Step 9 − 选择填充颜色为绿色。

Step 9 − Select Fill color as green.

fill green color

Step 10 − 右键单击开始序列。

Step 10 − Right click on the Start series.

Step 11 − 选择填充颜色为灰色。

Step 11 − Select Fill color as gray.

Step 12 − 右键单击结束序列。

Step 12 − Right click on the End series.

Step 13 − 选择填充颜色为灰色。

Step 13 − Select Fill color as gray.

fill gray color

Step 14 − 右键单击任意序列。

Step 14 − Right click on any of the series.

Step 15 − 在格式化数据系列窗格中的序列选项下选择 10% 的间隙宽度。

Step 15 − Select Gap Width as 10% under SERIES OPTIONS in the Format Data Series pane.

select gap width

Step 16 − 为图表命名。

Step 16 − Give a name to the chart.

give chart name


Your Waterfall chart is ready.

Advanced Excel - Band Chart


Suppose you have data across a time period to represent graphically, confiding each data point to a defined interval. For example, you might have to present customer survey results of a product from different regions. Band chart is suitable for this purpose.

What is Band Chart?


A Band chart is a Line chart with added shaded areas to display the upper and lower boundaries of the defined data ranges. The shaded areas are the Bands.

band chart


Band chart is also referred to as Range chart, High-Low Line chart or Corridor chart.

Advantages of Band Charts


Band chart is used in the following scenarios −

  1. Monitoring a metric within standard defined bands.

  2. Profit % for each of the regions (represented by Line chart) and bands with defined intervals in the range 0% - 100%.

  3. Performance measurements of an employee or company responses to client’s complaints.

  4. Monitoring Service Tickets- Responded service tickets as line and the throughput time as bands.

Preparation of Data


You need to prepare the data that can be used to create a Band chart from the given input data.

Step 1 - 考虑以下数据,该数据来自针对两个地区(东部和西部)进行的消费者调查,跨度为 4 月到 3 月的财政年度。

Step 1 − Consider the following data that you have from the customer survey for two regions – East and West across the financial year April - March.

consider data

假设要按三个间隔比较这些数据 -

Suppose you want to compare this data across three intervals −

  1. Low (<50%).

  2. Medium (50% - 80%).

  3. High (>80%).

Step 2 - 在上述表中添加三列,如下所示。

Step 2 − Add three columns to the above table as shown below.

add columns

如您所见,列 Low 中的值为 50%,表示条带 0% - 50%,而列 Medium 中的值为 30%,表示超出条带 Low 的 Medium 的带宽。类似地,列 High 中的值为 20%,表示超出 Low 的 High 的带宽。

As you can observe, the values in the column Low are 50%, denoting the band 0% - 50% and the values in the column Medium are 30%, denoting the bandwidth of Medium above the band Low. Similarly the values in the column High are 20%, denoting the band width of High above the band Low.


Use this data to create a Band chart.

Creating a Band Chart

按照以下步骤创建条带图 -

Follow the steps given below to create a Band chart −

Step 1 - 选择上述表中的数据。

Step 1 − Select the data in the above table.

Step 2 - 插入组合图。

Step 2 − Insert a Combo chart.

Step 3 - 单击更改图表类型。按如下方式更改数据序列的图表类型 -

Step 3 − Click on Change Chart Type. Change the chart types for the data series as follows −

  1. Line with Markers for East series and West series.

  2. Stacked Column for the series - Low, Medium and High.

change chart types


Your chart looks as shown below.


Step 4 - 单击其中一个列。

Step 4 − Click one of the Columns.

Step 5 - 在格式数据系列窗格中将间隙宽度更改为 0%。

Step 5 − Change Gap Width to 0% in the Format Data Series pane.

click column


You will get Bands instead of Columns.

change gap width

Step 6 - 让图表更美观 -

Step 6 − Make the chart appealing −

  1. Add Chart Title.

  2. Adjust Vertical Axis range.

  3. Change the colors of the bands to Green-Yellow-Red.

  4. Add Data Labels to bands.


The result is a Band chart with defined boundaries depicted by bands. The survey results are represented across the bands. One can quickly and clearly make out from the chart whether the survey results are satisfactory or they need attention.

band chart


Your Band chart is ready.

Advanced Excel - Gantt Chart

甘特图广泛用于项目规划和跟踪。甘特图形象地展示了一个日程,有助于规划、协调和跟踪项目中的特定任务。有一些软件应用程序提供甘特图作为一种规划工作和跟踪相同任务的方法,例如 Microsoft Project。但是,你也可以在 Excel 中轻松创建甘特图。

Gantt charts are widely in use for project planning and tracking. A Gantt chart provides a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project. There are software applications that provide Gantt chart as a means of planning work and tracking the same such as Microsoft Project. However, you can create a Gantt chart easily in Excel also.

What is a Gantt Chart?


A Gantt chart is a chart in which a series of horizontal lines shows the amount of work done in certain periods of time with relation to the amount of work planned for those periods. The horizontal lines depict tasks, task duration and task hierarchy.


Henry L. Gantt, an American engineer and social scientist, developed gantt chart as a production control tool in 1917.

在 Excel 中,你可以使用柱形任务代表图表的堆积柱形图类型自定义一个甘特图。Excel 甘特图通常使用天作为水平轴上的时间单位。

In Excel, you can create a Gantt chart by customizing a Stacked Bar chart type with the Bars representing tasks. An Excel Gantt chart typically uses days as the unit of time along the horizontal axis.

gantt chart

Advantages of Gantt Charts


Gantt chart is frequently used in project management to manage project schedule.

  1. It provides visual timeline for starting and finishing specific tasks.

  2. It accommodates multiple tasks and timelines into a single chart.

  3. It is an easy way to understand visualization that shows the amount of work done, the remaining work, and schedule slippages, if any at any point of time.

  4. If the Gantt chart is shared at a common place, it limits the number of status meetings.

  5. Gantt chart promotes on-time deliveries, as the timeline is visible to everyone who is involved in the work.

  6. It promotes collaboration and team spirit with project completion on-time as a common goal.

  7. It provides a realistic view of the project progress and eliminates project end surprises.

Preparation of Data

按照以下方式将你的数据排列在一个表中 -

Arrange your data in a table in the following way −

  1. Create three columns – Task, Start and Duration.

  2. In the Task column, give the names of the Tasks in the project.

  3. In the Start column, for each Task, place the number of days from the Start Date of the project.

  4. In the Duration column, for each Task, place the duration of the Task in days.

Note − 当任务处于层次关系中时,任何任务的开始 - Taskg 开始于上一个任务 + 任务的持续时间。也就是说,一个任务 Taskh 的开始是上一个任务 Taskg 的结束,如果它们处于层次关系中,这意味着 Taskh 依赖于 Taskg。这被称为任务依存关系。

Note − When the Tasks are in a hierarchy, Start of any Task – Taskg is Start of previous Task + it’s Duration. That is, Start of a Task Taskh is the End of the previous Task, Taskg if they are in a hierarchy, meaning that Taskh is dependent on Taskg. This is referred to as Task Dependency.

以下是数据 −

Following is the data −


Creating a Gantt Chart

Step 1 − 选择数据。

Step 1 − Select the data.

Step 2 − 插入堆积条形图。

Step 2 − Insert a Stacked Bar chart.

insert stacked bar

Step 3 − 右键单击表示起点序列的条形图。

Step 3 − Right click on a bar representing Start series.

Step 4 − 单击“填充”图标。从下拉列表中选择“无填充”。

Step 4 − Click the Fill icon. Select No Fill from the dropdown list.

select no fill

Step 5 − 右键单击纵轴(类别轴)。

Step 5 − Right click on the Vertical Axis (Categories Axis).

Step 6 − 从下拉列表中选择“格式化轴”。

Step 6 − Select Format Axis from the dropdown list.

Step 7 − 在“AXIS OPTIONS”选项卡上的“Format Axis”(格式化轴) 窗格中,选中方框: 相反顺序的类别。

Step 7 − On the AXIS OPTIONS tab, in the Format Axis pane, check the box - Categories in reverse order.

check box categories


You will see that the Vertical Axis values are reversed. Moreover, the Horizontal Axis shifts to the top of the chart.

Step 8 − 通过一些格式化使图表更具吸引力。

Step 8 − Make the chart appealing with some formatting.

  1. In Chart Elements, deselect the following − Legend.Gridlines.

  2. Format the Horizontal Axis as follows − Adjust the range.Major Tick Marks at 5 day intervals.Minor Tick Marks at 1 day intervals.

