Apache Poi 简明教程

Apache POI Tutorial

本教程提供了对 Apache POI 库及其功能的基本了解。

This tutorial provides a basic understanding of Apache POI library and its features.


本教程专为致力于 Java 的所有热心读者设计,尤其是那些希望使用 Java 创建、读取、写入和修改 Excel 文件的人员。

This tutorial is designed for all enthusiastic readers working on Java and especially those who want to create, read, write, and modify Excel files using Java.


了解 Java 编程的基本知识(使用 JDK1.5 或更高版本)和 Java 中的 IO 概念是了解本教程的唯一先决条件。

A general awareness of Java programming with JDK1.5 or later versions and IO concepts in Java are the only prerequisites to understand this tutorial.