Apache Kafka 简明教程

Apache Kafka - Applications

Kafka 支持当今许多最佳工业应用程序。本章中,我们会对 Kafka 的一些最显着应用程序提供非常简要的概述。

Kafka supports many of today’s best industrial applications. We will provide a very brief overview of some of the most notable applications of Kafka in this chapter.


Twitter 是一个在线社交网络服务,提供一个平台来发送和接收用户推文。已注册的用户可以阅读并发布推文,但未注册的用户只能阅读推文。Twitter 将 Storm-Kafka 用作其流处理基础设施的一部分。

Twitter is an online social networking service that provides a platform to send and receive user tweets. Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read tweets. Twitter uses Storm-Kafka as a part of their stream processing infrastructure.


Apache Kafka 在 LinkedIn 用作活动流数据和运营指标。Kafka 消息系统可帮助 LinkedIn 处理各种产品,比如 LinkedIn 新闻源、LinkedIn 今日在线消息消费以及 Hadoop 等离线分析系统。Kafka 的强大持久性也是连接到 LinkedIn 的关键因素之一。

Apache Kafka is used at LinkedIn for activity stream data and operational metrics. Kafka mes-saging system helps LinkedIn with various products like LinkedIn Newsfeed, LinkedIn Today for online message consumption and in addition to offline analytics systems like Hadoop. Kafka’s strong durability is also one of the key factors in connection with LinkedIn.


Netflix 是一家美国跨国按需互联网流媒体服务提供商。Netflix 使用 Kafka 进行实时监控和事件处理。

Netflix is an American multinational provider of on-demand Internet streaming media. Netflix uses Kafka for real-time monitoring and event processing.


Mozilla 是一个自由软件社区,由 Netscape 成员于 1998 年创立。Kafka 很快就会替换 Mozilla 当前的部分生产系统,以便为遥测、试点等项目收集终端用户浏览器的性能和使用数据。

Mozilla is a free-software community, created in 1998 by members of Netscape. Kafka will soon be replacing a part of Mozilla current production system to collect performance and usage data from the end-user’s browser for projects like Telemetry, Test Pilot, etc.


Oracle 从其名为 OSB(Oracle Service Bus)的企业服务总线产品提供对 Kafka 的本机连接,该连接允许开发人员利用 OSB 内置的中介功能来实现分阶段数据管道。

Oracle provides native connectivity to Kafka from its Enterprise Service Bus product called OSB (Oracle Service Bus) which allows developers to leverage OSB built-in mediation capabilities to implement staged data pipelines.