  3. Format Data Series to make the Bars look impressive.

  4. Give a Chart Title.

gantt chart


Your Gantt chart is ready.

Advanced Excel - Thermometer Chart


Thermometer chart is a visualization of the actual value of well-defined measure, for example, task status as compared to a target value. This is a linear version of Gauge chart that you will learn in the next chapter.


You can track your progress against the target over a period of time with a simple rising Thermometer chart.

What is a Thermometer Chart?

温度计图追踪单个任务,例如工作进度,表示与目标相比的当前状态。它显示任务完成百分比,取目标为 100%。

A Thermometer chart keeps track of a single task, for example, completion of work, representing the current status as compared to the target. It displays the percentage of the task completed, taking target as 100%.


A Thermometer chart looks as shown below.

thermometer chart

Advantages of Thermometer Charts


Thermometer chart can be used to track any actual value as compared to the target value as percentage completed. It works with a single value and is an appealing chart that can be included in dashboards for a quick visual impact on % achieved, % performance against the target sales target, % profit, % work completion, % budget utilized, etc.


If you have multiple values to track the actuals against the targets, you can use Bullet chart that you will learn in a later chapter.

Preparation of Data


Prepare the data in the following way −

  1. Calculate the Actual as a percentage of the actual value as compared to the target value.

  2. Target should always be 100%.

  3. Place your data in a table as given below.

prepare data

Creating a Thermometer Chart


Following are the steps to create a Thermometer chart −

Step 1 − 选择数据。

Step 1 − Select the data.

Step 2 - 插入一个簇状柱形图。

Step 2 − Insert a Clustered Column chart.

insert clustered column chart


As you can see, the right Column is Target.

Step 3 - 在图表中单击一栏。

Step 3 − Click on a Column in the chart.

Step 4 - 单击功能区上的“设计”选项卡。

Step 4 − Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

Step 5 - 单击“切换行/栏”按钮。

Step 5 − Click the Switch Row/ Column button.

switch buttons

Step 6 - 在目标栏上右键单击。

Step 6 − Right click on the Target Column.

Step 7 - 从下拉列表中选择“格式数据系列”。

Step 7 − Select Format Data Series from the dropdown list.

Step 8 - 在“格式数据系列”窗格中的“系列选项”下,单击“次要坐标轴”。

Step 8 − Click on Secondary Axis under SERIES OPTIONS in the Format Data Series pane.

click secondary axis


As you can see, the Primary Axis and the Secondary Axis have different ranges.

Step 9 - 在主坐标轴上右键单击。从下拉列表中选择“格式化坐标轴”。

Step 9 − Right click on the Primary Axis. Select Format Axis from the dropdown list.

Step 10 - 在“格式化坐标轴”窗格中,“坐标轴选项”下的“界限”中,键入以下内容:

Step 10 − Type the following in Bounds under AXIS OPTIONS in the Format Axis pane −

  1. 0 for Minimum.

  2. 1 for Maximum.

为次坐标轴重复上述步骤,将“界限”更改为 0 和 1。

Repeat the steps given above for the Secondary Axis to change the Bounds to 0 and 1.

repeat steps

主坐标轴和次坐标轴都将设置为 0% - 100%。

Both the Primary Axis and Secondary Axis will be set to 0% - 100%.


As you can observe, the Target Column hides the Actual Column.

Step 11 - 在可见栏(即目标)上右键单击。

Step 11 − Right click on the visible Column, i.e. Target.

Step 12 - 从下拉列表中选择“格式数据系列”。

Step 12 − Select Format Data Series from the dropdown list.


In the Format Data Series pane, select the following −

  1. No fill under the FILL option.

  2. Solid line under the BORDER option.

  3. Blue under the Color option.

select options

Step 13 - 在“图表元素”中,取消选择以下内容:

Step 13 − In Chart Elements, deselect the following −

  1. Axis → Primary Horizontal.

  2. Axis → Secondary Vertical.

  3. Gridlines.

  4. Chart Title.

Step 14 - 右键单击“主垂直轴”。

Step 14 − Right click on the Primary Vertical Axis.

Step 15 - 从下拉列表中选择“设置格式轴”。

Step 15 − Select Format Axis from the dropdown list.

Step 16 - 在“设置格式轴”窗格的“轴选项”下,单击“刻度线”。

Step 16 − Click TICK MARKS under the AXIS OPTIONS in the Format Axis pane.

Step 17 - 为 主要 类型选择 内部 选项。

Step 17 − Select the option Inside for Major type.

select option

Step 18 - 右键单击图表区。

Step 18 − Right click on the Chart Area.

Step 19 - 从下拉列表中选择“设置图表区格式”。

Step 19 − Select Format Plot Area from the dropdown list.

Step 20 - 在“设置图表区格式”窗格中,单击“填充和线条”。选择以下内容:

Step 20 − Click Fill & Line in the Format Plot Area pane. Select the following −

  1. No fill under the FILL option.

  2. No line under the BORDER option.

click fill and line

Step 21 - 调整图表区域大小,以获取用于图表体温计形状。

Step 21 − Resize the Chart Area to get the Thermometer shape for the chart.

resize chart area


You got your Thermometer chart, with the Actual Value as against Target Value being shown.

Step 22 - 可以通过一些设置格式来使此体温计图表更具有吸引力。

Step 22 − You can make this Thermometer chart more appealing with some formatting.

  1. Insert a Rectangle shape superimposing the blue rectangular part in the chart.

  2. In the Format Shape options, select the following − Gradient fill for FILL.Linear for Type.1800 for Angle.

  3. Set the Gradient stops at 0%, 50% and 100%.

  4. For the Gradient stops at 0% and 100%, choose the color black.

  5. For the Gradient stop at 50%, choose the color white.

insert rectangular shape
  1. Insert an oval shape at the bottom.

  2. Format the oval shape with the same options as of rectangle.

  3. The result will be as shown below −

thermometer chart


Your aesthetic Thermometer chart is ready. This will look good on a dashboard or as a part of a presentation.

Advanced Excel - Gauge Chart


A Gauge is a device for measuring the amount or size of something, for example, fuel/rain/temperature gauge.

仪表的使用场景多种多样 -

There are various scenarios where a Gauge is utilized −

  1. To Gauge the temperature of a person, a thermometer is used.

  2. To Gauge the speed of an automotive, a speedometer is used.

  3. To Gauge the performance of a student, a mark sheet is used.


Gauge charts came into usage to visualize the performance as against a set goal. The Gauge charts are based on the concept of speedometer of the automobiles. These have become the most preferred charts by the executives, to know at a glance whether values are falling within an acceptable value (green) or the outside acceptable value (red).

What is a Gauge Chart?


Gauge charts, also referred to as Dial charts or Speedometer charts, use a pointer or a needle to show information as a reading on a dial. A Gauge Chart shows the minimum, the maximum and the current value depicting how far from the maximum you are. Alternatively, you can have two or three ranges between the minimum and maximum values and visualize in which range the current value is falling.

仪表图表如下所示 -

A Gauge chart looks as shown below −

gauge chart

Advantages of Gauge Charts

仪表图表可用于显示相对于一到三个数据范围的值。它们通常用于可视化以下内容 -

Gauge charts can be used to display a value relative to one to three data ranges. They are commonly used to visualize the following −

  1. Work completed as against total work.

  2. Sales compared to a target.

  3. Service tickets closed as against total service tickets received.

  4. Profit compared to the set goal.

Disadvantages of Gauge Charts

尽管大多数执行人员仍然更喜欢仪表图表,但它们确实存在一些缺点。它们 -

Though the Gauge charts are still the preferred ones by most of the executives, there are certain drawbacks with them. They are −

  1. Very simple in nature and cannot portray the context.

  2. Often mislead by omitting key information, which is possible in the current Big Data visualization needs.

  3. They waste space in case multiple charts are to be used. For example, to display information regarding different cars on a single dashboard.

  4. They are not color-blind friendly.

出于这些原因,由 Stephen Few 引入的子弹图变得非常突出。数据分析师发现子弹图是数据分析的手段。

For these reasons Bullet charts, introduced by Stephen Few are becoming prominent. The data analysts find Bullet charts to be the means for data analysis.

Creating a Gauge Chart

您可以通过两种方式创建仪表图 −

You can create Gauge charts in two ways −

  1. Creating a simple Gauge chart with one value − This simple Gauge chart is based on a Pie chart.

  2. Creating a Gauge chart with more number of Ranges − This Gauge chart is based on the combination of a Doughnut chart and a Pie chart.

