Advanced Excel Functions 简明教程
Advanced Excel - Cube Functions
Excel Cube 函数能够将 OLAP 多维数据集中的数据导入到 Excel 中以执行计算。这些函数通过连接到 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services 或更高版本的数据源来支持。
The Excel Cube functions enable data from OLAP cubes to be brought into Excel to perform calculations. These functions are supported with a connection to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services or later data source.
由于 PowerPivot 创建了与 OLAP 多维数据集兼容的数据源,因此它也可与这些函数一起使用。
As PowerPivot creates a data source, which is compatible with OLAP cubes, it can also be used with these functions.
Cube Functions
下表列出了所有 Cube 函数−
The following table lists all the Cube functions −
S.No. |
Function and Description |
1 |
CUBEKPIMEMBERReturns a key performance indicator name, property, and measure, and displays the name and property in the cell. |
2 |
CUBEMEMBERReturns a member or tuple in a cube hierarchy. |
3 |
CUBEMEMBERPROPERTYReturns the value of a member property in the cube. |
4 |
CUBERANKEDMEMBERReturns the nth, or ranked, member in a set. |
5 |
CUBESETDefines a calculated set of members or tuples by sending a set expression to the cube on the server. |
6 |
CUBESETCOUNTReturns the number of items in a set. |
7 |
CUBEVALUEReturns an aggregated value from a cube. |