Amazonrds 简明教程
Amazon RDS - MS SQL features
Microsoft SQL Server 是业界著名的关系型数据库。AWS RDS 支持多个版本的 MS SQL Server。以下为受支持的版本和版本列表。所有这些版本都支持时间点恢复,以及自动或手动备份。可以在 VPC 内使用运行 SQL Server 的数据库实例。您还可以使用 SSL 连接到运行 SQL Server 的数据库实例。Amazon RDS 目前使用 SQL Server 镜像作为高可用性故障转移解决方案,支持 SQL Server 的多 AZ 部署。
Microsoft SQL server is a prominent relational database in the industry. AWS RDS supports multiple versions of MS SQL server. Below list of supported versions and editions. All these versions support point-in-time restores, and automated or manual backups. DB instances running SQL Server can be used inside a VPC. You can also use SSL to connect to a DB instance running SQL Server. Amazon RDS currently supports Multi-AZ deployments for SQL Server using SQL Server Mirroring as a high-availability, failover solution.
Supported Versions
AWS RDS 提供了从 2008 年开始的 MS SQL Server 的主要版本。以下为这些版本的详细信息。
AWS RDS makes available the majors versions of MS SQL server from 2008 onwards. The details of these versions are as below.
SQL Server 2017 RTM
SQL Server 2016 SP1
SQL Server 2014 SP2
SQL Server 2012 SP4
SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3
以下为如何使用 Python SDK 程序的 AWS API 获取受支持数据库引擎版本的一个示例。
Below is an example of how to get the supported DB Engine versions using AWS API in a python SDK program.
import boto3
client = boto3.client('rds')
response = client.describe_db_engine_versions(
ListSupportedCharacterSets=False, #True,
运行上述程序后,我们将得到以下输出 -
On running the above program, we get the following output −
"ResponseMetadata": {
"RetryAttempts": 0,
"HTTPStatusCode": 200,
"RequestId": "186a9d70-7580-4207-8727-4d29aebb5213",
"HTTPHeaders": {
"x-amzn-requestid": "186a9d70-7580-4207-8727-4d29aebb5213",
"date": "Fri, 14 Sep 2018 05:39:11 GMT",
"content-length": "1066",
"content-type": "text/xml"
"u'DBEngineVersions'": [
"u'Engine'": "sqlserver-ee",
"u'DBParameterGroupFamily'": "sqlserver-ee-14.0",
"u'SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs'": false,
"u'SupportsReadReplica'": true,
"u'DBEngineDescription'": "MicrosoftSQLServerEnterpriseEdition",
"u'EngineVersion'": "14.00.3035.2.v1",
"u'DBEngineVersionDescription'": "SQL Server 2017 14.00.3035.2.v1",
"u'ValidUpgradeTarget'": []
Microsoft SQL Server Licensing
RDS 数据库实例的软件许可证包含在使用 MS SQL Server 的定价中。用户不需要提供任何许可证。此外,定价中还包括软件许可证、硬件资源和 AWS RDS 管理功能。
The software license for RDS DB instance is included in the pricing for using MS SQL server. The user does not need to bring in any license. Also the pricing includes software license, hardware resources and AWS RDS management features.
以下是 MS SQL Server 版本中可用的 MS SQL Server 版本。
Following are the MS SQL server editions that are available in the MS SQL Server editions.
与 Oracle 不同,多 A-Z 部署不需要额外的授权要求。Microsoft Server 使用 SQL Server 数据库镜像进行此类部署。
Unlike oracle, there is no additional licensing requirement for Multi A-Z deployment. Microsoft Server uses SQL server Database Mirroring for such deployment.
对于因许可问题而终止的实例,AWS 会保留 DB 快照,可以在解决许可问题时从该快照还原 DB。
For instances terminated because of licensing issues, AWS maintains DB snapshots from which the DB can be restored, when the licensing issue is resolved.
Microsoft SQL Server Security
MS SQL 服务器的数据库引擎使用基于角色的安全性。
The database engine of MS SQL server uses a role based security.
创建 DB 实例时使用的主用户名是 SQL 服务器身份验证登录名,该用户名是 processadmin、public 和 setupadmin 固定服务器角色的成员。创建数据库的任何用户都分配给该数据库的 db_owner 角色,并具有除用于备份的所有数据库级权限。Amazon RDS 为用户管理备份。
The master user name used when creating a DB instance is a SQL Server Authentication login that is a member of the processadmin, public, and setupadmin fixed server roles.Any user who creates a database is assigned to the db_owner role for that database and has all database-level permissions except for those that are used for backups. Amazon RDS manages backups for the user.
Features not Supported in RDS
AWS RDS for MS SQL 服务器不支持许多功能。其中一些功能列在下面。在将内部部署数据库迁移到云时,这一点很重要,必须仔细评估这些功能的可用性。
There are quite several features that are not supported by AWS RDS for MS SQL Server. Some of them are listed below. This is important for a scenario when the on-premise database is being taken to the cloud, availability of these features must be evaluated carefully.
Always On
Backing up to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
Buffer pool extension
Data Quality Services
Distributed Queries (i.e., Linked Servers)
Distribution Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC)
File tables
Performance Data Collector
Policy-Based Management
SQL Server Audit
Server-level triggers
T-SQL endpoints (all operations using CREATE ENDPOINT are unavailable)