Simple Gauge Chart with One Value


We will learn how to prepare the data and create a simple Gauge chart with single value.

Preparation of Data

考虑以下数据 -

Consider the following data −

preparing data for gauge chart

Step 1 − 如下所示创建仪表图数据。

Step 1 − Create data for Gauge chart as shown below.

create gauge chart data

Step 2 − 数据将如下所示 −

Step 2 − The data will look as follows −

gauge chart data

您可以观察到以下内容 −

You can observe the following −

  1. C7 contains the value corresponding to C2.

  2. C5 has 100% to represent half of the Pie chart.

  3. C6 has a value to make C6 and C7 to be 100% that makes second half of the Pie chart.

Creating a Simple Gauge Chart

以下是使用一个值创建简单仪表图的步骤 −

Following are the steps to create a simple Gauge chart with one value −

Step 1 − 选择数据 – C5:C7。

Step 1 − Select the data – C5:C7.

Step 2 − 插入饼图。

Step 2 − Insert a Pie chart.

insert pie chart

Step 3 − 右键单击图表。

Step 3 − Right click on the chart.

Step 4 − 从下拉列表中选择“数据系列格式”。

Step 4 − Select Format Data Series from the dropdown list.

Step 5 - 单击“序列选项”。

Step 5 − Click SERIES OPTIONS.

Step 6 - 在框中键入90 - 第一个切片的角度。

Step 6 − Type 90 in the box – Angle of first slice.

type nighty


As you can observe, the upper half of the Pie chart is what you will convert to a Gauge chart.

Step 7 - 右键单击底部饼形图切片。

Step 7 − Right click on the bottom Pie slice.

Step 8 - 单击“填充”。选择无填充。

Step 8 − Click on Fill. Select No Fill.

click fill


This will make the bottom Pie slice invisible.

bottom pie slice invisible


You can see that the Pie slice on the right represents the Profit %.

Step 9 - 按照如下方式制作出有吸引力的图表。

Step 9 − Make the chart appealing as follows.

  1. Change the Fill colors of the Pie slices.

  2. Click on the right Pie slice, select 3-D FORMAT as Top bevel, and choose Angle.

  3. Click on the left Pie slice, select 3-D FORMAT as Top bevel, and choose Divot.

  4. Click on the right Pie slice, select 1% as Point Explosion under SERIES OPTIONS.

  5. Click on the right Pie slice and add Data Label.

  6. Size and Position the Data Label.

  7. Deselect Legend in Chart Elements.

  8. Give the chart Title as Profit % and Position it.

make chart


Your Gauge chart is ready.

Gauge Chart with Multiple Ranges


Now let us see how to make a gauge chart with more ranges.

Preparation of Data


Arrange the data for values as given below.

arrange data


This data will be used for Doughnut chart. Arrange the data for Pointer as given below.

doughnut chart

您可以观察到以下内容 −

You can observe the following −

  1. The value in the cell C8 is the value you want display in the Gauge chart.

  2. The value in the cell C9 is the Pointer size. You can take it as 5 for brevity in formatting and later change to 1, to make it a thin pointer.

  3. The value in the cell C10 is calculated as 200 – (C8+C9). This is to complete the Pie chart.

Creating Gauge Chart with Multiple Ranges

可以使用甜甜圈图创建仪表图,该甜甜圈图显示对应于不同值的各个区域,以及表示指针的饼图。这样的仪表图如下所示 −

You can create the Gauge chart with a Doughnut chart showing different regions corresponding to different Values and a Pie chart denoting the pointer. Such a Gauge chart looks as follows −

gauge chart

Step 1 − 选择值数据并创建甜甜圈图。

Step 1 − Select the values data and create a Doughnut chart.

create doughnut chart

Step 2 − 双击甜甜圈图的一半(在上述图表中显示为黄色)。

Step 2 − Double click on the half portion of the Doughnut chart (shown in yellow color in the above chart).

Step 3 − 右键单击并在填充类别下选择无填充。

Step 3 − Right click and under the Fill category, select No Fill.

Step 4 − 从图表元素中取消选中图表标题和图例。

Step 4 − Deselect Chart Title and Legend from Chart Elements.

deselect chart title

Step 5 − 右键单击图表并选择“设置数据系列”。

Step 5 − Right click on the chart and select Format Data Series.

Step 6 − 在“设置数据系列”窗格中的“系列选项”中,在框中输入 271 - 第一个切片的角度。

Step 6 − Type 271 in the box – Angle of first slice in the SERIES OPTIONS in the Format Data Series pane.

type twoseventyone

Step 7 − 在“设置数据系列”窗格中的“系列选项”中,将甜甜圈孔大小更改为 50%。

Step 7 − Change the Doughnut Hole Size to 50% in the SERIES OPTIONS in the Format Data Series pane.

Step 8 − 更改颜色以使图表具有吸引力。

Step 8 − Change the colors to make the chart appealing.

change colors


As you can observe, the Gauge chart is complete in terms of values. The next step is to have a pointer or needle to show the status.

Step 9 − 如下所示使用饼图创建指针。

Step 9 − Create the pointer with a Pie chart as follows.

  1. Click on the Doughnut chart.

  2. Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

  3. Click Select Data in the Data group.

  4. Select Data Source dialog box appears. Click the Add button.

create pointer

Step 10 − 将显示“编辑系列”对话框。

Step 10 − The Edit Series dialog box appears.

  1. Select the cell containing the name Pointer for Series name.

  2. Select the cells containing data for Value, Pointer and End, i.e. C8:C10 for Series values. Click OK.

edit series

Step 11 - 在“选择数据源”对话框中单击“确定”。

Step 11 − Click OK in the Select Data Source dialog box.

  1. Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

  2. Click Change Chart Type in the Type group.

  3. Change Chart Type dialog box appears. Select Combo under the tab All Charts.

  4. Select the chart types as following − Doughnut for Value series. Pie for Pointer series.

  5. Check the box Secondary Axis for the Pointer series. Click OK.

check box secondary axis


Your chart looks as shown below.

chart below

Step 12 - 右键单击两个较大的饼图切片。

Step 12 − Right click on each of the two bigger Pie slices.

  1. Click on Fill and then select No Fill. Right click on the Pointer Pie slice and select Format Data Series.

  2. Type 270 for Angle of first slice in the SERIES OPTIONS. Your chart looks as shown below.

type twoseventy

Step 13 - 右键单击指针饼图切片。

Step 13 − Right click on the Pointer Pie slice.

  1. Click on Format Data Series.

  2. Click on Fill & Line.

  3. Select Solid Fill for Fill and select the color as black.

  4. Select Solid Line for Border and select the color as black.

select solid line

Step 14 - 在数据中将指针值从 5 更改为 1,以使指针饼图切片成为一条细线。

Step 14 − Change the Pointer value from 5 to 1 in the data to make the Pointer Pie slice a thin line.

change pointer value

Step 15 - 添加显示完成百分比的数据标签。

Step 15 − Add a Data Label that depicts % complete.

gauge chart


Your Gauge chart is ready.

Advanced Excel - Bullet Chart


Bullet charts came into existence to overcome the drawbacks of Gauge charts. We can refer to them as Liner Gauge charts. Bullet charts were introduced by Stephen Few. A Bullet chart is used to compare categories easily and saves on space. The format of the Bullet chart is flexible.

What is a Bullet Chart?


According to Stephen Few, Bullet charts support the comparison of a measure to one or more related measures (for example, a target or the same measure at some point in the past, such as a year ago) and relate the measure to defined quantitative ranges that declare its qualitative state (for example, good, satisfactory and poor). Its linear design not only gives it a small footprint, but also supports more efficient reading than the Gauge charts.

请考虑以下给出的示例 -

Consider an example given below −

在子弹图中,您将看到以下组件 −

In a Bullet chart, you will have the following components −

  1. The qualitative bands representing the qualitative states −


Qualitative Value



30% - 60%


60% - 80%


> 80%


  1. Target Value, say 80%.

  2. Actual Value, say 70%.


With the above values, the Bullet chart looks as shown below.

bullet chart

虽然我们在上图中使用了颜色,但 Stephen Few 建议仅使用灰色阴影,以照顾色盲人群。

Though we used colors in the above chart, Stephen Few suggests the usage of only Gray shades in the interest of color-blind people.

