Advanced Excel Charts 简明教程

Advanced Excel - Organization Chart

你可以使用组织结构图来说明团队或组织内的报告关系。在 Excel 中,你可以使用具有组织结构图布局的 SmartArt 图形。

You can illustrate the reporting relationships in your team or organization using an organization chart. In Excel, you can use a SmartArt graphic that uses an organization chart layout.

What is an Organization Chart?


An Organization chart graphically represents the management structure of an organization, such as department managers and the corresponding reporting employees within the organization. Further, there can be assistants for the top managers and they are also depicted in the Organization chart.

Excel 中的组织结构图如下所示。

An Organization chart in Excel will be as shown below.

organization chart

Preparation of Data


Following are steps to prepare the data for an Organization chart −

Step 1 - 按如下方式整理有关组织不同角色的信息。

Step 1 − Collate the information about the different roles in the organization as given below.

collate information

Step 2 - 识别层级中的报告关系。

Step 2 − Identify the reporting relationships in the hierarchy.

identify reporting relationships


You will use this information to create the Organization chart.

Creating an Organization Chart


Following are the steps to create the Organization chart.

Step 1 - 单击功能区上的插入选项卡。

Step 1 − Click the INSERT tab on the Ribbon.

Step 2 - 单击插图组中的 SmartArt 图形图标。

Step 2 − Click the SmartArt Graphic icon in the Illustrations group.

Step 3 - Choose a SmartArt Graphic 对话框出现。

Step 3Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box appears.

choose smartart graphic

Step 4 - 从左窗格中选择层级结构。

Step 4 − Select Hierarchy from the left pane.

Step 5 - 单击组织结构图。

Step 5 − Click on an Organization Chart.

Step 6 - 组织结构图的预览出现。单击确定。

Step 6 − A preview of the Organization Chart appears. Click OK.

organization chart preview


The Organization chart template appears in your worksheet.

organization chart template


As you can observe, you can enter the text in the left pane and it appears immediately on the chart on the right. The box that has a bullet with line attached in the left pane indicates that it is Assistant box in the chart. The boxes with bullets in the left pane indicate they are part of hanging layout in the chart.

Step 7 - 在文本窗格中输入信息。

Step 7 − Enter the information in the Text pane.

Step 8 - 如果有报告关系,则降级。

Step 8 − Demote if there is reporting relationship.


Step 9 - 单击图表外部。您的组织结构图已准备就绪。

Step 9 − Click outside the chart. Your Organization chart is ready.

Formatting the Organization Chart


You can format the Organization chart to give it a designer look. Follow the steps given below −

  1. Click on the chart.

  2. Click the DESIGN tab on the Ribbon.

  3. Select Polished from the SmartArt Styles group.

  4. Change the colors of the boxes.

  5. Change the font color.

  6. Adjust the size of the boxes.

  7. Adjust the widths of the lines.

organization chart


Your Organization chart is ready.