Amazonrds 简明教程

Amazon RDS - Environment

为了使用任何亚马逊网络服务,您需要设置亚马逊网络服务帐户。我们假设您已按照 Amazon Web Services 亚马逊网络服务主页 中提到的指南设置了亚马逊网络服务帐户。以下是从控制台访问 RDS 服务的初步步骤。

For using any Aws service you ned to set up an AWS account. We assume you have set up the AWS account by following the guide lines mentioned in the Amazon Web Services aws home page. Below are the preliminary steps to access the RDS services from the console.


登录到亚马逊控制台后,要访问 RDS 服务,我们需要通过在服务标签下搜索框中搜索 RDS 导航到亚马逊 RDS 主页,如下图所示。

After logging in to the amazon console, to access the RDS services we need to navigate to the Amazon RDS home page by searching for RDS in the search box of under the services tag as shown in the diagram below.

rds environment 1


点击上面的链接后,我们进入亚马逊 RDS 主页。如果您是第一次访问 RDS 服务,那么它将显示一个提示创建数据库的屏幕,如下所示。

On clicking the link above we get the Amazon RDS home page. If it is the first time ever you are accessing RDS services, then it will show you a screen prompting for creating a database as shown below.

rds environment 2

如果您已创建了一些 RDS 资源,可以在滚动浏览上述页面后获得其摘要。下面显示了一个屏幕截图。

In case you have already created some RDS resources a summary of that will be available by scrolling down in the above page. A screen shot is shown below.

rds environment 3


下一个屏幕为我们提供了一个选择所需 DB 引擎的选项,那是针对我们所需的数据库进行配置步骤的开始。

The next screen gives us an option to select the DB engine we need and that is the start of our configuration steps for the database we need.

rds environment 4


In the next chapter we will see the details on each of the industry’s popular database configuration and usage one by one.