Advantages of Bullet Charts

子弹图具有以下用途和优点 −

Bullet charts have the following uses and advantages −

  1. Bullet Charts are widely used by data analysts and dashboard vendors.

  2. Bullet charts can be used to compare the performance of a metric. For example, if you want to compare the sales of two years or to compare the total sales to a target, you can use bullet charts.

  3. You can use Bullet chart to track the number of defects in Low, Medium and High categories.

  4. You can visualize the Revenue flow across the Fiscal year.

  5. You can visualize the expenses across the Fiscal year.

  6. You can track Profit%.

  7. You can visualize customer satisfaction and can be used to display KPIs also.

Preparation of Data


Arrange the data as given below.

preparing bullet chart data


As you can observe, the qualitative values are given in the column – Performance. The Bands are represented by the column – Value.

Creating a Bullet Chart

以下是如何创建子弹图的步骤 −

Following are the steps to create a Bullet chart −

Step 1 − 选择数据并插入一个堆积柱形图。

Step 1 − Select the data and insert a Stacked Column chart.

create bullet chart

Step 2 − 单击图表。

Step 2 − Click on the chart.

Step 3 - 单击功能区上的设计选项卡。

Step 3 − Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

Step 4 − 单击“数据”组中的“切换行/列”按钮。

Step 4 − Click Switch Row/ Column button in the Data group.

click switch buttons for bullet chart

Step 5 − 更改图表类型。

Step 5 − Change the chart type.

  1. Click Change Chart Type.

  2. Click the Combo icon.

  3. Change the chart type for Target to Stacked Line with Markers.

  4. Check the box – Secondary Axis for Target and click OK.

change chart type

Step 6 - 如您所见,主垂直坐标轴和次垂直坐标轴的范围不同。按照下列步骤使其相等。

Step 6 − As you can see, the Primary and the Secondary Vertical Axis have different ranges. Make them equal as follows.

  1. Right click on Primary Vertical Axis and select Format Axis.

  2. Click on the AXIS OPTIONS tab in the Format Axis pane.

  3. In AXIS OPIONS, under Bounds, type the following − 0.0 for Minimum1.0 for Maximum

  4. Repeat the above steps for Secondary Vertical Axis.

primary and secondary vertical axis

Step 7 - 取消选择图表元素中的次垂直坐标轴。

Step 7 − Deselect Secondary Vertical Axis in the Chart Elements.

deselect secondary vertical axis

Step 8 - 设计图表

Step 8 − Design the chart

  1. Click on the chart.

  2. Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

  3. Click Change Chart Type.

  4. Check the Secondary Axis box for the Value series.

design chart

Step 9 - 右键单击“值”的列(上述图表中的蓝色部分)。

Step 9 − Right click on the column for Value (blue color in the above chart).

Step 10 - 选择“设置资料系列格式”。

Step 10 − Select Format Data Series.

Step 11 - 在“设置资料系列格式”窗格中,“系列选项”下,将间隙宽度更改为 500%。

Step 11 − Change Gap Width to 500% under SERIES OPTIONS in Format Data Series pane.

change gap width for bullet chart

Step 12 - 取消选择图表元素中的次垂直坐标轴。

Step 12 − Deselect Secondary Vertical Axis in the Chart Elements.

图表将呈现如下所示 -

The chart will look as follows −

bullet chart will look

Step 13 - 按下列方式设计图表 -

Step 13 − Design the chart as follows −

  1. Click on the chart.

  2. Click Chart Styles at the right corner of the chart.

  3. Click the COLOR tab.

  4. Select Color 17.

design bullet chart

Step 14 - 按照下列方式微调图表。

Step 14 − Fine tune the chart as follows.

  1. Right click on the Value column.

  2. Change the Fill color to dark green.

  3. Click on the Target.

  4. Change the Fill and Line color of Marker to orange.

  5. Increase the size of the Marker.

fine tune chart

Step 15 - 优化图表设计。

Step 15 − Fine-tune the chart design.

  1. Resize the chart.

  2. Select Legend in Chart Elements.

  3. Deselect Primary Horizontal Axis in Chart Elements.

  4. Deselect Gridlines in Chart Elements.

  5. Give a Chart Title.

fine tune chart design


Your Bullet chart is ready.


You can change the color of the chart to gray gradient scale to make it colorblind friendly.

bullet chart ready

Bullet Chart in Reverse Contexts

假设要在极值图中显示发现的缺陷数。在这种情况下,缺陷越少意味着质量越高。您可以按以下方式定义缺陷类别 −

Suppose you want to display the number of defects found in a Bullet chart. In this case, lesser defects mean greater quality. You can define defect categories as follows −

bullet chart in reverse contexts

Step 1 - 然后,您可以为缺陷数量定义一个极限,并通过一个值来表示发现的缺陷数量。将值和极限添加到上面的表格。

Step 1 − You can then define a Limit for number of defects and represent the number of defects found by a Value. Add Value and Limit to the above table.

add value and limit

Step 2 - 选择数据。

Step 2 − Select the data.

Step 3 - 如前一节所述创建极值图。

Step 3 − Create a Bullet chart as you have learnt in the previous section.

bullet chart ranges changed


As you can see, the ranges are changed to correctly interpret the context.

Advanced Excel - Funnel Chart

漏斗图用于可视化在数据从一个阶段传递到另一个阶段时渐进的减少。这些阶段中的每个阶段的数据均表示为 100%(整体)的不同部分。与饼图类似,漏斗图也不使用任何坐标轴。

Funnel chart is used to visualize the progressive reduction of data as it passes from one phase to another. Data in each of these phases is represented as different portions of 100% (the whole). Like the Pie chart, the Funnel chart does not use any axes either.


For example, in a sales pipeline, there will be stages as shown below.

潜在客户 → 合格潜在客户 → 提议 → 谈判 → 最终销售。

Prospects → Qualified Prospects → Proposals → Negotiations → Final Sales.


Typically, the values decrease gradually. Many prospects are identified, but a part of them are validated and even lesser qualify for Proposals. A still lesser number come for negotiations and in the end, there is only a handful of deals that are won. This will make the bars resemble a funnel.

What is a Funnel Chart?


The Funnel chart shows a process that starts at the initial state and ends with a final state, where it is noticeable in what stages the fall out happens and by what magnitude. If the chart is also combined with research data, meaning quantified measurements of just how many items are lost at each step of the sales or order fulfillment process, then the Funnel chart illustrates where the biggest bottlenecks are in the process.


Unlike a real funnel, not everything that is poured in at the top flows through to the bottom. The name only refers to the shape of the chart, the purpose of which is illustrative.

funnel chart

漏斗图的另一种变体是以 100%(整体)的不同部分表示每个阶段的数据,以显示变化沿着漏斗发生的速率。

Another variant of Funnel chart is where the data in each of these phases is represented as different portions of 100% (the whole), to show at what rate the changes occur along the Funnel.


Like the Pie chart, the Funnel chart does not use any axes either.

Advantages of Funnel Charts

漏斗图可用于各种场景,包括以下场景 −

Funnel chart can be used in various scenarios, including the following −

  1. To allow executives to see how effective the sales team is in turning a sales lead into a closed deal.

  2. A Funnel chart can be used to display Web site visitor trends. It can display visitor page hits to the home page at the top, and the other areas, for e.g. the web site downloads or the people interested in buying the product will be proportionally smaller.

  3. Order fulfillment funnel chart with the initiated orders on top and down to the bottom the orders delivered to satisfied customers. It shows how many there are still in the process and the percentage cancelled and returned.

  4. Another use of Funnel chart is to display sales by each salesperson.

  5. Funnel chart can also be used to evaluate Recruitment process.

  6. Funnel chart can also be used to analyze the order fulfillment process.

Preparation of Data


Place the data values in a table.

preparing funnel chart data

Step 1 − 如下所示在表格中插入一列。

Step 1 − Insert a column in the table as shown below.

insert column in table


You will get the following data. You will use this table to create the Funnel chart.

create funnel chart

Creating a Funnel Chart


Following are the steps to create the Funnel chart −

Step 1 - 选择数据,插入堆叠柱状图。

Step 1 − Select the data and insert a Stacked Bar chart.

steps to create funnel chart

Step 2 - 右键单击移位柱状条(上图中的蓝色),然后将填充色更改为不填充。

Step 2 − Right click on the Shift Bars (blue color in the above chart) and change Fill color to No Fill.

change fill color


The chart looks as shown below.

funnel chart looks

Step 3 - 如下所示设计图表。

Step 3 − Design the chart as follows.

