Android 简明教程
Android - SIP Protocol
SIP stands for (Session Initiation Protocol). It is a protocol that let applications easily set up outgoing and incoming voice calls, without having to manage sessions, transport-level communication, or audio record or playback directly.
一些 SIP 的常见应用程序如下。
Some of the common applications of SIP are.
Video conferencing
Instant messaging
以下为开发 SIP 应用程序的要求−
Here are the requirements for developing a SIP application −
Android OS must be 2.3 or higher
You must have a data connection or WIFI
You must have an SIP account in order to use this service.
SIP Classes
以下是 Android SIP API 中包含的类摘要:
Here is a summary of the classes that are included in the Android SIP API:
Sr.No |
Class & description |
1 |
SipAudioCall Handles an Internet audio call over SIP |
2 |
SipErrorCode Defines error codes returned during SIP actions |
3 |
SipManager Provides APIs for SIP tasks, such as initiating SIP connections, and provides access to related SIP services |
4 |
SipProfile Defines a SIP profile, including a SIP account, domain and server information |
5 |
SipSession Represents a SIP session that is associated with a SIP dialog or a standalone transaction not within a dialog |
Functions of SIP
SIP 有以下主要功能。
SIP has following major functions.
SIP allows for the establishment of user location
SIP provides a mechanism for call management
SIP provides feature negotiation, so that all the parties in the call can agree to the features supported among them
Components of SIP
SIP 有以下两个主要组件。
SIP has two major components which are listed below.
User Agent Client (UAC)
User Agent Server (UAS)
SipManager 是一个安卓 SIP 任务 API,如发起 SIP 呼叫,并提供访问相关的 SIP 服务。此类是任何 SIP 操作的起点。你可以使用 newInstance() 获取其实例。
SipManager is an android API for SIP tasks, such as initiating SIP connections, and provides access to related SIP services. This class is the starting point for any SIP actions. You can acquire an instance of it with newInstance().
SipManager 具有许多用于管理 SIP 任务的功能。下面的列表列出了其中部分功能。
The SipManager has many functions for managing SIP tasks. Some of the functions are listed below.
Sr.No |
Class & description |
1 |
close(String localProfileUri) Closes the specified profile to not make/receive calls |
2 |
getCallId(Intent incomingCallIntent) Gets the call ID from the specified incoming call broadcast intent |
3 |
isOpened(String localProfileUri) Checks if the specified profile is opened in the SIP service for making and/or receiving calls |
4 |
isSipWifiOnly(Context context) Returns true if SIP is only available on WIFI |
5 |
isRegistered(String localProfileUri) Checks if the SIP service has successfully registered the profile to the SIP provider (specified in the profile) for receiving calls |
6 |
isVoipSupported(Context context) Returns true if the system supports SIP-based VOIP API |
7 |
takeAudioCall(Intent incomingCallIntent, SipAudioCall.Listener listener) Creates a SipAudioCall to take an incoming call |
8 |
unregister(SipProfile localProfile, SipRegistrationListener listener) Manually unregisters the profile from the corresponding SIP provider for stop receiving further calls |