Apache Mxnet 简明教程
Apache MXNet - Python API ndarray
本章介绍了 Apache MXNet 中提供的 ndarray 库。
This chapter explains the ndarray library which is available in Apache MXNet.
Apache MXNet 的 NDArray 库为所有数学计算定义了核心 DS(数据结构)。NDArray 的两个基本工作如下 −
Apache MXNet’s NDArray library defines the core DS (data structures) for all the mathematical computations. Two fundamental jobs of NDArray are as follows −
It supports fast execution on a wide range of hardware configurations.
It automatically parallelises multiple operations across available hardware.
下面给出的示例展示了如何使用常规 Python 列表通过 1-D 和 2-D“数组”创建 NDArray −
The example given below shows how one can create an NDArray by using 1-D and 2-D ‘array’ from a regular Python list −
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import nd
x = nd.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
The output is given below:
[ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.]
<NDArray 10 @cpu(0)>
y = nd.array([[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]])
This produces the following output −
[[ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.]
[ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.]
[ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.]]
<NDArray 3x10 @cpu(0)>
现在,让我们详细讨论 MXNet 的 ndarray API 的类、函数和参数。
Now let us discuss in detail about the classes, functions, and parameters of ndarray API of MXNet.
下表包括 MXNet 的 ndarray API 的类 −
Following table consists of the classes of ndarray API of MXNet −
Class |
Definition |
CachedOp(sym[, flags]) |
It is used for Cached operator handle. |
NDArray(handle[, writable]) |
It is used as an array object that represents a multi-dimensional, homogeneous array of fixed-size items. |
Functions and their parameters
以下是一些由 mxnet.ndarray API 涵盖的重要函数及其参数 −
Following are some of the important functions and their parameters covered by mxnet.ndarray API −
Function & its Parameters |
Definition |
Activation([data, act_type, out, name]) |
It applies an activation function element-wise to the input. It supports relu, sigmoid, tanh, softrelu, softsign activation functions. |
BatchNorm([data, gamma, beta, moving_mean, …]) |
It is used for batch normalisation. This function normalises a data batch by mean and variance. It applies a scale gamma and offset beta. |
BilinearSampler([data, grid, cudnn_off, …]) |
This function applies bilinear sampling to input feature map. Actually it is the key of “Spatial Transformer Networks”. If you are familiar with remap function in OpenCV, the usage of this function is quite similar to that. The only difference is that it has the backward pass. |
BlockGrad([data, out, name]) |
As name specifies, this function stops gradient computation. It basically stops the accumulated gradient of the inputs from flowing through this operator in backward direction. |
cast([data, dtype, out, name]) |
This function will cast all elements of the input to a new type. |
Implementation Examples
在下面的示例中,我们将使用函数 BilinierSampler() 将数据缩小两倍,并将数据水平偏移 -1 像素−
In the example below, we will be using the function BilinierSampler() for zooming out the data two times and shifting the data horizontally by -1 pixel −
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import nd
data = nd.array([[[[2, 5, 3, 6],
[1, 8, 7, 9],
[0, 4, 1, 8],
[2, 0, 3, 4]]]])
affine_matrix = nd.array([[2, 0, 0],
[0, 2, 0]])
affine_matrix = nd.reshape(affine_matrix, shape=(1, 6))
grid = nd.GridGenerator(data=affine_matrix, transform_type='affine', target_shape=(4, 4))
output = nd.BilinearSampler(data, grid)
When you execute the above code, you should see the following output:
[[[[0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[0. 4.0000005 6.25 0. ]
[0. 1.5 4. 0. ]
[0. 0. 0. 0. ]]]]
<NDArray 1x1x4x4 @cpu(0)>
The above output shows the zooming out of data two times.
将数据偏移 -1 像素的示例如下 −
Example of shifting the data by -1 pixel is as follows −
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import nd
data = nd.array([[[[2, 5, 3, 6],
[1, 8, 7, 9],
[0, 4, 1, 8],
[2, 0, 3, 4]]]])
warp_matrix = nd.array([[[[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1]],
[[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0]]]])
grid = nd.GridGenerator(data=warp_matrix, transform_type='warp')
output = nd.BilinearSampler(data, grid)
输出如下 −
The output is stated below −
[[[[5. 3. 6. 0.]
[8. 7. 9. 0.]