  1. Right click on the Vertical Axis.

  2. Select Format Axis from the dropdown list.

  3. Click AXIS OPTIONS in the Format Axis pane.

  4. Check the box – Categories in reverse order.

design funnel chart

Step 4 - 如下所示微调图表。

Step 4 − Fine tune the chart as follows.

  1. Deselect Legend in Chart Elements.

  2. Change the Chart Title.

  3. Right click on the orange Bars.

  4. Select Format Data Series.

  5. Change the Gap Width to 0% in the SERIES OPTIONS.

fine tune funnel chart

Step 5 - 选择图表元素中的数据标签。

Step 5 − Select Data Labels in Chart Elements.

select data labels


Your Sales Pipeline Funnel chart is ready.

Formatting a Funnel Chart

Step 6 - 如下所示,使图表更具吸引力:

Step 6 − Make the chart more appealing as follows

  1. Click on the Chart Elements.

  2. Deselect Horizontal Axis.

  3. Deselect Gridlines.

  4. Right click on the Bars.

  5. Select Format Data Series from the dropdown list.

  6. Click on Fill & Line under SERIES OPTIONS in the Format Data Series pane.

  7. Click on Gradient fill under the Fill option.

  8. Set Gradient stops.

make funnel chart

Step 7 − 在边框下点击实线。选择黑色。

Step 7 − Click on Solid line under BORDER. Select Color as black.

select black color


Your formatted Funnel chart is ready.

formatted funnel chart

Aesthetic Funnel Chart


Now that you understood the fundamentals of Funnel chart, you can proceed to create an aesthetic Funnel chart that actually looks like a Funnel as follows −

Step 1 − 从原始数据表开始。

Step 1 − Start with the original table of data.

original table

Step 2 − 选择数据并插入 3-D 堆积柱形图。

Step 2 − Select the data and insert a 3-D Stacked Column chart.

insert 3d stacked column

Step 3 - 如下所示设计图表。

Step 3 − Design the chart as follows.

  1. Right click on the Columns.

  2. Select Format Data Series.

  3. Click on SERIES OPTIONS in the Format Data Series pane.

  4. Select Full Cone under Column shape.

select full cone

Step 4 - 如下所示微调图表。

Step 4 − Fine tune the chart as follows.

  1. Click the Design tab on the Ribbon.

  2. Click Switch Row / Column.

  3. Right click on the Vertical Axis and select Format Axis from the dropdown list.

  4. Click AXIS OPTIONS in the Format Axis pane.

  5. Check the box – Values in reverse order.

fine tune the funnel chart

Step 5 − 取消选择所有图表元素

Step 5 − Deselect all the Chart Elements

deselect chart elements

Step 6 − 在长条形上右击,然后在下拉列表中选择“格式数据系列”。

Step 6 − Right click on the Bars and select Format Data Series from the dropdown list.

Step 7 − 在“系列选项”窗格中点击“系列选项”,并在“系列选项”下为“间隙深度”键入 50%。

Step 7 − Click on SERIES OPTIONS in the Format Data Series pane and type 50% for Gap Depth under SERIES OPTIONS.

click series option

Step 8 − 使用以下详细信息对图表进行格式化。

Step 8 − Format your chart with details as follows.

  1. Select Data Labels in Chart Elements.

  2. Place them and format them.

  3. You can choose Call Out option for the Data Label of the bottom part.

  4. Give a Chart Title.

format your chart


Your Funnel chart is ready.

Advanced Excel - Waffle Chart


Waffle chart adds beauty to your data visualization, if you want to display work progress as percentage of completion, goal achieved vs Target, etc. It gives a quick visual cue of what you want to portray.


Waffle chart is also known as Square Pie chart or Matrix chart.

What is a Waffle Chart?

饼状图是一个 10 × 10 单元格网格,单元格根据条件格式着色。网格表示 1% - 100% 范围内的值,并且单元格将以应用于它们包含的 % 值的条件格式突出显示。例如,如果工作的完成百分比为 85%,则通过将所有包含值 ⇐ 85% 的单元格格式化为特定颜色(如绿色)来表示。

Waffle chart is a 10 × 10 cell grid with the cells colored as per conditional formatting. The grid represents values in the range 1% - 100% and the cells will be highlighted with the conditional formatting applied to the % values they contain. For example, if the percentage of completion of work is 85%, it is portrayed by formatting all the cells that contain values ⇐ 85% with a specific color, say green.


Waffle chart looks as shown below.

waffle chart

Advantages of Waffle Chart


Waffle chart has the following advantages −

  1. It is visually interesting.

  2. It is very readable.

  3. It is discoverable.

  4. It does not distort the data.

  5. It provides visual communication beyond simple data visualization.

Uses of Waffle Chart

华夫饼图用于和为 100% 的完全平坦数据。将变量的百分比加亮显示,通过突出显示的单元格数量给出描述。它可用于各种用途,包括以下用途:

The Waffle chart is used for completely flat data that adds up to 100%. The percentage of a variable is highlighted to give the depiction by the number of cells that are highlighted. It can be used for various purposes, including the following −

  1. To display the percentage of work that is complete.

  2. To display the percentage of progress that is made.

  3. To depict the expenses incurred as against the budget.

  4. To display Profit %.

  5. To portray the actual value achieved as against the set target, say in sales.

  6. To visualize the company progress as against the goals that are set.

  7. To display the pass percentage in an exam in a college / city/ state.

Creating a Waffle Chart Grid

对于华夫饼图,您需要先创建一个 10 × 10 平方单元格网格,以便网格本身为正方形。

For the Waffle Chart, you need to first create the 10 × 10 Grid of square cells such that the Grid itself will be a square.

Step 1 − 通过调整单元格宽度在 Excel 表上创建一个 10 × 10 方形网格。

Step 1 − Create a 10 × 10 square grid on an Excel sheet by adjusting the cell widths.

create ten cross ten grid

Step 2 − 使用 % 值填充单元格,从左下角单元格的 1% 开始,在右上角单元格以 100% 结束。

Step 2 − Fill the cells with % values, starting with 1% in the left-bottom cell and ending with 100% in the right-top cell.

Step 3 − 减小字体大小,以便所有值可见,但不要更改网格的形状。

Step 3 − Decrease the font size such that all the values are visible but do not change the shape of the grid.

decrease font size


This is the grid that you will use for the Waffle chart.

Creating a Waffle Chart


Suppose you have the following data −

data for waffle chart

Step 1 − 通过对您创建的网格应用条件格式,创建一个华夫饼图,其中显示东区利润率,如下所示:

Step 1 − Create a Waffle chart that displays the Profit% for the Region East by applying Conditional Formatting to the Grid you have created as follows −

  1. Select the Grid.

  2. Click Conditional Formatting on the Ribbon.

  3. Select New Rule from the drop down list.

  4. Define the Rule to format values ⇐ 85 % (give the cell reference of the Profit %) with fill color and font color as dark green.

green font color

Step 2 – 定义另一个规则,用浅绿色填充和字体颜色来设置高于 85%(给出利润百分比的单元格引用)的值格式。

Step 2 − Define another rule to format values > 85 % (give the cell reference of the Profit %) with fill color and font color as light green.

light green font color

Step 3 – 给图表标题,引用单元格 B3。

Step 3 − Give the Chart Title by giving reference to the cell B3.

cell b3


As you can see, choosing the same color for both Fill and Font enable you not to display the %values.

Step 4 – 给图表添加如下标签。

Step 4 − Give a Label to the chart as follows.

  1. Insert a Text box in the chart.

  2. Give the reference to the cell C3 in the Text box.

give chart label

Step 5 – 将单元格边框着色为白色。

Step 5 − Color the cell borders white.

white cell borders


Your Waffle chart for the Region East is ready.


Create Waffle charts for the Regions, i.e. North, South and West as follows −

  1. Create the Grids for North, South and West as given in the previous section.

  2. For each Grid, apply conditional formatting as given above based on the corresponding Profit % value.


You can also make Waffle charts for different regions distinctly, by choosing a variation in the colors for Conditional Formatting.

different regions


As you can see, the colors chosen for the Waffle charts on the right are varying from the colors chosen for the Waffle charts on the left.

Advanced Excel Charts - Heat Map


Heat Map is normally used to refer to the colored distinction of areas in a two dimensional array, with each color associated with a different characteristic shared by each area.

