Advanced Excel Functions 简明教程

Advanced Excel Functions Tutorial

本 Microsoft Excel 教程教你如何创建和使用 Excel 函数。你可以使用 Excel 函数执行各种数学、统计和逻辑计算。本教程将一步一步带你完成此过程。

This Microsoft Excel tutorial teaches you how to create and use Excel functions. You can use Excel functions to perform various mathematical, statistical, logical calculations. This tutorial takes you step-by-step through the process.


本教程专为那些使用 Excel 但害怕公式和函数概念的人准备。

This tutorial is intended for people who use Excel but are intimidated by the concept of formulas and functions.


本教程假定您已熟悉用于在 Excel 中进行计算的基本公式。

This tutorial assumes your familiarity with basic fomulas for calculations in Excel.