[4. 1. 8. 0.]
[0. 3. 4. 0.]]]]
<NDArray 1x1x4x4 @cpu(0)>
同样,以下示例显示了 cast() 函数的使用 −
Similarly, following example shows the use of cast() function −
nd.cast(nd.array([300, 10.1, 15.4, -1, -2]), dtype='uint8')
Upon execution, you will receive the following output −
[ 44 10 15 255 254]
<NDArray 5 @cpu(0)>
Contrib NDArray API 在 ndarray.contrib 包中定义。它通常为新特性提供许多有用的实验性 API。此 API 作为社区尝试新特性的场所。此功能的贡献者也将获得反馈。
The Contrib NDArray API is defined in the ndarray.contrib package. It typically provides many useful experimental APIs for new features. This API works as a place for the community where they can try out the new features. The feature contributor will get the feedback as well.
Functions and their parameters
以下是 mxnet.ndarray.contrib API 涉及的一些重要函数及其参数 -
Following are some of the important functions and their parameters covered by mxnet.ndarray.contrib API −
Function & its Parameters |
Definition |
rand_zipfian(true_classes, num_sampled, …) |
This function draws random samples from an approximately Zipfian distribution. The base distribution of this function is Zipfian distribution. This function randomly samples num_sampled candidates and the elements of sampled_candidates are drawn from the base distribution given above. |
foreach(body, data, init_states) |
As name implies, this function runs a for loop with user-defined computation over NDArrays on dimension 0. This function simulates a for loop and body has the computation for an iteration of the for loop. |
while_loop(cond, func, loop_vars[, …]) |
As name implies, this function runs a while loop with user-defined computation and loop condition. This function simulates a while loop that literately does customized computation if the condition is satisfied. |
cond(pred, then_func, else_func) |
As name implies, this function run an if-then-else using user-defined condition and computation. This function simulates an if-like branch which chooses to do one of the two customised computations according to the specified condition. |
isinf(data) |
This function performs an element-wise check to determine if the NDArray contains an infinite element or not. |
getnnz([data, axis, out, name]) |
This function gives us the number of stored values for a sparse tensor. It also includes explicit zeros. It only supports CSR matrix on CPU. |
requantize([data, min_range, max_range, …]) |
This function requantise the given data that is quantised in int32 and the corresponding thresholds, into int8 using min and max thresholds either calculated at runtime or from calibration. |
Implementation Examples
在下面的示例中,我们将使用 rand_zipfian 函数从近似 Zipfian 分布中抽取随机样本 -
In the example below, we will be using the function rand_zipfian for drawing random samples from an approximately Zipfian distribution −
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import nd
trueclass = mx.nd.array([2])
samples, exp_count_true, exp_count_sample = mx.nd.contrib.rand_zipfian(trueclass, 3, 4)
您将看到以下输出 −
You will see the following output −
[0 0 1]
<NDArray 3 @cpu(0)>
The output is given below:
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>
This produces the following output:
[1.29202967 1.29202967 0.75578891]
<NDArray 3 @cpu(0)>
在下面的示例中,我们将使用 while_loop 函数运行一个 while 循环,用于用户定义的计算和循环条件:
In the example below, we will be using the function while_loop for running a while loop for user-defined computation and loop condition:
cond = lambda i, s: i <= 7
func = lambda i, s: ([i + s], [i + 1, s + i])
loop_var = (mx.nd.array([0], dtype="int64"), mx.nd.array([1], dtype="int64"))
outputs, states = mx.nd.contrib.while_loop(cond, func, loop_vars, max_iterations=10)
The output is shown below −
[[ 1]
[ 2]
[ 4]
[ 7]
[ 11]
[ 16]
[ 22]
[ 29]
[ 257]]
<NDArray 10x1 @cpu(0)>]
This produces the following output −
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>,
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>]
Image NDArray API 在 ndarray.image 包中进行定义。正如名称所示,它通常用于图像及其特征。
The Image NDArray API is defined in the ndarray.image package. As name implies, it typically used for images and their features.