在 Excel 中,热图可以基于单元格包含的值应用于一系列单元格,方法是使用单元格颜色和/或字体颜色。Excel 条件格式适用于此目的。

In Excel, Heat Map can be applied to a range of cells based on the values that they contain by using cell colors and/or font colors. Excel Conditional Formatting comes handy for this purpose.

What is a Heat Map?

热图是在表格中可视化表示数据,以突出显着的 data points。例如,如果你在过去一年中按月份统计了产品销售数据的,则可以预测哪些月份的产品销售高或低。

A Heat Map is a visual representation of data in a table to highlight the data points of significance. For example, if you have month wise data on sale of products over the last one year, you can project in which months a product has high or low sales.


A Heat Map looks as shown below.

heat map

Advantages of Heat Maps


Heat Map can be used to visually display the different ranges of data with distinct colors. This is very useful when you have large data sets and you want to quickly visualize certain traits in the data.

使用热图旨在 −

Heat maps are used to −

  1. Highlight the top few and the bottom few of a range of values.

  2. Portray a trend in the values by using color shades.

  3. Identify blank cells – say in an answer sheet or a questionnaire.

  4. Highlight the quality ranges of the products.

  5. Highlight the numbers in supply chain.

  6. Highlight negative values.

  7. Highlight zero values.

  8. Highlight outliers defined by thresholds.

Preparation of Data


Arrange the data in a table.

preparing heat map data

正如您所看到的,这些数据是每个产品逐月从 4 月到 3 月的财政年度数据。您可以创建一个热图来快速识别在哪些月份的销售额较高或较低。

As you can see, the data is for a fiscal year, April – March, month-wise for each product. You can create a Heat Map to quickly identify during what months the sales were high or low.

Creating a Heat Map

以下是创建热图的步骤 −

Following are the steps to create a Heat Map −

Step 1 − 选择数据。

Step 1 − Select the data.

Step 2 − 在功能区上单击条件格式。单击管理规则并添加规则,如下所示。

Step 2 − Click Conditional Formatting on the Ribbon. Click Manage Rules and add rules as shown below.

click conditional formatting


The top five values are colored with green (fill) and the bottom five values are colored with red (fill).

top green and bottom red

Creating Heat Map without Displaying Values

有时,查看者可能只需要信息,而数字可能并不重要。在这种情况下,您可以进行一些格式化,如下所示 −

At times, the viewers might be just be interested in the information and the numbers might not be necessary. In such a case, you can do a bit of formatting as follows −

Step 1 − 选择数据并将字体颜色选择为白色。

Step 1 − Select the data and select the font color as white.

select white font color


As you can see, the numbers are not visible. Next, you need to highlight the top five and bottom five values without displaying the numbers.

Step 2 − 选择数据(当然,是不可见的)。

Step 2 − Select the data (which is not visible, of course).

Step 3 − 应用条件格式,以便前五个值用绿色(填充和字体)着色,而后五个值用红色(填充和字体)着色。

Step 3 − Apply Conditional Formatting such that the top five values are colored with green (both fill and font) and the bottom five values are colored with red (both fill and font).

apply conditional formatting

Step 4 − 单击应用按钮。

Step 4 − Click the Apply button.

heat map


This gives a quick visualization of high and low sales across the year and across the products. As you have chosen the same color for both fill and font, the values are not visible.

Advanced Excel - Step Chart


Step chart is useful if you have to display the data that changes at irregular intervals and remains constant between the changes. For example, Step chart can be used to show the price changes of commodities, changes in tax rates, changes in interest rates, etc.

What is a Step Chart?


A Step chart is a Line chart that does not use the shortest distance to connect two data points. Instead, it uses vertical and horizontal lines to connect the data points in a series forming a step-like progression. The vertical parts of a Step chart denote changes in the data and their magnitude. The horizontal parts of a Step chart denote the constancy of the data.

考虑以下数据 -

Consider the following data −

what is step chart


As you can observe, the data changes are occurring at irregular intervals.


A Step chart looks as shown below.

step chart


As you can see, the data changes are occurring at irregular intervals. When the data remains constant, it is depicted by a horizontal Line, till a change occurs. When a change occurs, its magnitude is depicted by a vertical Line.


If you had displayed the same data with a Line chart, it would be like as shown below.

same data as line chart

Differences between Line Charts and Step Charts

您可以识别同一数据中的折线图和步长图之间的以下差异 −

You can identify the following differences between a Line chart and a Step chart for the same data −

  1. The focus of the Line chart is on the trend of the data points and not the exact time of the change. A Step chart shows the exact time of the change in the data along with the trend.

exact time differences
  1. A Line chart cannot depict the magnitude of the change but a Step chart visually depicts the magnitude of the change.

magnitude differences
  1. Line chart cannot show the duration for which there is no change in a data value. A Step chart can clearly show the duration for which there is no change in a data value.

duration differences
  1. A Line chart can sometimes be deceptive in displaying the trend between two data values. For example, Line chart can show a change between two values, while it is not the case. On the other hand, a step chart can clearly display the steadiness when there are no changes.

two values change
  1. A Line chart can display a sudden increase/decrease, though the changes occur only on two occasions. A Step chart can display only the two occurred changes and when the changes actually happened.

display differences

Advantages of Step Charts

步长图可用于描绘数据在不规则的时间间隔内具有数据变化的固有特性的任何类型的数据。示例包括以下内容 −

Step charts are useful to portray any type of data that has an innate nature of data changes at irregular intervals of time. Examples include the following −

  1. Interest rates vs. time.

  2. Tax rates vs. income.

  3. Electricity charges slabs based on the Units utilized.

Preparation of Data

考虑以下数据 -

Consider the following data −

preparing step chart data

Step 1 − 选择数据。将数据复制并粘贴到最后一行的下方。

Step 1 − Select the data. Copy and paste the data below the last row of the data.

copy paste data

Step 2 − 复制并粘贴右侧的所有数据。数据如下所示。

Step 2 − Copy and paste the entire data on the right side of the data. The data looks as given below.

copy paste entire data

Step 3 − 删除下表中所示的第二组数据表中以红色高亮显示的单元格。

Step 3 − Delete the cells highlighted in red that are depicted in the table of second set of data given below.

delete cells highlighted in red

Step 4 − 在删除时向上移动单元格。第二组数据如下所示。

Step 4 − Shift the cells up while deleting. The second set of data looks as given below.

shift cells up

Step 5 − 复制第二组数据并将它们粘贴到右侧以获得第三组数据。

Step 5 − Copy the second set of data and paste it to the right side of it to get the third set of data.

Step 6 − 选择第三组数据。将其从小到大的值进行排序。

Step 6 − Select the third set of data. Sort it from the smallest to the largest values.

select third set


You need to use this sorted third set of data to create the Step chart.

Creating a Step Chart

按照以下步骤创建阶梯图 −

Follow the steps given below to create a step chart −

Step 1 − 选择第三组数据并插入折线图。

Step 1 − Select the third set of data and insert a Line chart.

insert line chart

Step 2 − 如下格式化图表-

Step 2 − Format the chart as follows −

  1. Click on the chart.

  2. Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

  3. Click Select Data in the Data group. The Select Data Source dialog box appears.

  4. Select Series1 under Legend Entries (Series).

  5. Click the Remove button.

  6. Click the Edit button under Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels. Click OK.

format chart


The Axis Labels dialog box appears.

Step 3 − 在“轴标签范围”下选择单元格 F2:F10,然后单击“确定”。

Step 3 − Select the cells F2:F10 under the Axis labels range and click OK.

select cells

Step 4 − 在“选择数据源”对话框中单击“确定”。你的图表将如下所示。

Step 4 − Click OK in the Select Data Source dialog box. Your chart will look as shown below.

select data source

Step 5 − 您会看到,水平(类别)轴中缺少一些值(年份)。要插入值,请按照以下步骤操作。

Step 5 − As you can observe, some values (Years) in the Horizontal (Category) Axis are missing. To insert the values, follow the steps given below.

  1. Right click on the Horizontal Axis.

  2. Select Format Axis.

  3. Click AXIS OPTIONS in the Format Axis pane.

  4. Select Date Axis under Axis Type in AXIS OPTIONS.

values are missing in horizontal axis


As you can see, the Horizontal (Category) Axis now contains even the missing Years in the Category values. Further, until a change occurs, the line is horizontal. When there is a change, its magnitude is depicted by the height of the vertical line.

Step 6 - 在图表元素中取消选择图表标题和图例。

Step 6 − Deselect the Chart Title and Legend in Chart Elements.


