Apache Ivy 简明教程
Apache IVY - Eclipse Ivy Plugin
IvyDE 是 Apache 提供的 Eclipse 插件。如需安装 IvyDE,请启动 Eclipse 并导航到帮助>安装新软件。它将显示可用软件窗口。输入 IvyDE 更新站点 http://www.apache.org/dist/ant/ivyde/updatesite/ 并按回车键。它将显示以下插件。
IvyDE is an Eclipse plugin provided by Apache. To install IvyDE, start Eclipse and navigate to Help > Install New Software. It displays the Available Softwares window. Enter IvyDE update site http://www.apache.org/dist/ant/ivyde/updatesite/ and press enter key. It displays the following plugins.
Click Next and you will see the following screen.
如果你在安装插件时遇到任何错误,只需重启进程。成功安装后,你将在 eclipe 中看到插件。
If you are facing any error while installing the plugin then just restart the process. After successful installation, you will see the plugin in eclipe.
现在你可以使用 Eclipse 和 Ivy 进行依赖关系管理。
Now you can do the dependency management using Eclipse and Ivy.