Functions and their parameters
以下是一些 mxnet.ndarray.image API 涵盖的重要函数及其参数 -
Following are some of the important functions & their parameters covered by mxnet.ndarray.image API−
Function & its Parameters |
Definition |
adjust_lighting([data, alpha, out, name]) |
As name implies, this function adjusts the lighting level of the input. It follows the AlexNet style. |
crop([data, x, y, width, height, out, name]) |
With the help of this function, we can crop an image NDArray of shape (H x W x C) or (N x H x W x C) to the size given by user. |
normalize([data, mean, std, out, name]) |
It will normalise a tensor of shape (C x H x W) or (N x C x H x W) with mean and standard deviation(SD). |
random_crop([data, xrange, yrange, width, …]) |
Similar to crop(), it randomly crop an image NDArray of shape (H x W x C) or (N x H x W x C) to the size given by the user. It will upsample the result if src is smaller than the size. |
random_lighting([data, alpha_std, out, name]) |
As name implies, this function adds the PCA noise randomly. It also follows the AlexNet style. |
random_resized_crop([data, xrange, yrange, …]) |
It also crops an image randomly NDArray of shape (H x W x C) or (N x H x W x C) to the given size. It will upsample the result, if src is smaller than the size. It will randomise the area and aspect ration as well. |
resize([data, size, keep_ratio, interp, …]) |
As name implies, this function will resize an image NDArray of shape (H x W x C) or (N x H x W x C) to the size given by user. |
to_tensor([data, out, name]) |
It converts an image NDArray of shape (H x W x C) or (N x H x W x C) with the values in the range [0, 255] to a tensor NDArray of shape (C x H x W) or (N x C x H x W) with the values in the range [0, 1]. |
Implementation Examples
在下面的示例中,我们将使用 to_tensor 函数将值在 [0, 255] 范围内的形状为 (H x W x C) 或 (N x H x W x C) 的图像 NDArray 转换为值在 [0, 1] 范围内的形状为 (C x H x W) 或 (N x C x H x W) 的张量 NDArray。
In the example below, we will be using the function to_tensor to convert image NDArray of shape (H x W x C) or (N x H x W x C) with the values in the range [0, 255] to a tensor NDArray of shape (C x H x W) or (N x C x H x W) with the values in the range [0, 1].
import numpy as np
img = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 255, (4, 2, 3)).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
您将看到以下输出 −
You will see the following output −
[[[0.972549 0.5058824 ]
[0.6039216 0.01960784]
[0.28235295 0.35686275]
[0.11764706 0.8784314 ]]
[[0.8745098 0.9764706 ]
[0.4509804 0.03529412]
[0.9764706 0.29411766]
[0.6862745 0.4117647 ]]
[[0.46666667 0.05490196]
[0.7372549 0.4392157 ]
[0.11764706 0.47843137]
[0.31764707 0.91764706]]]
<NDArray 3x4x2 @cpu(0)>
img = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 255, (2, 4, 2, 3)).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
运行代码后,你将看到以下输出 −
When you run the code, you will see the following output −
[[[[0.0627451 0.5647059 ]
[0.2627451 0.9137255 ]
[0.57254905 0.27450982]
[0.6666667 0.64705884]]
[[0.21568628 0.5647059 ]
[0.5058824 0.09019608]
[0.08235294 0.31764707]
[0.8392157 0.7137255 ]]
[[0.6901961 0.8627451 ]
[0.52156866 0.91764706]
[0.9254902 0.00784314]
[0.12941177 0.8392157 ]]]
[[[0.28627452 0.39607844]
[0.01960784 0.36862746]
[0.6745098 0.7019608 ]
[0.9607843 0.7529412 ]]
[[0.2627451 0.58431375]
[0.16470589 0.00392157]
[0.5686275 0.73333335]
[0.43137255 0.57254905]]
[[0.18039216 0.54901963]
[0.827451 0.14509805]
[0.26666668 0.28627452]
[0.24705882 0.39607844]]]]
<NDArgt;ray 2x3x4x2 @cpu(0)>
在下面的示例中,我们将使用函数 normalize 使用 mean 和 standard deviation(SD) 标准化形状为 (C x H x W) 或 (N x C x H x W) 的张量。
In the example below, we will be using the function normalize to normalise a tensor of shape (C x H x W) or (N x C x H x W) with mean and standard deviation(SD).
img = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 1, (3, 4, 2))
mx.nd.image.normalize(img, mean=(0, 1, 2), std=(3, 2, 1))
This produces the following output −
[[[ 0.29391178 0.3218054 ]
[ 0.23084386 0.19615503]
[ 0.24175143 0.21988946]
[ 0.16710812 0.1777354 ]]
[[-0.02195817 -0.3847335 ]
[-0.17800489 -0.30256534]
[-0.28807247 -0.19059572]
[-0.19680339 -0.26256624]]
[[-1.9808068 -1.5298678 ]
[-1.6984252 -1.2839255 ]
[-1.3398265 -1.712009 ]
[-1.7099224 -1.6165378 ]]]
<NDArray 3x4x2 @cpu(0)>
img = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 1, (2, 3, 4, 2))
mx.nd.image.normalize(img, mean=(0, 1, 2), std=(3, 2, 1))
执行以上代码时,应该看到以下输出 −
When you execute the above code, you should see the following output −
[[[[ 2.0600514e-01 2.4972327e-01]
[ 1.4292289e-01 2.9281738e-01]
[ 4.5158025e-02 3.4287784e-02]
[ 9.9427439e-02 3.0791296e-02]]
[[-2.1501756e-01 -3.2297665e-01]
[-2.0456362e-01 -2.2409186e-01]
[-2.1283737e-01 -4.8318747e-01]
[-1.7339960e-01 -1.5519112e-02]]
[[-1.3478968e+00 -1.6790028e+00]
[-1.5685816e+00 -1.7787373e+00]
[-1.1034534e+00 -1.8587360e+00]
[-1.6324382e+00 -1.9027401e+00]]]
[[[ 1.4528830e-01 3.2801408e-01]
[ 2.9730779e-01 8.6780310e-02]
[ 2.6873133e-01 1.7900752e-01]
[ 2.3462953e-01 1.4930873e-01]]
[[-4.4988656e-01 -4.5021546e-01]
[-4.0258706e-02 -3.2384416e-01]
[-1.4287934e-01 -2.6537544e-01]
[-5.7649612e-04 -7.9429924e-02]]
[[-1.8505517e+00 -1.0953522e+00]
[-1.1318740e+00 -1.9624406e+00]
[-1.8375070e+00 -1.4916846e+00]
[-1.3844404e+00 -1.8331525e+00]]]]
<NDArray 2x3x4x2 @cpu(0)>
Random NDArray API 在 ndarray.random 包中定义。顾名思义,它是 MXNet 的随机分布生成器 NDArray API。
The Random NDArray API is defined in the ndarray.random package. As name implies, it is random distribution generator NDArray API of MXNet.
Functions and their parameters
以下是 mxnet.ndarray.random API 涵盖的一些重要函数及其参数 −
Following are some of the important functions and their parameters covered by mxnet.ndarray.random API −
Function and its Parameters |
Definition |
uniform([low, high, shape, dtype, ctx, out]) |
It generates random samples from a uniform distribution. |
normal([loc, scale, shape, dtype, ctx, out]) |
It generates random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution. |
randn(*shape, **kwargs) |
It generates random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution. |
exponential([scale, shape, dtype, ctx, out]) |
It generates samples from an exponential distribution. |
gamma([alpha, beta, shape, dtype, ctx, out]) |
It generates random samples from a gamma distribution. |
multinomial(data[, shape, get_prob, out, dtype]) |
It generates concurrent sampling from multiple multinomial distributions. |
negative_binomial([k, p, shape, dtype, ctx, out]) |
It generates random samples from a negative binomial distribution. |
generalized_negative_binomial([mu, alpha, …]) |
It generates random samples from a generalised negative binomial distribution. |
shuffle(data, **kwargs) |
It shuffles the elements randomly. |
randint(low, high[, shape, dtype, ctx, out]) |
It generates random samples from a discrete uniform distribution. |
exponential_like([data, lam, out, name]) |
It generates random samples from an exponential distribution according to the input array shape. |
gamma_like([data, alpha, beta, out, name]) |
It generates random samples from a gamma distribution according to the input array shape. |
generalized_negative_binomial_like([data, …]) |
It generates random samples from a generalised negative binomial distribution, according to the input array shape. |
negative_binomial_like([data, k, p, out, name]) |
It generates random samples from a negative binomial distribution, according to the input array shape. |
normal_like([data, loc, scale, out, name]) |
It generates random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution, according to the input array shape. |
poisson_like([data, lam, out, name]) |
It generates random samples from a Poisson distribution, according to the input array shape. |
uniform_like([data, low, high, out, name]) |
It generates random samples from a uniform distribution,according to the input array shape. |
Implementation Examples
在以下示例中,我们将从均匀分布中绘制随机样本。这将使用函数 uniform() 。
In the example below, we are going to draw random samples from a uniform distribution. For this will be using the function uniform().
mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 1)
The output is mentioned below −
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>
mx.nd.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape=(2,))
输出如下 −
The output is given below −
[0.558102 0.69601643]
<NDArray 2 @cpu(0)>
low = mx.nd.array([1,2,3])
high = mx.nd.array([2,3,4])
mx.nd.random.uniform(low, high, shape=2)
您将看到以下输出 −
You will see the following output −
[[1.8649333 1.8073189]
[2.4113967 2.5691009]
[3.1399727 3.4071832]]
<NDArray 3x2 @cpu(0)>
在以下示例中,我们将从广义负二项分布中绘制随机样本。为此,我们将使用函数 generalized_negative_binomial() 。
In the example below, we are going to draw random samples from a generalized negative binomial distribution. For this, we will be using the function generalized_negative_binomial().
mx.nd.random.generalized_negative_binomial(10, 0.5)
执行以上代码时,应该看到以下输出 −
When you execute the above code, you should see the following output −
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>
mx.nd.random.generalized_negative_binomial(10, 0.5, shape=(2,))
输出与此一同给出 −
The output is given herewith −
[16. 23.]
<NDArray 2 @cpu(0)>
mu = mx.nd.array([1,2,3])
alpha = mx.nd.array([0.2,0.4,0.6])
mx.nd.random.generalized_negative_binomial(mu, alpha, shape=2)
以下是代码的输出 −
Given below is the output of the code −
[[0. 0.]
[4. 1.]
[9. 3.]]
<NDArray 3x2 @cpu(0)>
实用 NDArray API 在 ndarray.utils 包中定义。顾名思义,它为 NDArray 和 BaseSparseNDArray 提供实用函数。
The utility NDArray API is defined in the ndarray.utils package. As name implies, it provides the utility functions for NDArray and BaseSparseNDArray.
Functions and their parameters
以下是由 mxnet.ndarray.utils API 涵盖的部分重要函数及其参数 -
Following are some of the important functions and their parameters covered by mxnet.ndarray.utils API −
Function and its Parameters |
Definition |
zeros(shape[, ctx, dtype, stype]) |
This function will return a new array of given shape and type, filled with zeros. |
empty(shape[, ctx, dtype, stype]) |
It will returns a new array of given shape and type, without initialising entries. |
array(source_array[, ctx, dtype]) |
As name implies, this function will create an array from any object exposing the array interface. |
load(fname) |
It will load an array from file. |
load_frombuffer(buf) |
As name implies, this function will load an array dictionary or list from a buffer |
save(fname, data) |
This function will save a list of arrays or a dict of str→array to file. |
Implementation Examples
在下面的例子中,我们将返回一个以零填充的新数组,该数组具有给定的形状和类型。为此,我们将使用函数 [s0]。
In the example below, we are going to return a new array of given shape and type, filled with zeros. For this, we will be using the function zeros().
mx.nd.zeros((1,2), mx.cpu(), stype='csr')
This produces the following output −
<CSRNDArray 1x2 @cpu(0)>
mx.nd.zeros((1,2), mx.cpu(), 'float16', stype='row_sparse').asnumpy()
您将收到以下输出 −
You will receive the following output −
array([[0., 0.]], dtype=float16)
在下面的例子中,我们将保存一个数组列表和一个字符串词典。为此,我们将使用函数 [s1]。
In the example below, we are going to save a list of arrays and a dictionary of strings. For this, we will be using the function save().
x = mx.nd.zeros((2,3))
y = mx.nd.ones((1,4))
mx.nd.save('list', [x,y])
mx.nd.save('dict', {'x':x, 'y':y})
Upon execution, you will receive the following output −
[[0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0.]]
<NDArray 2x3 @cpu(0)>,
[[1. 1. 1. 1.]]
<NDArray 1x4 @cpu(0)>]
The output is shown below −
[[0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0.]]
<NDArray 2x3 @cpu(0)>, 'y':
[[1. 1. 1. 1.]]
<NDArray 1x4 @cpu(0)>}