Amazonrds 简明教程
Amazon RDS - DB Snapshots
Amazon RDS 会在数据库实例的备份窗口期间为您的数据库实例创建自动备份,并将其存储为卷快照。
Amazon RDS creates automated backups of your DB instance during the backup window of your DB instance and stores them as volume snapshots.
Automated Backup
Your DB instance must be in the ACTIVE state for automated backups to occur. Automated backups don’t occur while your DB instance is in a state other than ACTIVE, for example STORAGE_FULL.
Automated backups and automated snapshots don’t occur while a copy is executing in the same region for the same DB instance.
The first snapshot of a DB instance contains the data for the full DB instance. Subsequent snapshots of the same DB instance are incremental, which means that only the data that has changed after your most recent snapshot is saved.
下图显示了我们如何使用 AWS 控制台为数据库实例配置自动备份窗口。要禁用自动备份,请将天数设置为零。
The following diagram shows how we can configure the automated backup window for a DB instance using the AWS console. To disable the automated backup, set the number of days to zero.

Manual Backup
We can also take backups manually by using snapshots. To take a snapshot manually we use the instance action option after selecting the instance as shown below.

我们还可以使用以下命令通过 CLI 手动进行备份。
We can aslo take manual backup using the CLI with the below command.
aws rds create-db-snapshot /
--db-instance-identifier sourcedbinstance /
--db-snapshot-identifier dbsnapshotinstance