Apache Nifi 简明教程

Apache NiFi - Process Groups

在 Apache NiFi 中,用户可以在不同的流程组中维护不同的数据流。这些组可以基于不同的项目或 Apache NiFi 实例支持的组织。

In Apache NiFi, a user can maintain different data flows in different process groups. These groups can be based on different projects or the organizations, which Apache NiFi instance supports.

process group

NiFi 用户界面顶部的菜单中的第四个符号(如上图所示)用于在 NiFi 画布中添加一个流程组。名为“Tutorialspoint.com_ProcessGroup”的流程组包含一个数据流,其中四个处理器当前处于停止阶段,如您在上图中看到的那样。可以分层方式创建流程组,以更好地组织管理流程数据,以便于理解。

The fourth symbol in the menu at the top of the NiFi UI as shown in the above picture is used to add a process group in the NiFi canvas. The process group named “Tutorialspoint.com_ProcessGroup” contains a data flow with four processors currently in stop stage as you can see in the above picture. Process groups can be created in hierarchical manner to manage the data flows in better structure, which is easy to understand.

data flow

在 NiFi UI 的页脚中,您可以查看流程组,还可以返回到用户当前所在的流程组的顶部。

In the footer of NiFi UI, you can see the process groups and can go back to the top of the process group a user is currently present in.

要查看 NiFi 中存在的流程组的完整列表,用户可以使用 NiFi UI 左上方的菜单转到摘要。在摘要中,有一个流程组选项卡,其中列出了所有流程组以及版本状态、已传输/大小、输入/大小、读取/写入、输出/大小等参数,如下图所示。

To see the full list of process groups present in NiFi, a user can go to the summary by using the menu present in the left top side of the NiFi UI. In summary, there is process groups tab where all the process groups are listed with parameters like Version State, Transferred/Size, In/Size, Read/Write, Out/Size, etc. as shown in the below picture.

nifi summary