Advanced Excel Charts 简明教程

Advanced Excel - Gantt Chart

甘特图广泛用于项目规划和跟踪。甘特图形象地展示了一个日程,有助于规划、协调和跟踪项目中的特定任务。有一些软件应用程序提供甘特图作为一种规划工作和跟踪相同任务的方法,例如 Microsoft Project。但是,你也可以在 Excel 中轻松创建甘特图。

Gantt charts are widely in use for project planning and tracking. A Gantt chart provides a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project. There are software applications that provide Gantt chart as a means of planning work and tracking the same such as Microsoft Project. However, you can create a Gantt chart easily in Excel also.

What is a Gantt Chart?


A Gantt chart is a chart in which a series of horizontal lines shows the amount of work done in certain periods of time with relation to the amount of work planned for those periods. The horizontal lines depict tasks, task duration and task hierarchy.


Henry L. Gantt, an American engineer and social scientist, developed gantt chart as a production control tool in 1917.

在 Excel 中,你可以使用柱形任务代表图表的堆积柱形图类型自定义一个甘特图。Excel 甘特图通常使用天作为水平轴上的时间单位。

In Excel, you can create a Gantt chart by customizing a Stacked Bar chart type with the Bars representing tasks. An Excel Gantt chart typically uses days as the unit of time along the horizontal axis.

gantt chart

Advantages of Gantt Charts


Gantt chart is frequently used in project management to manage project schedule.

  1. It provides visual timeline for starting and finishing specific tasks.

  2. It accommodates multiple tasks and timelines into a single chart.

  3. It is an easy way to understand visualization that shows the amount of work done, the remaining work, and schedule slippages, if any at any point of time.

  4. If the Gantt chart is shared at a common place, it limits the number of status meetings.

  5. Gantt chart promotes on-time deliveries, as the timeline is visible to everyone who is involved in the work.

  6. It promotes collaboration and team spirit with project completion on-time as a common goal.

  7. It provides a realistic view of the project progress and eliminates project end surprises.

Preparation of Data

按照以下方式将你的数据排列在一个表中 -

Arrange your data in a table in the following way −

  1. Create three columns – Task, Start and Duration.

  2. In the Task column, give the names of the Tasks in the project.

  3. In the Start column, for each Task, place the number of days from the Start Date of the project.

  4. In the Duration column, for each Task, place the duration of the Task in days.

Note − 当任务处于层次关系中时,任何任务的开始 - Taskg 开始于上一个任务 + 任务的持续时间。也就是说,一个任务 Taskh 的开始是上一个任务 Taskg 的结束,如果它们处于层次关系中,这意味着 Taskh 依赖于 Taskg。这被称为任务依存关系。

Note − When the Tasks are in a hierarchy, Start of any Task – Taskg is Start of previous Task + it’s Duration. That is, Start of a Task Taskh is the End of the previous Task, Taskg if they are in a hierarchy, meaning that Taskh is dependent on Taskg. This is referred to as Task Dependency.

以下是数据 −

Following is the data −


Creating a Gantt Chart

Step 1 − 选择数据。

Step 1 − Select the data.

Step 2 − 插入堆积条形图。

Step 2 − Insert a Stacked Bar chart.

insert stacked bar

Step 3 − 右键单击表示起点序列的条形图。

Step 3 − Right click on a bar representing Start series.

Step 4 − 单击“填充”图标。从下拉列表中选择“无填充”。

Step 4 − Click the Fill icon. Select No Fill from the dropdown list.

select no fill

Step 5 − 右键单击纵轴(类别轴)。

Step 5 − Right click on the Vertical Axis (Categories Axis).

Step 6 − 从下拉列表中选择“格式化轴”。

Step 6 − Select Format Axis from the dropdown list.

Step 7 − 在“AXIS OPTIONS”选项卡上的“Format Axis”(格式化轴) 窗格中,选中方框: 相反顺序的类别。

Step 7 − On the AXIS OPTIONS tab, in the Format Axis pane, check the box - Categories in reverse order.

check box categories


You will see that the Vertical Axis values are reversed. Moreover, the Horizontal Axis shifts to the top of the chart.

Step 8 − 通过一些格式化使图表更具吸引力。

Step 8 − Make the chart appealing with some formatting.

  1. In Chart Elements, deselect the following − Legend.Gridlines.

  2. Format the Horizontal Axis as follows − Adjust the range.Major Tick Marks at 5 day intervals.Minor Tick Marks at 1 day intervals.

  3. Format Data Series to make the Bars look impressive.

  4. Give a Chart Title.

gantt chart


Your Gantt chart is ready.