Your Step chart is ready.

step chart

Advanced Excel - Box and Whisker Chart


Box and Whisker charts, also referred to as Box Plots are commonly used in statistical analysis. For example, you can use a Box and Whisker chart to compare experimental results or competitive exam results.

What is a Box and Whisker Chart?


In a Box and Whisker chart, numerical data is divided into quartiles and a box is drawn between the first and third quartiles, with an additional line drawn along the second quartile to mark the median. The minimums and maximums outside the first and third quartiles are depicted with lines, which are called whiskers. Whiskers indicate variability outside the upper and lower quartiles, and any point outside the whiskers is considered as an outlier.


A Box and Whisker chart looks as shown below.

box and whisker chart

Advantages of Box and Whisker Charts


You can use Box and Whisker chart wherever to understand the distribution of data. And the data can be diverse that is drawn from any field for statistical analysis. Examples include the following −

  1. Survey responses on a particular product or service to understand the user’s preferences.

  2. Examination results to identify which students need more attention in a particular subject.

  3. Question-Answer patterns for a competitive examination to finalize the combination of categories.

  4. Laboratory results to draw conclusions on a new drug that is invented.

  5. Traffic patterns on a particular route to streamline the signals that are enroute. The outliers also help in identifying the reasons for the data to get outcast.

Preparation of Data


Suppose you are given the following data −

preparing box and whisker chart data


Create a second table from the above table as follows −

Step 1 - 使用 Excel 函数 MIN、QUARTILE 和 MAX 计算 2014、2015 和 2016 年的每个系列的以下内容。

Step 1 − Compute the following for each of the series – 2014, 2015 and 2016 using Excel Functions MIN, QUARTILE and MAX.

  1. Minimum Value.

  2. First Quartile.

  3. Median Value.

  4. Third Quartile.

  5. Maximum Value.

step compute series


The resulting second table will be as given below.

resulting second table

Step 2 - 根据第二张表计算差值的第三张表-

Step 2 − Create a third table from the second table, computing the differences −

  1. Retain the first row – Minimum Value as it is.

  2. In the second row – compute values as First Quartile - Minimum Value.

  3. In the third row – compute values as Median Value - First Quartile.

  4. In the fourth row – compute values as Third Quartile - Median Value.

  5. In the fifth row – compute values as Maximum Value - Third Quartile.


You will get the third table as shown below.

get third table


You will use this data for the Box and Whisker chart.

Creating a Box and Whisker Chart


Following are the steps to create a Box and Whisker chart.

Step 1 - 选择在上节中获取的第三个表格中的数据。

Step 1 − Select the data obtained as the third table in the previous section.

Step 2 - 插入一个堆积柱形图。

Step 2 − Insert a Stacked Column chart.

select and insert data

Step 3 - 单击功能区上的设计选项卡。

Step 3 − Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

Step 4 - 在数据组中单击切换行/列按钮。

Step 4 − Click Switch Row / Column button in the Data group.

click switch row column


Your chart will be as shown below.

chart shown

Step 5 - 右键单击底部数据系列。单击填充并选择无填充。

Step 5 − Right click on the bottom Data Series. Click Fill and select No Fill.

right click on bottom data

底部的 Data 系列将变得不可见。

The bottom Data series becomes invisible.

bottom data invisible

Step 6 - 在图表元素中取消选择图表标题和图例。

Step 6 − Deselect Chart Title and Legend in Chart Elements.

Step 7 - 将水平轴标签更改为 2014、2015 和 2016。

Step 7 − Change the Horizontal Axis Labels to 2014, 2015 and 2016.

change horizontal axis

Step 8 - 现在,您的盒子已准备就绪。接下来,您需要创建线须。

Step 8 − Now, your Boxes are ready. Next, you have to create the Whiskers.

  1. Right click on the Top Data Series.

  2. Change Fill to No Fill.

  3. Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

  4. Click Add Chart Element in the Chart layouts group.

  5. Click Error Bars in the dropdown list and select Standard Deviation.

boxes ready

Step 9 − 创建了顶部线须。接下来,按照如下所示格式化线须(错误线)−

Step 9 − You got the top Whiskers. Next, format Whiskers (Error Bars) as follows −

  1. Right click on the Error Bars.

  2. Select Format Error Bars.

  3. Select the following under ERROR BAR OPTIONS in the Format Error Bars pane. Select Minus under Direction. Select No Cap under End Style. Select Percentage under Error Amount and type 100.

error bar options

Step 10 − 在“格式错误线”窗格中的“错误线选项”下,单击“填充和线条”选项卡。

Step 10 − Click the Fill & Line tab under ERROR BAR OPTIONS in the Format Error Bars pane.

  1. Select Solid line under LINE.

  2. Select the color as dark blue.

  3. Type 1.5 in the Width box.

click fill and line tab

Step 11 − 为第二根较低的底部系列重复上述步骤。

Step 11 − Repeat the above given steps for the second lower bottom Series.

repeat steps for bottom series

Step 12 − 接下来,按照如下所示格式化框。

Step 12 − Next, format the boxes as follows.

  1. Right click on one of the Box series.

  2. Click Fill.

  3. Choose color as light blue.

  4. Click Outline.

  5. Choose the color as dark blue.

  6. Click Weight.

  7. Select 1½ pt.

format box series

Step 13 − 为其他框系列重复上述步骤。

Step 13 − Repeat the steps given above for the other Box series.

box and whisker chart


Your Box and Whisker chart is ready.

Advanced Excel Charts - Histogram

直方图是数值数据分布的图形表示。它广泛应用于统计分析。Karl Pearson 引入了直方图。

A Histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of numerical data. It is widely used in Statistical Analysis. Karl Pearson introduced histogram.

在 Excel 中,您可以从作为 Excel 附加项提供的分析工具包创建直方图。但是,在这种情况下,当数据更新时,除非再次通过分析工具包修改直方图,否则直方图将不会反映更改后的数据。

In Excel, you can create a Histogram from the Analysis ToolPak that comes as an add-in with Excel. However, in such a case, when the data is updated, Histogram will not reflect the changed data unless it is modified through Analysis ToolPak again.


In this chapter, you will learn how to create a Histogram from a Column chart. In this case, when the source data is updated the chart also gets refreshed.

What is a Histogram?


A Histogram is represented by rectangles with lengths corresponding to the number of occurrences of a variable in successive numerical intervals. The numerical intervals are called bins and the number of occurrences is called frequency.

Bin 通常被指定为连续、不相交的变量区间。Bin 必须是相邻的,并且具有相等的大小。位于 Bin 上的矩形的高度与 Bin 的频率成比例,它表示该 Bin 中案例的数量。因此,水平轴表示 Bin,而垂直轴表示频率。矩形被着色或阴影化。

The bins are usually specified as consecutive, non-overlapping intervals of the variable. The bins must be adjacent and are of equal size. A rectangle over a bin with height proportional to the frequency of the bin depicts the number of cases in that bin. Thus, the horizontal axis represents the bins whereas the vertical axis represents the frequency. The rectangles are colored or shaded.


A Histogram will be as shown below.


Advantages of Histograms


Histogram is used to inspect the data for its underlying distribution, outliers, skewness, etc. For example, Histogram can be used in statistical analysis in the following scenarios −

  1. A census of a country to obtain the people of various age groups.

  2. A survey focused on the demography of a country to obtain the literacy levels.

  3. A study on the effect of tropical diseases during a season across different regions in a state.

Preparation of Data


Consider the data given below.

preparing histogram data

根据以上数据创建 Bin 并计算每个 Bin 中的值的数目,如下所示:

Create bins and calculate the number of values in each bin from the above data as shown below −

create bins

Bin 中值的数目称为该 Bin 的频率。

The number of values in a bin is referred to as the frequency of that bin.

bin values


This table is called a Frequency table and we will use it to create the Histogram.

Creating a Histogram


Following are the steps to create a Histogram.

Step 1 - 选择频率表中的数据。

Step 1 − Select the data in the Frequency table.

Step 2 - 插入一个簇状柱形图。

Step 2 − Insert a Clustered Column chart.

create histogram

Step 3 - 右键单击列,然后从下拉列表中选择“格式化数据系列”。

Step 3 − Right click on the Columns and select Format Data Series from the dropdown list.

Step 4 - 单击“系列选项”,然后在“系列选项”下将间隙宽度更改为 0。

Step 4 − Click SERIES OPTIONS and change the Gap Width to 0 under SERIES OPTIONS.

click and change gap width

Step 5 - 如下所示格式化图表。

Step 5 − Format the chart as follows.

