Advanced Excel Functions 简明教程
Lookup and Reference Functions
Lookup & Reference functions help you to work with arrays of data, and are particularly useful when you need to cross reference between different data sets. They perform tasks such as providing information about a range, returning the location of a given address or value, or looking up specific values.
Lookup and Reference Functions
下表列出了所有查找和引用函数 −
The following table lists all the Lookup & Reference functions −
S.No. |
Function and Description |
1 |
ADDRESSReturns a reference as text to a single cell in a worksheet |
2 |
AREASReturns the number of areas in a reference |
3 |
CHOOSEChooses a value from a list of values |
4 |
COLUMNReturns the column number of a reference |
5 |
COLUMNSReturns the number of columns in a reference |
6 |
FORMULATEXTReturns the formula at the given reference as text |
7 |
GETPIVOTDATAReturns data stored in a PivotTable |
8 |
HLOOKUPSearches for a value in the top row of a table and then returns a value in the same column from a row you specify in the table |
9 |
HYPERLINKCreates a shortcut that opens a document on your hard drive, a server, or the Internet |
10 |
INDEXUses an index to choose a value from a reference or array |
11 |
INDIRECTReturns a reference indicated by a text value |
12 |
LOOKUPReturns a value either from a one-row or one-column range or from an array |
13 |
MATCHReturns the relative position of an item in an array |
14 |
OFFSETReturns a reference offset from a given reference |
15 |
ROWReturns the row number of a reference |
16 |
ROWSReturns the number of rows in a reference |
17 |
RTDReturns real-time data from a program that supports COM automation |
18 |
TRANSPOSEReturns the transpose of an array |
19 |
VLOOKUPSearches for a value in the leftmost column of a table and then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify in the table |