  1. Click on Fill & Line.

  2. Click on Solid Line under Border.

  3. Select black for color.

  4. Type 1.5 for Width.

format histogram chart

Step 6 - 调整图表大小。

Step 6 − Adjust the size of the chart.


您的直方图已完成。您会注意到,每列的长度都对应于特定 Bin 的频率。

Your Histogram is ready. As you can observe, the length of each column corresponds to the frequency of that particular bin.

Advanced Excel - Pareto Chart


Pareto chart is widely used in Statistical Analysis for decision-making. It represents the Pareto principle, also called the 80/20 Rule.

Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule)


Pareto principle, also called the 80/20 Rule means that 80% of the results are due to 20% of the causes. For example, 80% of the defects can be attributed to the key 20% of the causes. It is also termed as vital few and trivial many.


Vilfredo Pareto conducted surveys and observed that 80% of income in most of the countries went to 20% of the population.

Examples of Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule)

帕累托原则或“80/20法则”可应用于多种情境 −

The Pareto principle or the 80/20 Rule can be applied to various scenarios −

  1. 80% of customer complaints arise from 20% of your supplies.

  2. 80% of schedule delays result from 20% of the key causes.

  3. 80% of a company profit can be attributed to 20% of its products.

  4. 80% of a company revenues are produced by 20% of the employees.

  5. 80% of the system problems are caused by 20% of causes of defects.

What is a Pareto Chart?


A Pareto chart is a combination of a Column chart and a Line chart. The Pareto chart shows the Columns in descending order of the Frequencies and the Line depicts the cumulative totals of Categories.

帕累托图如下所示 −

A Pareto chart will be as shown below −

pareto chart

Advantages of Pareto Charts

您可以使用帕累托图进行以下分析 −

You can use a Pareto chart for the following −

  1. To analyze data about the frequency of problems in a process.

  2. To identify the significant causes for problems in a process.

  3. To identify the significant areas of defects in a product.

  4. To understand the significant bottlenecks in a process pipeline.

  5. To identify the largest issues being faced by a team or an organization.

  6. To know the top few reasons for employee attrition.

  7. To identify the topmost products that result in high profit.

  8. To decide on the significant improvements that increase the value of a company.

Preparation of Data


Consider the following data, where the defect causes and the respective counts are given.

preparing pareto chart data

Step 1 −按缺陷计数列从大到小对表格进行排序(从最大到最小)。

Step 1 − Sort the table by the column - Defect Count in descending order (Largest to Smallest).

sort table

Step 2 −创建一个累积计数列,如下所示:

Step 2 − Create a column Cumulative Count as given below −

create column cumulative count


This would result in the following table −

column cumulative count result

Step 3 −对缺陷计数列求和。

Step 3 − Sum the column Defect Count.

Step 4 −创建一个累积百分比列,如下所示。

Step 4 − Create a column Cumulative % as given below.

create column cumulative

Step 5 −将累积百分比列格式化为百分比。

Step 5 − Format the column Cumulative % as Percentage.

format column cumulative


You will use this table to create a Pareto chart.

Creating a Pareto Chart

通过创建帕累托图,您可以得出缺陷的主要原因。在 Excel 中,您可以将帕累托图创建为柱形图和折线图的组合图。

By creating a Pareto chart, you can conclude what are the key causes for the defects. In Excel, you can create a Pareto chart as a combo chart of Column chart and Line chart.


Following are the steps to create Pareto chart −

Step 1 −选择表格中的缺陷原因和缺陷计数列。

Step 1 − Select the columns Defect Causes and Defect Count in the table.

Step 2 - 插入一个簇状柱形图。

Step 2 − Insert a Clustered Column chart.

clustered column chart

Step 3 −如您所见,表示原因的列以降序排列。按如下方式设置图表格式。

Step 3 − As you can see, the columns representing causes are in descending order. Format the chart as follows.

  1. Right click on the Columns and click on Format Data Series.

  2. Click SERIES OPTIONS in the Format Data Series pane.

  3. Change the Gap Width to 0 under SERIES OPTIONS.

  4. Right click on the Columns and select Outline.

  5. Select a dark color and a Weight to make the border conspicuous.


Your chart will be as shown below.

pareto chart shown

Step 4 −按如下方式设计图表。

Step 4 − Design the chart as follows.

  1. Click on the chart.

  2. Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

  3. Click Select Data in the Data group. The Select Data Source dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Add button.

design pareto chart


The Edit Series dialog box appears.

Step 5 -在单元格上单击 - 系列名称的累积 %。

Step 5 − Click on the cell – Cumulative % for Series name.

Step 6 -选择累积 % 列中的数据,以获得系列的值。单击确定。

Step 6 − Select the data in Cumulative % column for Series values. Click OK.

select data in cumulative

Step 7 -在选择数据源对话框中单击确定。您的图表将如下所示。

Step 7 − Click OK in the Select Data Source dialog box. Your chart will be as shown below.

click ok in select data

Step 8 -在功能区上单击设计选项卡。

Step 8 − Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

Step 9 -在类型组中单击更改图表类型。

Step 9 − Click Change Chart Type in the Type group.

click change chart type

Step 10 -更改图表类型对话框出现。

Step 10 − Change Chart Type dialog box appears.

  1. Click the All Charts tab.

  2. Click the Combo button.

  3. Select Clustered Column for Defect Count and Line for Cumulative %.

  4. Check the box – Secondary Axis for Line chart. Click OK.

change chart type dialog box

正如您所见,80% 的缺陷是由两个原因造成的。

As you can observe, 80% of the defects are due to two causes.

pareto chart

Advanced Excel - Organization Chart

你可以使用组织结构图来说明团队或组织内的报告关系。在 Excel 中,你可以使用具有组织结构图布局的 SmartArt 图形。

You can illustrate the reporting relationships in your team or organization using an organization chart. In Excel, you can use a SmartArt graphic that uses an organization chart layout.

What is an Organization Chart?


An Organization chart graphically represents the management structure of an organization, such as department managers and the corresponding reporting employees within the organization. Further, there can be assistants for the top managers and they are also depicted in the Organization chart.

Excel 中的组织结构图如下所示。

An Organization chart in Excel will be as shown below.

organization chart

Preparation of Data


Following are steps to prepare the data for an Organization chart −

Step 1 - 按如下方式整理有关组织不同角色的信息。

Step 1 − Collate the information about the different roles in the organization as given below.

collate information

Step 2 - 识别层级中的报告关系。

Step 2 − Identify the reporting relationships in the hierarchy.

identify reporting relationships


You will use this information to create the Organization chart.

Creating an Organization Chart


Following are the steps to create the Organization chart.

Step 1 - 单击功能区上的插入选项卡。

Step 1 − Click the INSERT tab on the Ribbon.

Step 2 - 单击插图组中的 SmartArt 图形图标。

Step 2 − Click the SmartArt Graphic icon in the Illustrations group.

Step 3 - Choose a SmartArt Graphic 对话框出现。

Step 3Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box appears.

choose smartart graphic

Step 4 - 从左窗格中选择层级结构。

Step 4 − Select Hierarchy from the left pane.

Step 5 - 单击组织结构图。

Step 5 − Click on an Organization Chart.

Step 6 - 组织结构图的预览出现。单击确定。

Step 6 − A preview of the Organization Chart appears. Click OK.

organization chart preview


The Organization chart template appears in your worksheet.

organization chart template


As you can observe, you can enter the text in the left pane and it appears immediately on the chart on the right. The box that has a bullet with line attached in the left pane indicates that it is Assistant box in the chart. The boxes with bullets in the left pane indicate they are part of hanging layout in the chart.

Step 7 - 在文本窗格中输入信息。

Step 7 − Enter the information in the Text pane.

Step 8 - 如果有报告关系,则降级。

Step 8 − Demote if there is reporting relationship.


Step 9 - 单击图表外部。您的组织结构图已准备就绪。

Step 9 − Click outside the chart. Your Organization chart is ready.

Formatting the Organization Chart


You can format the Organization chart to give it a designer look. Follow the steps given below −

  1. Click on the chart.

  2. Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

  3. Select Polished from the SmartArt Styles group.

  4. Change the colors of the boxes.

  5. Change the font color.

  6. Adjust the size of the boxes.

  7. Adjust the widths of the lines.

organization chart


Your Organization chart is ready.